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Savannah (Georgia, United States) 901 143 Browse Search
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Dalton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
eaver, at Resaca, afterward reenforced by General Raum's brigade, had repulsed the enemy from Resaca, but he had succeeded in breaking the railroad from Tilton to Dalton, and as far north as the Tunnel. Arriving at Resaca on the evening of the fourteenth, I determined to strike Hood in flank, or force him to battle, and directewith that of the army of the Ohio, and the cavalry on the other bank. The fact that Hood had completely crossed the Coosa and moved northward toward Resaca and Dalton with his entire army was ascertained, whereupon I was ordered by General Sherman to move at once to Resaca, sending on one division by cars from Adairsville. Gt. But while he was parleying with the garrison at Resaca, large bodies of his army were on the railroad northward, where he captured the garrisons at Tilton and Dalton; the latter, under command of Colonel Johnson, of the Forty-fourth colored regiment, was surrendered by him without a blow. The railroad track was pretty effec
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
jor-General Wilson had arrived from the army of the Potomac, to assume command of the cavalry of my army, and I dispatched him back to Nashville with all dismounted detachments, and orders as rapidly as possible to collect the cavalry serving in Kentucky and Tennessee, to mount, organize, and equip them, and report to Major-General Thomas for duty. These forces I judged would enable General Thomas to defend the railroad from Chattanooga back, including Nashville and Decatur, and give him an armtails to General Thomas, and had informed him, I would not leave the neighborhood of Kingston until he felt perfectly confident that he was entirely prepared to cope with Hood, should he carry into effect his threatened invasion of Tennessee and Kentucky. I estimated Hood's force at thirty-five thousand infantry, and ten thousand cavalry. I moved the army of the Tennessee by slow and easy matches on the south of the Coosa back to the neighborhood of Smyrna campground; and the Fourteenth corp
Resaca (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ith great rapidity, and made his appearance at Resaca; and Hood had in person demanded its surrenderderal Road, and therefore moved against him at Resaca. Colonel Weaver, at Resaca, afterward reenforand as far north as the Tunnel. Arriving at Resaca on the evening of the fourteenth, I determined railroad stock, and to take up the rails from Resaca back, saving them, ready to be replaced whenev ordered by General Sherman to move at once to Resaca, sending on one division by cars from Adairsviere, he sent Belknap's division straight on to Resaca. General Raum, of General John E. Smith's dut while he was parleying with the garrison at Resaca, large bodies of his army were on the railroadft at Rome, continued its march and arrived in Resaca on the fourteenth. Immediately the wagon-bridwhich came upon the enemy about six miles from Resaca, developing what appeared to be quite a strongo Chattanooga, and the good ones retained. At Resaca, at Rome, and at places in the vicinity of Rom[9 more...]
McDonough (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
rtment headquarter train, and the herds of cattle. This column moved via Rough and Ready, turning to the left toward McDonough, about five miles from Jonesboro. Upon the evening of the fifteenth, the command went into camp; Kilpatrick near Jonbrigade of rebel cavalry, reported nine hundred strong. November 16, 1864. The command marched to the vicinity of McDonough by three routes. General Osterhaus met the enemy's cavalry at the crossing of Cotton River. They retreated rapidly, se enemy beyond Bear Station, capturing over fifty prisoners. He then moved to the left, and encamped on the Griffin and McDonough road. November 17, 1864. Moved to Jackson and its vicinity in three columns, encamping the right near Indian Spriroached the city, and opened with artillery from positions a little south of Decatur road, and from elevations down the McDonough road. Along the latter road, they undertook, with dismounted men, an assault on the lines of Geary's division, probabl
Ball's Ferry (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ropose, with your sanction, to move across the Oconee River at two points; one, six miles below the railroad bridge at Ball's Ferry; the other, two and a half miles above the railroad bridge at Jackson's Ferry. I have already forwarded to you despatr der, dated November twenty-third, my command marched from Gordon in two columns, the Fifteenth corps via Irwinton to Ball's Ferry,the Seventeenth corps along the railroad with instructions to cross at Jackson Ferry, two and a half miles north of rad abandoned route through the swamp, completely impracticable; I therefore directed that General Blair's corps move to Ball's Ferry. The two heads of column arrived at Ball's Ferry about the same time on the twenty-fifth instant. A detachment of Ball's Ferry about the same time on the twenty-fifth instant. A detachment of the First Alabama had the day before reconnoitred the ferry, finding a small force of the enemy, made a raft, crossed the river, and drove the enemy back, but were, subsequently, themselves forced to re-cross the river with some loss. On our arriv
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
Chattahoochee. I at once made my orders that Atlanta and the Chattahoochee Railroad bridge should amounted substantially to the destruction of Atlanta and the railroad back to Chattanooga, and sal purposely passed lightly over the march from Atlanta to the sea-shore, because it was made in fouregion of our country. Since the capture of Atlanta my staff is unchanged, save that General Barror-General Dodge, in command of that corps at Atlanta and Jonesboro, and then in command of the Sev the army then in the field near Kingston and Atlanta, was divided into wings, the Fourteenth and Ty. After leaving the section of country near Atlanta, which hal already been foraged upon by both he fifteenth November, the corps marched from Atlanta, taking the road east through Decatur. We n en route,lbs.1,227,984  Corn taken east of Atlanta,lbs.1,932,468 By Major Reynolds's Report,lbs captured from the enemy in the campaign from Atlanta to Savannah, ending December twenty-first, 18[53 more...]
Walnut Creek (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
, crossed the Ocmulgee, and reached Clinton November nineteenth. Learning that a portion of Wheeler's cavalry had also crossed the river, and was now in my immediate front, I moved on the road to the city; forced back Wheeler's cavalry across Walnut Creek; charged and carried a portion of their works about East-Macon. The Tenth Ohio cavalry and Ninety-second Illinois mounted infantry, having the advance, did all the fighting, and behaved most gallantly. Colonel Atkins (commanding Second brigade) deserves great praise for the energy and skill displayed on the occasion. The command encamped that night on the railroad and road leading from Macon to Milledgeville, picketing Walnut Creek, one third of the entire force being employed all night in destroying track. A detachment of Ninth Michigan cavalry (Captain Ladd commanding) had already struck the railroad at Griswold Station, capturing a train of thirteen (13) cars loaded with engine driving-wheels and springs for same. The sta
Paraclifta (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
the Second division detached. Railroad destroyed to Madison.--Weather: rainy.--Roads: Good but muddy.--Supplies: More plenty.--Distance: Seven miles. November 20. Order of march: Cavalry, Third and First divisions; Second division detached.--Weather: Cloudy; commenced raining at five P. M..--Road: Good but heavy.--Supplies: Not so plenty.--Distance : Twelve miles. November 21. Order of march: Cavalry, Third and First divisions; Second division detached. Pontoons laid across Little River.--Weather: Very rainy.--Road very muddy and worn. The condition of the road caused the Third brigade, First division, to encamp two miles to the rear.--Supplies : More plenty.--Distance: Thirteen miles. November 22. Order of march: Cavalry, First, Second, and Third divisions.--Weather: Cold, clear, but windy.--Road: Good.--Supplies: Plenty.--Distance: Fifteen miles. November 23. The troops remained in camp. November 24. Order of march: Cavalry, First, Second, and Third
Snow Springs (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
ment, making them prisoners. The remaining eight companies escaped to the main body near Lafayette. The next morning we passed over into the valley of the Chattooga, the army of the Tennessee moving in pursuit by La Fayette and Alpine, toward Blue Pond; the army of the Cumberland by Summerville and Melville Post-Office to Gaylesville; and the army of the Ohio and Garrard's cavalry from Villanow, Dirttown Valley, and Goover's Gap to Gaylesville. Hood, however, was little encumbered with train through Ringgold. Pursuant to Special Field Orders, No. 99, Headquarters Military Division Mississippi, the army moved on the old Alabama road, and took up a position on Little River, throwing a strong advance-guard across the river, toward Blue Pond. This position was maintained until the twenty-eighth. In the mean time, however, a bridge was thrown across Little River, and Woods's and Hazen's divisions of the Fifteenth corps, with two batteries of artillery, Major-General Osterhaus comm
St. Catherine's Sound (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1
agons still contained a reasonable amount of breadstuffs and other necessaries, and the fine rice crops of the Savannah and Ogeechee rivers furnished to our men and animals a large amount of rice and rice-straw. We also held the country to the south and west of the Ogeechee as foraging ground. Still, communication with the fleet was of vital importance, and I directed General Kilpatrick to cross the Ogeechee by a pontoon-bridge, to reconnoitre Fort McAllister, and to proceed to St. Catherine's Sound, in the direction of Sunbury or Kilkenny Bluff, and open communication with the fleet. General Howard had previously, by my direction, sent one of his best scouts down the Ogeechee in a canoe for a like purpose. But more than this was necessary. We wanted the vessels and their contents, and the Ogeechee River, a navigable stream close to the rear of our camps, was the proper avenue of supply. The enemy had burned the road-bridge across the Ogeechee, just below the mouth of the
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