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nt ashore, and were greeted with the most enthusiastic demonstrations by the inhabitants. About half-past 9, two light boats went off to the brig, along with Capt. Coxetter and other officers. The starboard guns were thrown overboard to lighten the vessel, in order to clear her decks of water, and save as much as possible of the decoy some of the vessels from the shore. The prisoners were also treated very kindly and supplied with every thing comfortable. Before our informant left, Capt. Coxetter had again returned to the wreck and succeeded in saving an additional amount of provisions and some of the sails. Every effort was made by Capt. Coxetter to Capt. Coxetter to secure as much as possible for the stockholders. The brig is a total loss. But a small piece of her bow was remaining on Thursday morning, when our informant left, and it was then thought that she would go to pieces before daylight. The crew of the privateer left there for this city on Monday last, but lost the connecting boat