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Massac (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 132
the former, they left unburied. Among the confederate officers slain was Brigadier-General A. P. Thompson, a former resident of Paducah. The enemy remained about the city until three P. M., on Saturday, when they moved off in the direction of Columbus, where it was supposed the next fight would take place. Learning that that place was threatened, your correspondent hurried aboard the despatch-boat Volunteer, and returned to Cairo this morning. Another account. Brooklyn, Massac County, Illinois, near Paducah, Ky., March 29, 1864. Now that the sounds of battle have died away, and the smoke cleared off, and we can see the losses that have been sustained, the destruction that has been wrought, the repulses met with, and the victories gained, I will give some details of the recent attack and fight at Paducah. For a long time past, our town has been threatened with a rebel attack and raid; but we thought that they would hardly have the temerity to make one, knowing, as no
Paducah (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 132
Doc. 127.-battle at Paducah, Ky. Paducah, March 29, 1864. The smoke of the battle of Paduflicting versions of the recent fight at Paducah, Kentucky, published in the papers, that I have coed us that Forrest had made his appearance at Paducah at two P. M., with two thousand men, and had eral Veatch, embarked on several steamers for Paducah, hoping to catch Forrest before he could get cky side of the Ohio River, between Cairo and Paducah, and the crossing of skiffs from one side of -General A. P. Thompson, a former resident of Paducah. The enemy remained about the city until thrhen that they were on this side, advancing on Paducah; and then, on Friday last, that their advanceeither Columbus or Paducah, but most probably Paducah. In fact, his occupation of Mayfield indicatfifty prisoners. My loss at Union City and Paducah, as far as known, is twenty-five killed and wrs displayed in their attack upon the fort at Paducah, call for the highest admiration and praise o[26 more...]
Donelson (Indiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 132
s the highest praise for his gallant and heroic defence of the forts with a little handful of men — his whole force, including about two hundred and fifty colored soldiers, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel Richard Cunningham, amounting to not more than one thousand men in all, only half of whom fought at a time — and certainly deserves promotion to a brigadiership. Major W. L. Gibson, our Provost-Marshal, who had fought in the war with Mexico with great credit to himself, and who was at Donelson, Shiloh, and on other battle-fields, fought with his usual distinguished coolness, calmness, and bravery; and Colonel Cunningham, with brilliant daring and heroic courage; and the colored soldiers generally with the greatest enthusiasm and bravery, emulating the white soldiers and conducting themselves well all the time. One of the most mortifying things to Forrest, connected with his terrible defeat here, must be the reflection that his men were whipped in part by nigger soldiers, whom he
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 132
, and was considered the most flourishing little city below Louisville, it being the principal depot for that portion of Kentucky known as Jackson's purchase. Upon the breaking out of the rebellion, the secession mania took deep root in the minds of officers and troops of this division his congratulations upon the success which has thus far attended the campaign into Kentucky. The hardships you bore upon a march almost unprecedented, from Tibbie Station, Mississippi, to Paducah, in a week; theon and praise of your commander. At the very doors of their homes some of your comrades laid down their lives to rescue Kentucky from the iron heel of abolition despotism, and the rule of the negro. Among those whose faces are gone from us for everoud of the division, and relies upon your courage, your fortitude, and your discipline, to hold this portion of the State of Kentucky, aided as you will be by your friends now flocking to your ranks. C. A. Buford, Brigadier-General, P. A., C. S. Of
Dresden, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 132
der of Colonel Hicks, must be as much if not more. The enemy's loss in men cannot be accurately ascertained, but in killed and wounded will not fall short of one thousand. It is rumored that several citizens, who imprudently did not leave the city with the bulk of the inhabitants, were. killed or injured. Official rebel reports. Demopolis, April 2, 1864. To General S. Cooper: The following despatch from General Forrest has just been received. L. Polk, Lieutenant-General. Dresden, Tenn., March 27, Via Okolona, April 2, 1864. To Lieutenant-General Polk: I left Jackson on the twenty-third ultimo, and captured Union City on the twenty-fourth, with four hundred and fifty prisoners, among them the renegade, Hankins, and most of his regiment; about two hundred horses, and five hundred small-arms. I also took possession of Hickman, the enemy having passed it. I moved north with Buford's division, marching direct fiom Jackson to Paducah in fifty hours; attacked it on t
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 132
e of. Moving them all to the large wharf-boat of J. H. Fowler & Co., which was now freighted with probably a thousand frightened souls, and valuables of a public and private kind, he turned his eyes upon the confused mass of human beings, on boat and shore, that were crying for safety. In a moment he comprehended the responsibility and magnitude of the task. Assuming control of the vast crowd, with limited means of escape, forgetful of self, he seemed to be the instrument in the hands of Providence that saved us. Owens's ferry-boat, the Blue Bird, was ordered alongside the wharf-boat. A coal-barge, upon which your humble servant, with his family and many others, had taken refuge, was ordered to drop down and make fast to the ferry. Insufficiency of motive power was a fearful question. Meantime the Peosta poured her streams of fire over and around us, causing an awful tremor to seize our vitals. All now ready, Captain Finley ordered fastenings loosed, and heavily, like a huge le
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): chapter 132
arf in dread of the approaching conflict. Fortunately, means were at hand to transfer them to the opposite shore with despatch, and when the first attack was made, but few were remaining in the city. Knowing the great numerical superiority of the enemy, Colonel Hicks ordered his whole command to the Fort, and awaited his appearance. The gunboats, Paw-Paw and Peosta, which were anchored out in the river, weighed and moored toward the upper end of the wharf — the one to the mouth of the Tennessee, the other a little below. These boats have a light armament, and are known on the river as tin-clads, their plating being only sufficiently thick to resist the missiles of small arms, and perhaps grape-shot. Nearly all of the woods back of the city have been cleared away, either by the hand of improvement or from military necessity, and there is an almost unobstructed view for half a mile, and in some places much further. The ground intervening between the city and the timber is some
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 132
Albert G. Thompson, ( Bert Thompson, ) while leading on a charge, was killed by the explosion of a shell, within forty feet of the fort, and his body so badly mangled that it could not be carried off by the rebels, one arm not being found at all. Before the breaking out of the rebellion, he was a prominent lawyer of Paducah, and district-attorney, but joined the rebels here; and it is a singular coincidence that, after serving in the rebel army, being wounded at the battle of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and promoted to a Brigadier-General, he was killed in the very town where he began his military career. There has been great destruction of property by the rebels and the bombardment, upward of a hundred houses having been burned, embracing all the lower part of Front street, below Broadway, including the headquarters building, the new and large quartermaster's building on Broadway, hospital No. 1, the railroad depot and cars, half the square between Market-House square and Front stree
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 132
dred killed, and the usual proportion of wounded. Cairo advices from points passed on their retreat indicate well as in ruins. Chicago times account. Cairo, March 27, 1865. Last Friday night, information rre quickly used up. The Iatan was ordered to load at Cairo with provisions, and go to the relief of the garrisooats on the Kentucky side of the Ohio River, between Cairo and Paducah, and the crossing of skiffs from one sidicks had just sent over a supply which had come from Cairo, with instructions to give to the poor, but sell to aboard the despatch-boat Volunteer, and returned to Cairo this morning. Another account. Brooklyn, Mawe remained at our anchorage, instead of going on to Cairo, as we intended. Captain Shirk went down to Cairo oCairo on a steamboat, thinking that thing was one of the usual false alarms. But at about three o'clock in the afternvance. In the mean time assistance had arrived from Cairo, seventy miles below, and our men felt encouraged bu
Baton Rouge (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 132
personally well acquainted, and had been for several years before the rebellion, with the rebel General (formerly Colonel) Albert P. Thompson, who was killed while leading a charge on the Fort, within some forty yards of it. He was a prominent and popular lawyer of Paducah, and district-attorney, before the rebellion. When that broke out he joined the rebel army; and was promoted until he reached the rank of Colonel, when he received a severe wound in the neck at the rebel attack on Baton Rouge, Louisiana, from which he recovered. He was then promoted to the command (not rank, as I have been informed) of Brigadier-General in the rebel army, under Forrest He appeared to have been killed by a shell, which exploded as it struck him, and tore his body literally to pieces. It is a remarkable coincidence that he lost his life by war in the tragical manner he did, at the very place where he began his military career. Forrest is said to have been at the house of a prominent citizen here,
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