Thappman, William, escapes to Europe, D. 101
Treason, what it is in South Carolina, D. 9; defined by Judge Ogden, D. 60
Trenton, N. J., Union resolutions of, D. 15
Trescott, —, his diplomatic history, Int. 13
Trimble, —, Gen., of Baltimore, his clearance papers, P. 80
Trimble, J. R., Colonel, Doc. 134
Trinity Church, N. Y., American flag displayed from, D. 33
Tripp, —, Capt., D. 30
Troy, N. Y., Union meeting at, D. 27
Tucker, —, AttorneyTrimble, J. R., Colonel, Doc. 134
Trinity Church, N. Y., American flag displayed from, D. 33
Tripp, —, Capt., D. 30
Troy, N. Y., Union meeting at, D. 27
Tucker, —, Attorney-Gen., D. 14
Tucker, St. George, of Va., his Dissertation on Slavery, Int. 33
Twiggs, David E., Gen., surrenders U. S. property in Texas, D. 17; expelled from U. S. service, D. 18; his treachery approved, D. 22; a favorite of Buchanan, P. 24; in command of Louisiana dept.
D. 86; appointed Major-General in the Confederate army, D. 90; notice of, D. 95; amount of property lost by the treason of, Doc. 35; his letter to Buchanan, P. 131
Tyler, B. O., Captain, U. S. A., D. 83 ---