Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Index, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for S. A. Douglas or search for S. A. Douglas in all documents.

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r, seized, D. 10 Donald, Colonel, of Miss., a homespun party at the house of, P. 25 Donelson, Andrew Jackson, P. 138 Dorchester, Mass., liberality of, D. 58 Dorr, J. C. R., P. 5 Doubleday, —, his battery, D. 92 Douglas, S. A., his opinion of the right of secession, P. 41; his remarks on the position of General Scott, Doc. 121; speech at Chicago, Ill., Doc. 298; speech before the Illinois Legislature, D. 45; death of, D. 91; dying words of P. 110 Dover, Delawnot authorized by State sovereignty, Int. 15; as a revolution, Int. 22; why the North should not recognize, Int. 37; establishes a foreign power on the continent, Int. 38; cost of Territories claimed by, Int. 39; Mississippi version of, D. 3; S. A. Douglas's opinion of, P. 41; ordinances, of Alabama, Doc. 19; of Georgia, Doc. 21; of Arkansas, Doc. 259; of Louisiana, Doc. 26; of Texas, Doc. 27; of North Carolina, Doc. 268; of South Carolina, Doc. 2; of Virginia, Doc. 70 Secession song, Dix