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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Index, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore) 14 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Index, Volume 1. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Robert S. Scott or search for Robert S. Scott in all documents.

Your search returned 7 results in 1 document section:

reat Bethel, Doc. 356; letter to Gov. Andrew, Doc. 257; letter to Gen. Scott on Contrabands, Doc. 313; his Union sentiments in Jan., P. 9; theGeneral Ashley's account of, P. 110; General Butler's letter to General Scott on, Doc. 313; Secretary Cameron to Gen. Butler on, Doc. 314 f the right of secession, P. 41; his remarks on the position of General Scott, Doc. 121; speech at Chicago, Ill., Doc. 298; speech before thet, D. 26; war feeling in, D. 34; citizens of, address a letter to Gen. Scott, D. 52; to be burned, D. 55; Buena Vista volunteers of, D. 57; Co—, Judge, of Virginia, offers the command of the Southern army to Gen. Scott, P. 41 Robinson, William, D. 6 Rochester, N. Y., abolit First Regiment of, left New York, D. 92; notice of, Doc. 337 Scott and the Veteran, a poem, P. 102 Scott, Robert S., offered a pScott, Robert S., offered a place in Lincoln's Cabinet, P. 9 Scott, T. Parkin, D. 29 Scott, Winfield, General, notices of, D. 9, 14, 22; preparing to meet secess