on, school-ship, D. 40; escape of, D. 48
Contraband of war, constitution and constipation, P. 68
Contraband negroes, D. 80; General Ashley's account of, P. 110; General Butler's letter to General Scott on, Doc. 313; Secretary Cameron to Gen. Butler on, Doc. 314
Conway, William, seaman, loyalty of, approved by the Navy Department, D. 43
Cooke, Erastus, D. 32
Cooley, T. M., P. 73
Coombs, Leslie, letter of, P. 81
Cooper, S., Adj.-Gen. U. S.A., D. 18
Copland, Mary, verses by, P. 36
Corcoran, Michael, Colonel 69th Regt., N. Y. S., D. 53; captures secessionists, D. 95 69th Regt., N. Y. S. M., Doc. 142; lines addressed to, P. 34
Cornwell, H. S., verses by, P. 123
Corwin, Moses H., D. 36
Corwin, Thomas, his amendment to the Constitution, D. 18; Doc. 36
Coste, N. L., Capt., surrenders the cutter Aiken, D. 7
Cotton, the culture of, introduced under protection, Int. 29; how it should be sold, D. 76; the exportation of, p