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Fernandina, Fla. (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 142
T. W. Higginson, and the Second regiment South-Carolina volunteers, Col. James Montgomery. The destination of the expedition was known to few on board, but it was generally understood that a base of operations was to be established, and measures adopted with a view of encouraging the negroes to flee from their masters, and accept the protection of the United States, and this was sufficient to fill the colored soldiers with carnestness and enthusiasm. On the seventh, the vessels reached Fernandina, where they were delayed for a day, until the plans of the commanders could be properly arranged, and on the morning of the ninth, they dropped anchor at the mouth of the St. John's River, under the guns of the naval steamers Uncas, Capt. Watson, and Norwich, Capt. Duncan. The sons of Mars and Neptune then consulted, and were not long in deciding to capture the town of Jacksonville, distant twenty miles up the river, which the fortunes of the war had twice before thrown into our hands, an
lone were to be driven out. After an explanation of this sort, many withdrew their applications. The Sixth Connecticut regiment, and Eighth Maine, to-day left Beaufort, to relieve the negro regiments at Jacksonville, and will hold that place while Colonel Higginson presses on further into the heart of the State. You have already been informed of the capture of a rebel naval officer named Beville, by his own men, who deserted while on picket-duty, and brought him off with them. Yesterday, a flag of truce was sent down from Savannah, with a package of clothing and one hundred dollars in gold, to meet Beville's necessities, and a draft for two hundred and fifty dollars more, upon Mr. Washington Durbrow, of Hanover street, New-York, made payable to him in Liverpool, was also forwarded for the same purpose. I understand that an effort will be made to exchange Beville for Lieut. Rush, the signal-officer who was captured by the rebels last week, from Spanish Wells Station. J. H. W.
Rufus Saxton (search for this): chapter 142
on, and many prisoners. There has been constant skirmishing going on for several days and in every action the negro troops have behaved with the utmost bravery. Never in a single instance can I learn that they have flinched. It is my belief that scarcely an incident in this war, has caused a greater panic throughout the whole Southern coast, than this raid of the colored troops in Florida. The negroes are collecting at Jacksonville from all quarters. I am, sir, with great respect, R. Saxton, Brigadier-General of Volunteers. New-York times account. Port Royal, Wednesday, March 18, 1863. In a late letter, I furnished a meagre account of an expedition of colored troops to Florida. A recent arrival from the scene of operations puts me in possession of details which are interesting, and promise important results. The troops left Beaufort on the sixth instant, in the United States transports Burnside, Boston, and John Adams, and consisted of the First regiment South
Doc. 132.-recapture of Jacksonville, Fla. Report of General Saxton. Beaufort, S. C., March 14, 1863. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: sir: I have the honor to report, that the expedition which I sent up the St. John's River, Fla., consisting of the First regiment of South-Carolina volunteers, Colonel T. W. Higginson commanding, and a portion of tile Second South-Carolina volunteers, under Col. Montgomery, captured and took possession of Jacksonville, on Tuesday, the tenth instant. As I stated in my last report to you, the object of this expedition was to occupy Jacksonville, and make it the base of operations for arming the negroes, and securing, in this way, possession of the entire State of Florida. It gives me pleasure to report, that so far the objects of the expedition have been fully accomplished. The town is completely in our possession, and many prisoners. There has been constant skirmishing going on for several days and in every action the negro
Henry Duncan (search for this): chapter 142
couraging the negroes to flee from their masters, and accept the protection of the United States, and this was sufficient to fill the colored soldiers with carnestness and enthusiasm. On the seventh, the vessels reached Fernandina, where they were delayed for a day, until the plans of the commanders could be properly arranged, and on the morning of the ninth, they dropped anchor at the mouth of the St. John's River, under the guns of the naval steamers Uncas, Capt. Watson, and Norwich, Capt. Duncan. The sons of Mars and Neptune then consulted, and were not long in deciding to capture the town of Jacksonville, distant twenty miles up the river, which the fortunes of the war had twice before thrown into our hands, and which we had twice abandoned to the enemy, as it was not worth the holding. A necessary delay, before attempting the object they had in view, afforded an opportunity for a detachment of a dozen of Colonel Montgomery's men to go ashore on a foraging excursion. They p
o flee from their masters, and accept the protection of the United States, and this was sufficient to fill the colored soldiers with carnestness and enthusiasm. On the seventh, the vessels reached Fernandina, where they were delayed for a day, until the plans of the commanders could be properly arranged, and on the morning of the ninth, they dropped anchor at the mouth of the St. John's River, under the guns of the naval steamers Uncas, Capt. Watson, and Norwich, Capt. Duncan. The sons of Mars and Neptune then consulted, and were not long in deciding to capture the town of Jacksonville, distant twenty miles up the river, which the fortunes of the war had twice before thrown into our hands, and which we had twice abandoned to the enemy, as it was not worth the holding. A necessary delay, before attempting the object they had in view, afforded an opportunity for a detachment of a dozen of Colonel Montgomery's men to go ashore on a foraging excursion. They proved themselves expert
Doc. 132.-recapture of Jacksonville, Fla. Report of General Saxton. Beaufort, S. C., March 14, 1863. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: sir: I have the honor to report, that the expedition which I sent up the St. John's River, Fla., consisting of the First regiment of South-Carolina volunteers, Colonel T. W. Higginson commanding, and a portion of tile Second South-Carolina volunteers, under Col. Montgomery, captured and took possession of Jacksonville, on Tuesday, the tenth instant. As I stated in my last report to you, the object of this expedition was to occupy Jacksonville, and make it the base of operations for arming the negroes, and securing, in this way, possession of the entire State of Florida. It gives me pleasure to report, that so far the objects of the expedition have been fully accomplished. The town is completely in our possession, and many prisoners. There has been constant skirmishing going on for several days and in every action the negro t
s adopted with a view of encouraging the negroes to flee from their masters, and accept the protection of the United States, and this was sufficient to fill the colored soldiers with carnestness and enthusiasm. On the seventh, the vessels reached Fernandina, where they were delayed for a day, until the plans of the commanders could be properly arranged, and on the morning of the ninth, they dropped anchor at the mouth of the St. John's River, under the guns of the naval steamers Uncas, Capt. Watson, and Norwich, Capt. Duncan. The sons of Mars and Neptune then consulted, and were not long in deciding to capture the town of Jacksonville, distant twenty miles up the river, which the fortunes of the war had twice before thrown into our hands, and which we had twice abandoned to the enemy, as it was not worth the holding. A necessary delay, before attempting the object they had in view, afforded an opportunity for a detachment of a dozen of Colonel Montgomery's men to go ashore on a
James Montgomery (search for this): chapter 142
rolina volunteers, Colonel T. W. Higginson commanding, and a portion of tile Second South-Carolina volunteers, under Col. Montgomery, captured and took possession of Jacksonville, on Tuesday, the tenth instant. As I stated in my last report to you,irst regiment South-Carolina volunteers, Col. T. W. Higginson, and the Second regiment South-Carolina volunteers, Col. James Montgomery. The destination of the expedition was known to few on board, but it was generally understood that a base of opeessary delay, before attempting the object they had in view, afforded an opportunity for a detachment of a dozen of Colonel Montgomery's men to go ashore on a foraging excursion. They proved themselves experts in that line of business, returning in hen they saw the black soldiers marching past their dwellings. As soon as the Burnside was fastened to the wharf, Col. Montgomery, at the head of two companies, pushed out into the woods, to find the rebel pickets. He was not long before coming
that place while Colonel Higginson presses on further into the heart of the State. You have already been informed of the capture of a rebel naval officer named Beville, by his own men, who deserted while on picket-duty, and brought him off with them. Yesterday, a flag of truce was sent down from Savannah, with a package of clothing and one hundred dollars in gold, to meet Beville's necessities, and a draft for two hundred and fifty dollars more, upon Mr. Washington Durbrow, of Hanover street, New-York, made payable to him in Liverpool, was also forwarded for the same purpose. I understand that an effort will be made to exchange Beville for Lieut. Rush, d fifty dollars more, upon Mr. Washington Durbrow, of Hanover street, New-York, made payable to him in Liverpool, was also forwarded for the same purpose. I understand that an effort will be made to exchange Beville for Lieut. Rush, the signal-officer who was captured by the rebels last week, from Spanish Wells Station. J. H. W.
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