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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 6. (ed. Frank Moore). Search the whole document.
Found 125 total hits in 54 results.
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 158
148.-expedition to Jacksonville, Fla.
Report of Colonel Rust.
Hilton head, S. C., April 4. Lieut-Col. C. C. Halpine, Assistant Adjutant-General, Department of the South:
Colonel: I have the honor to make the following report for the information of the Major-General Commanding Department of the South:
In accordance with orders received, I embarked my regiment on the steamers Delaware and General Meigs at Beaufort, March nineteenth, for Jacksonville, Florida, where I arrived on the twenty-third ult., having been delayed by rough weather.
Major Heminway, with three companies on the General Meigs, had already arrived.
When I reached there a rebel battery, mounted on a platform-car propelled by a locomotive, was shelling the town.
The gunboat Norwich, which accompanied me, engaged it, replying vigorously, as did also a rifled Parrott thirty-two-pounder on shore.
The enemy were soon driven back.
He was, as I afterward learned, making a reconnoissance, which it w
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 158
Beaufort, S. C. (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 158
Jacksonville (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 158
148.-expedition to Jacksonville, Fla.
Report of Colonel Rust.
Hilton head, S. C., Ap igs at Beaufort, March nineteenth, for Jacksonville, Florida, where I arrived on the twenty-third u drew all the United States forces from Jacksonville, Florida, on the thirty-first ult., and embarke of Provost-Marshal during our short stay at Jacksonville.
Captain Cannon, of the Delaware, and hi d'g Forces.
A National account.
Jacksonville, Fla., March 29, 1863.
Three weeks since, i forces from Beaufort came here and occupied Jacksonville under the most auspicious circumstances for such malignant vigilance by the rebels.
Jacksonville was under the control of our gunboats on th now.
New-York Tribune account.
Jacksonville, Fla., March 28, 1863.
Jacksonville is in rJacksonville is in ruins.
That beautiful city, which has been for so many years a favorite resort for invalids from the , I might say through all seasons, has made Jacksonville a little Eden, has been burnt, and scorched
Florida (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 158
Hilton Head (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 158
148.-expedition to Jacksonville, Fla.
Report of Colonel Rust.
Hilton head, S. C., April 4. Lieut-Col. C. C. Halpine, Assistant Adjutant-General, Department of the South:
Colonel: I have the honor to make the following report for the information of the Major-General Commanding Department of the South:
In accordance with orders received, I embarked my regiment on the steamers Delaware and General Meigs at Beaufort, March nineteenth, for Jacksonville, Florida, where I arrived on the twenty-third ult., having been delayed by rough weather.
Major Heminway, with three companies on the General Meigs, had already arrived.
When I reached there a rebel battery, mounted on a platform-car propelled by a locomotive, was shelling the town.
The gunboat Norwich, which accompanied me, engaged it, replying vigorously, as did also a rifled Parrott thirty-two-pounder on shore.
The enemy were soon driven back.
He was, as I afterward learned, making a reconnoissance, which it w
Maine (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 158
Palatka (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 158
Eden (search for this): chapter 158
John D. Rust (search for this): chapter 158
148.-expedition to Jacksonville, Fla.
Report of Colonel Rust.
Hilton head, S. C., April 4. Lieut-Col. C. C. Halpine, Assistant Adjutant-General, Department of the South:
Colonel: I and his gentlemanly officers, deserve mention for their kind treatment of officers and men. John D. Rust, Colonel Eighth Regiment Maine Volunteers, Comd'g Forces.
A National account.
Jacks the Eighth Maine--in some instances by the sanction of subordinate officers; but it is due to Colonel Rust to say that every thing he could do was done to protect the property and the people.
One com It is now abandoned to destruction, and its owners to want and suffering.
Col. Montgomery and Col. Rust both did all that could be done to mitigate the evils of the occasion, and I regret that unnec k upon the Sixth Connecticut.
After the fires in different parts of the city had broken out, Colonel Rust ordered every man to be shot who should be found applying the torch; but the order came too l