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Newtown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 189
objects of the expedition have been clearly set forth in the proclamation of General Dix. See page 367, Docs., ante. The troops composing the expedition were transported from Baltimore, Md., to the scene of action in steamers. They landed at Newtown, in Somerset County,Md., and marched through to Horntown. Here great numbers of the proclamation of General Dix were scattered among the people, and were taken by them into the interior. Wherever the proclamation was read to the people, they e Coffin, Lieutenant commanding, arrived in port about ten o'clock yesterday, from a cruise in Pocomoke Bay and Tangier's Sound, and brings information from the eastern shore of Virginia up to Monday night. Brigadier-General Lockwood was still at Newtown, with five thousand men, and also had one thousand men at Snowhill. He designed marching to Drummondtown and establishing there his Headquarters. The place was held by a squadron of cavalry, and the national flag was waving over it. The grea
Cape Charles (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 189
ville, and the other villages are Hadlock and Franktown in the north, Bridgetown at the head of navigation at H/un>unger Creek on the west, and Capeville, near Cape Charles, on the south. The county seat of Accomac is Drummondtown, and the other villages are Horntown, near the mouth of Pocomoke River, on the north; Assawoman and at Watts' Island, Chesapeake Bay, at the entrance of Pocomoke Sound; one at the entrance of Pungoteague Creek; one at the entrance of Occohannack Creek; one at Cape Charles; one on Smith's Island, east of Cape Charles; one on Hog Island, east of Eastville, and one on Piney Island, southeast of Horntown. The objects of the expedCape Charles; one on Hog Island, east of Eastville, and one on Piney Island, southeast of Horntown. The objects of the expedition have been clearly set forth in the proclamation of General Dix. See page 367, Docs., ante. The troops composing the expedition were transported from Baltimore, Md., to the scene of action in steamers. They landed at Newtown, in Somerset County,Md., and marched through to Horntown. Here great numbers of the proclamation
Federal Hill (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 189
n other districts of country when we go into them with a like preponderance of force, and that the deep-seated feeling of attachment and devotion to the Union which lives in the hearts of a majority of the Southern people, will break out into open expressions when they feel that they are to be protected and sustained. Another letter, dated on Sunday, says: This morning a forward movement into Virginia took place--first an advance of cavalry, next the Fifth New York, (Zouaves from Federal Hill,) followed by the Wisconsin Fourth, five companies of the Twenty-first Indiana, five or six companies of the Sixth Michigan, Nimms' Boston artillery, and an independent cavalry company of Pennsylvania. It was a glorious and most imposing sight to see, as they wound around our camp and entered a wood about a quarter of a mile distant. We have here, beside the Purnel Legion, a portion of the Sixth Michigan, the Seventeenth Massachusetts, and some companies of the Second Delaware regiment.
Onancock (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 189
which three are Episcopal, two Presbyterian, one Catholic, two Baptist, and five Methodist. The county seat is Eastville, and the other villages are Hadlock and Franktown in the north, Bridgetown at the head of navigation at H/un>unger Creek on the west, and Capeville, near Cape Charles, on the south. The county seat of Accomac is Drummondtown, and the other villages are Horntown, near the mouth of Pocomoke River, on the north; Assawoman and Modesttown, near Assawoman Inlet, on the east; Onancock and Pungoteague on the west, and Turkey's Pen at the south. Before the war broke out the following lighthouses existed on the coast of these two counties, all of which have been dismantled by the rebels:--One at Watts' Island, Chesapeake Bay, at the entrance of Pocomoke Sound; one at the entrance of Pungoteague Creek; one at the entrance of Occohannack Creek; one at Cape Charles; one on Smith's Island, east of Cape Charles; one on Hog Island, east of Eastville, and one on Piney Island, sou
Northampton County (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 189
which four are Episcopal, one Catholic, two Presbyterian, six Baptist, one Universalist, and seventeen Methodist. Northampton County, the more southern of the two, is a narrow peninsula, containing only ninety-four thousand acres of land, of which cation took place between the rebel sympathizers in Baltimore and the rebels in Yorktown, by means of the people of Northampton County. Letters and newspapers were regularly sent and received every day, and thus the rebel leaders were kept fully poste annual production of wheat, corn, oats and rye being proportioned to the latter. There are thirteen churches in Northampton County, of which three are Episcopal, two Presbyterian, one Catholic, two Baptist, and five Methodist. The county seat ising, and received the proclamation of Maj.-Gen. Dix with delight. In a few days General Lockwood would move into Northampton County, with a force sufficient to overcome any opposition from the secessionists, who would be obliged to succumb. Lie
Bridgetown (Canada) (search for this): chapter 189
publication, and the Baltimore papers on the day after their publication. The agricultural productions of Northampton are similar to those of Accomac County, the aggregate annual production of wheat, corn, oats and rye being proportioned to the latter. There are thirteen churches in Northampton County, of which three are Episcopal, two Presbyterian, one Catholic, two Baptist, and five Methodist. The county seat is Eastville, and the other villages are Hadlock and Franktown in the north, Bridgetown at the head of navigation at H/un>unger Creek on the west, and Capeville, near Cape Charles, on the south. The county seat of Accomac is Drummondtown, and the other villages are Horntown, near the mouth of Pocomoke River, on the north; Assawoman and Modesttown, near Assawoman Inlet, on the east; Onancock and Pungoteague on the west, and Turkey's Pen at the south. Before the war broke out the following lighthouses existed on the coast of these two counties, all of which have been dismantl
Horntown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 189
vigation at H/un>unger Creek on the west, and Capeville, near Cape Charles, on the south. The county seat of Accomac is Drummondtown, and the other villages are Horntown, near the mouth of Pocomoke River, on the north; Assawoman and Modesttown, near Assawoman Inlet, on the east; Onancock and Pungoteague on the west, and Turkey's Occohannack Creek; one at Cape Charles; one on Smith's Island, east of Cape Charles; one on Hog Island, east of Eastville, and one on Piney Island, southeast of Horntown. The objects of the expedition have been clearly set forth in the proclamation of General Dix. See page 367, Docs., ante. The troops composing the expedition were transported from Baltimore, Md., to the scene of action in steamers. They landed at Newtown, in Somerset County,Md., and marched through to Horntown. Here great numbers of the proclamation of General Dix were scattered among the people, and were taken by them into the interior. Wherever the proclamation was read to the
Northampton County (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 189
Doc. 179. expedition to Eastern Virginia, by the forces under General Dix. The following is an account of the expedition as given by the correspondent of New York Herald: Baltimore, November 21, 1861. Geographically, the counties of Accomac and Northampton,Va., constitute a part of Maryland, from which, indeed, they are separated only by an imaginary line, beginning at the mouth of Pocomoke River, and running in a northeast direction across the thirty-eighth degree of north latitude. Accomac County, the more northern of the two, is also far the larger, containing two hundred and twenty-four thousand acres of land, of which one hundred and fifty thousand are improved and under cultivation. The population of the county is about twenty-five thousand, of whom five thousand are slaves. Many of the people are engaged in the fisheries, in attending to oyster beds, &c.; and quite a number of the young men have been for many years sailors in the United States Navy. Most of t
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 189
t Drummondtown, the county seat of Accomac, on a pole which bore the rebel flag the day before. The people of the county had submitted to the authority of the United States, and declared their intention to do so in advance of the arrival of the troops. A flag of truce was sent by General Lockwood to Drummondtown on Saturday. On have here, beside the Purnel Legion, a portion of the Sixth Michigan, the Seventeenth Massachusetts, and some companies of the Second Delaware regiment. The United States revenue gunboat Hercules, Rufus Coffin, Lieutenant commanding, arrived in port about ten o'clock yesterday, from a cruise in Pocomoke Bay and Tangier's Sound, d be impressed into the rebel service, all but thirty had left. These gladly received the proclamation of General Dix, and were promised the protection of the United States. The Hercules and Tiger will return to those waters as soon as they can recoal, and with the Reliance, Captain McGowan, will cruise along the Virginia shore i
Chesapeake Bay (United States) (search for this): chapter 189
eek on the west, and Capeville, near Cape Charles, on the south. The county seat of Accomac is Drummondtown, and the other villages are Horntown, near the mouth of Pocomoke River, on the north; Assawoman and Modesttown, near Assawoman Inlet, on the east; Onancock and Pungoteague on the west, and Turkey's Pen at the south. Before the war broke out the following lighthouses existed on the coast of these two counties, all of which have been dismantled by the rebels:--One at Watts' Island, Chesapeake Bay, at the entrance of Pocomoke Sound; one at the entrance of Pungoteague Creek; one at the entrance of Occohannack Creek; one at Cape Charles; one on Smith's Island, east of Cape Charles; one on Hog Island, east of Eastville, and one on Piney Island, southeast of Horntown. The objects of the expedition have been clearly set forth in the proclamation of General Dix. See page 367, Docs., ante. The troops composing the expedition were transported from Baltimore, Md., to the scene of act
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