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Found 8 total hits in 4 results.

Halifax (Canada) (search for this): chapter 247
The Halifax (N. S.) Colonist published the following veracious report: A rumor was current yesterday, said to have been set afloat by some of the passengers by the Asia, that Gen. Scott was the bearer of despatches from the Washington Government to the Emperor of the French, asking his aid in the suppression of the rebellion, and as a quid pro quo for his services, offering him the aid of the Federal Government in an attempt to invade Canada. Napoleon, on receiving the despatches, and learning their contents, immediately sent them to the British government. We give the rumor as we heard it, merely remarking, that there may be more in it than appears at first sight.
Canada (Canada) (search for this): chapter 247
The Halifax (N. S.) Colonist published the following veracious report: A rumor was current yesterday, said to have been set afloat by some of the passengers by the Asia, that Gen. Scott was the bearer of despatches from the Washington Government to the Emperor of the French, asking his aid in the suppression of the rebellion, and as a quid pro quo for his services, offering him the aid of the Federal Government in an attempt to invade Canada. Napoleon, on receiving the despatches, and learning their contents, immediately sent them to the British government. We give the rumor as we heard it, merely remarking, that there may be more in it than appears at first sight.
William Scott (search for this): chapter 247
The Halifax (N. S.) Colonist published the following veracious report: A rumor was current yesterday, said to have been set afloat by some of the passengers by the Asia, that Gen. Scott was the bearer of despatches from the Washington Government to the Emperor of the French, asking his aid in the suppression of the rebellion, and as a quid pro quo for his services, offering him the aid of the Federal Government in an attempt to invade Canada. Napoleon, on receiving the despatches, and learning their contents, immediately sent them to the British government. We give the rumor as we heard it, merely remarking, that there may be more in it than appears at first sight.
The Halifax (N. S.) Colonist published the following veracious report: A rumor was current yesterday, said to have been set afloat by some of the passengers by the Asia, that Gen. Scott was the bearer of despatches from the Washington Government to the Emperor of the French, asking his aid in the suppression of the rebellion, and as a quid pro quo for his services, offering him the aid of the Federal Government in an attempt to invade Canada. Napoleon, on receiving the despatches, and learning their contents, immediately sent them to the British government. We give the rumor as we heard it, merely remarking, that there may be more in it than appears at first sight.