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uld pass. His troops made three gallant charges, but were each time repulsed with great loss, especially of officers. The fight commenced at five P. M., and lasted till after dark. The rebels, availing themselves of the darkness, approached and fired the church, but the gallant Irish boys would not even then surrender till the burning roof fell in. The killed and wounded of the rebels outnumbered our whole force engaged. Five of the officers out of eight commanding the leading battalion which made the first charge, were either killed or wounded, among the latter Colonel Dulany, commanding. Captains Wallace and Smith had only two men killed and four wounded. I counted, to-day, eighteen dead horses within musket-range. I most earnestly request the Major-General Commanding to apply to the Secretary of War to have every officer, non-commissioned officer and private engaged in the fight presented with a medal, in recognition of the gallantry displayed. B. F. Kelley, Brigadier-General