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Ship Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
ll show, except, perhaps, that it is the most desirable camping ground I have yet seen in Virginia. My license as a correspondent instructs me that the only restriction in the description of battles and engagements, will be upon such information as may indicate the strength of troops held in reserve, or the future movements of our armies. So I shall not be hanged for saying that Gen. Franklin's division — the best, in several important particulars, to be found in the army — had been at Ship Point quite a long time, when, on Sunday last, the rebel army evaporated, waiting, apparently, for something to turn up — for something pretty important, too, it should seem, from the commotion which was caused in the Cabinet when the President interfered to say that Gen. McClellan must have his way; that Franklin's division must go with the army of the Potomac. The division was quite ready for a move when the order was received at inspection on Sunday last. On Tuesday its infantry was lande<
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
s no foe. About dusk a part of the division of Gen. Sedgwick, under the command of Gen. Dana, arrived in transports from Yorktown and remained in the centre of the river, while some of our light-draft gunboats took a trip up the rivers Pamunkey and Mintend halting them for a few hours until General McClellan can come up to carry them back to their deserted quarters at Yorktown. At the close of the action in the afternoon the Fifth Maine regiment won encomiums from all the staff for their bravht yesterday by us, and also of my wonderful and miraculous escapes throughout the day. General Franklin's division left Yorktown on Monday, and landed same night upon the south side of Pamunkey River, opposite West-Point, in presence of the pickets nd in line of battle all night. On the following morning (yesterday) it became evident that the retreating columns from Yorktown would attack our division here, with the hope of beating us off before the arrival of our reinforcements. At seven o'
A. F. Sawyer (search for this): chapter 9
--Capt. J. H. Boltis, Ninety--fifth Pennsylvania; Sergt. P. S. Devitt, Thirty-first New-York; Privates Patrick Kelly, Thirty-second New-York, Thomas Alterdys, Thirty-second New-York; E. B. Mulligan, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; J. A. Slocum, Thirty-second New-York; Pat Kildernay, Thirty-second New-York; M. O'Donnell, Thirty-second New-York; Oliver Wells, Sixteenth New-York; J. M. Smart, Thirty-second New-York; Richard Macnelly, Thirty-second New-York; John Stevens, First New-York artillery; A. F. Sawyer, Thirty-second New-York; C. Hagan, Thirty-second New--York; C. W. Smith, Thirty-second New-York; W. Robinson, George Cupping, Thirty-first New-York; James A. Day, Fifth Maine;----Etheridge, Thirty-second New-York; Jacob Walen, Thirty--first New-York; Lancert Parker, Fifth Maine; Freman Waymoth, Sixteenth New-York; F. Detra, Thirty-first New-York; A. Carlton, Thirty-second New-York; W. C. Sweeney, Thirty-second New-York; C. Gumrin, Thirty-second New-York; William Luisener, Thirty--second N
William Robinson (search for this): chapter 9
Kelly, Thirty-second New-York, Thomas Alterdys, Thirty-second New-York; E. B. Mulligan, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; J. A. Slocum, Thirty-second New-York; Pat Kildernay, Thirty-second New-York; M. O'Donnell, Thirty-second New-York; Oliver Wells, Sixteenth New-York; J. M. Smart, Thirty-second New-York; Richard Macnelly, Thirty-second New-York; John Stevens, First New-York artillery; A. F. Sawyer, Thirty-second New-York; C. Hagan, Thirty-second New--York; C. W. Smith, Thirty-second New-York; W. Robinson, George Cupping, Thirty-first New-York; James A. Day, Fifth Maine;----Etheridge, Thirty-second New-York; Jacob Walen, Thirty--first New-York; Lancert Parker, Fifth Maine; Freman Waymoth, Sixteenth New-York; F. Detra, Thirty-first New-York; A. Carlton, Thirty-second New-York; W. C. Sweeney, Thirty-second New-York; C. Gumrin, Thirty-second New-York; William Luisener, Thirty--second New-York; H. M. Helms, Sixteenth New-York; L. Parrin, Sixteenth New-York; C. Thockeray, Ninety-fifth Pennsylva
Minor Hicken (search for this): chapter 9
ine; Henry Bennett, Thirty--second New-York;----Hill, Thirty-second New--York; Capt. N. Martin Curtis, Sixteenth New--York; Privates Thomas Chilton, Sixteenth New-York; J. Mott Smith, Thirty-second New-York; Thos. S. Murismon, Thirty-second New-York; Wm. Steal, Thirty--second New-York; G. Wilson, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; John Wilson, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; Lieut. J. Twaddle, Thirty-second New--York; Privates Joseph Taulh, Thirty-first New-York; Charles Allen, Thirty-second New-York; Minor Hicken, Thirty-second New-York; Olmon Davis, Thirty-second New-York; Charles Chatteman, Thirty-second New-York; H. Choper, Thirty--second New-York; W. Humphries, Thirty-second New-York ; Sergt. E. Camp, Thirty--second New-York; Private John Hepstine, Thirty-first New-York. Another account. camp Newton, West-point, Va., May 8. I sit down under the shade of a tree to write some little account of the second Shiloh to which the rebels invited us. Precisely who was beaten at the first Shi
C. Thockeray (search for this): chapter 9
Thirty-second New-York; W. Robinson, George Cupping, Thirty-first New-York; James A. Day, Fifth Maine;----Etheridge, Thirty-second New-York; Jacob Walen, Thirty--first New-York; Lancert Parker, Fifth Maine; Freman Waymoth, Sixteenth New-York; F. Detra, Thirty-first New-York; A. Carlton, Thirty-second New-York; W. C. Sweeney, Thirty-second New-York; C. Gumrin, Thirty-second New-York; William Luisener, Thirty--second New-York; H. M. Helms, Sixteenth New-York; L. Parrin, Sixteenth New-York; C. Thockeray, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; L. Alpheus Mase, Fifth Maine; Henry Bennett, Thirty--second New-York;----Hill, Thirty-second New--York; Capt. N. Martin Curtis, Sixteenth New--York; Privates Thomas Chilton, Sixteenth New-York; J. Mott Smith, Thirty-second New-York; Thos. S. Murismon, Thirty-second New-York; Wm. Steal, Thirty--second New-York; G. Wilson, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; John Wilson, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; Lieut. J. Twaddle, Thirty-second New--York; Privates Joseph Taulh, Thirty-f
Joseph Hepstine (search for this): chapter 9
, Co. F, Thirty-first New-York, killed. William Linser, Co. F, Thirty-first New-York, (private,) killed. Lieut. Babcock, Co. D, Thirty-first New-York, mortally wounded. Minor Wiggins, (private,) severely wounded. Abraham Davis, (private,) Thirty--second New-York, ball through waist. E. Chasser, (private,) Co. G, Thirty-second New-York, wounded. Wm. Umphries, (private,) Co. H, Thirty-second New-York, flesh, wound. Edwin Comp, (private,) Co. I, Thirty-second New-York, flesh wound. Joseph Hepstine, (private,) Co. F, Thirty-first New-York, flesh wound. known to be dead.--Capt. Young, Co. D, Thirty-second New-York. Capt. S. H. Brown, Co. C, Thirty-second New-York. Lieut. Wallace, Co. C, Thirty-second New-York. Lieut. Pross, Co. F, Thirty-first New-York. Private Christian Hower, Co. B, Thirty-first New-York. Private William Linsener, Co. F, Thirty-first New-York. Private Philip Strells, Co. F, Thirty-first New-York. Private Henry Urimclaserman, Co. F, Thirty-first New-York. Priv
Thomas Chilton (search for this): chapter 9
ifth Maine; Freman Waymoth, Sixteenth New-York; F. Detra, Thirty-first New-York; A. Carlton, Thirty-second New-York; W. C. Sweeney, Thirty-second New-York; C. Gumrin, Thirty-second New-York; William Luisener, Thirty--second New-York; H. M. Helms, Sixteenth New-York; L. Parrin, Sixteenth New-York; C. Thockeray, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; L. Alpheus Mase, Fifth Maine; Henry Bennett, Thirty--second New-York;----Hill, Thirty-second New--York; Capt. N. Martin Curtis, Sixteenth New--York; Privates Thomas Chilton, Sixteenth New-York; J. Mott Smith, Thirty-second New-York; Thos. S. Murismon, Thirty-second New-York; Wm. Steal, Thirty--second New-York; G. Wilson, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; John Wilson, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; Lieut. J. Twaddle, Thirty-second New--York; Privates Joseph Taulh, Thirty-first New-York; Charles Allen, Thirty-second New-York; Minor Hicken, Thirty-second New-York; Olmon Davis, Thirty-second New-York; Charles Chatteman, Thirty-second New-York; H. Choper, Thirty--seco
and got out of sight in the woods. Everybody has done well, and the troops have acted nobly. They have been under arms all day thus far, and standing in the broiling sun without anything whatever to eat, except that which they may have had in their haversacks. I have yet to hear a word of complaint from any quarter. The idea of having an opportunity to have a fight with the rebels seems to have absorbed all their other faculties. More troops are constantly arriving, and just now Capt. Saunders's company of Massachusetts sharp-shooters pass by me on their road to the front. These are the men who are able to teach the rebels that two parties can lie concealed in the woods. The artillery has now ceased firing, and I hear nothing except the occasional discharge of a musket; it seems to be far off towards Williamsburgh. I think we have got into their rear, and if we have, we intend halting them for a few hours until General McClellan can come up to carry them back to their des
Charles Allen (search for this): chapter 9
ennsylvania; L. Alpheus Mase, Fifth Maine; Henry Bennett, Thirty--second New-York;----Hill, Thirty-second New--York; Capt. N. Martin Curtis, Sixteenth New--York; Privates Thomas Chilton, Sixteenth New-York; J. Mott Smith, Thirty-second New-York; Thos. S. Murismon, Thirty-second New-York; Wm. Steal, Thirty--second New-York; G. Wilson, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; John Wilson, Ninety-fifth Pennsylvania; Lieut. J. Twaddle, Thirty-second New--York; Privates Joseph Taulh, Thirty-first New-York; Charles Allen, Thirty-second New-York; Minor Hicken, Thirty-second New-York; Olmon Davis, Thirty-second New-York; Charles Chatteman, Thirty-second New-York; H. Choper, Thirty--second New-York; W. Humphries, Thirty-second New-York ; Sergt. E. Camp, Thirty--second New-York; Private John Hepstine, Thirty-first New-York. Another account. camp Newton, West-point, Va., May 8. I sit down under the shade of a tree to write some little account of the second Shiloh to which the rebels invited us. Pr
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