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United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 89
been ready to move, all would have passed the rapids and the dam safely on Monday. Until after the dam had been carried away, no effort had been made to lessen the draught of the imprisoned vessels by lightening them of cargo, armament, or plating. Before the second series of dams was completed, a portion of the armament and the plating, materially lessening their draught and the depth of water required to float them, was removed. Lieutenant William S. Beebe, of the ordnance department, U. S. A., superintended the removal of the heavy naval guns from above the rapids to a point below the dam by land, assisted by officers and soldiers of the army. The army immediately commenced the reconstruction of the dam. Finding it impossible entirely to resist the current of the river, the opening made by the flood was only partially closed, and eight or ten wing dams were constructed on the right and left bank of the river, in accordance with the original plan, turning the current of water
Cavallo (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 89
Brigadier-General T. E. G. Ransom, who carried the enemy's works commanding Aransas Pass, after a gallant assault, capturing nearly one hundred prisoners and the artillery with which the place was defended. The troops instantly moved upon Pass Cavallo, commanding the entrance to Matagorda Bay, and which was also defended by strong and extensive fortifications, and a force of two thousand men,--artillery, cavalry, and infantry,--who could be reenforced in any emergency from Houston and Galvestentrated on the coast between Houston, Galveston, and Indianola, in consequence of our movement against the works at Sabine Pass, the occupation of the Rio Grande, and the capture of the works constructed for the defence of Aransas Pass and Pass Cavallo, on the Texas coast. To carry the works at the mouth of Brazos River, it was necessary to move inland, and to attack the enemy in the rear, in which we necessarily encountered the entire strength of the rebel forces, then greatly superior in nu
Bayou De Glaize (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 89
nsports and joined Banks at Alexandria on the eighteenth March. General A. J. Smith commanded the two divisions. It preceded Banks three or four days. It landed at Simmsport March twelve. At that time, the distribution of our forces was as follows: In Louisiana, General Taylor had two divisions of infantry, and one thousand five hundred or two thousand cavalry in detachments. Walker's division, consisting of Randal's, Waul's, and Scurvey's brigades, was posted from Fort De Russy down Bayou De Glaize to Simmsport. Mouton's division, consisting of Polignac's and Grey's brigades, was divided--one brigade near Alexandria, and the other on its way to Alexandria: from Trinity (the junction of the Ouachita, Little, and Tensas Rivers) Banks was organizing his expedition at Berwick's Bay. Colonel Vincent, with the Second Louisiana cavalry and a battery, was near Opelousas, watching him. General Liddell, with a brigade of cavalry and several batteries, was near Monroe, watching the approach
Grand Gulf (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 89
to send one army corps to Bayou Sara by the twenty-fifth of May, and asking that I should then send all the troops I could spare to Vicksburg, after the reduction of Port Hudson. To both of these plans I consented, and answered, that we could supply them from New Orleans, and that this force would insure the capture of Port Hudson. But I was afterward informed by a despatch, dated Auburn, May tenth, which I received May twelfth, that he had crossed the Mississippi, landing his forces at Grand Gulf, and was then in close pursuit of the enemy, under such circumstances that he could not retrace his steps, nor send me the forces he had contemplated, and requesting me to join his command at Vicksburg. This change in his plans was a cause of serious embarrassment. There were three courses open to my command: first, to pursue the enemy to Shreveport, which would be without public advantage, as his army had been captured or completely routed; second, to join General Grant at Vicksburg; an
Red River (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 89
(18,000) men. On the Atchafalaya, the water communications toward Red River were defended by strong works at Butte à la Rose, and on Bayou Teourth, that it was proposed that General Steele should advance to Red River if he could rely upon your (my) cooperation, and be certain of repinions of the Generals of the west seemed to favor operations on Red River, provided the stage of the water would enable the gunboats to cooand my own disposable force — I concurred in the opinion that the Red River was the shortest and best line of defence for Louisiana and Arkanintance with the route — to prepare a memorial upon operations on Red River, which had been long under consideration. This was transmitted twork, located three miles from Marksville, for the defence of the Red River, and extensive and formidable works at Trinity, the junction of tr destroy his fleet. Unfortunately for us, he built a dam across Red River, by the aid of which, together with a slight rise, he succeeded i
Mississippi (United States) (search for this): chapter 89
going down the river, and the remainder marching by land to Simmsport, crossing the Atchafalaya at that point with great difficulty, by means of our transports and the steamers we had captured, and from thence moved down the right bank of the Mississippi to Bayou Sara, crossing the Mississippi at that point on the night of the twenty-third, and moving directly upon the enemy's works at Port Hudson — a distance of fifteen miles--on the twenty-fourth of May. Major-General C. C. Augur, commandifth of August a despatch was received and published, from the General-in-Chief of the army, congratulating the troops on the crowning success of the campaign, for whom was reserved the honor of striking the last blow for the freedom of the Mississippi River, and announcing that the country, and especially the great west, would ever remember with gratitude their services. I remain, sir, Your obedient servant, N. P. Banks, M. G. V. Campaign in Texas. To the Secretary of War: A
Texas (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 89
nsas, and a basis of future operations against Texas. I assumed command of the department Decembh a large staff, also pressed my occupation of Texas with the greatest earnestness; and it was in dof 1864 for the reestablishment of the flag in Texas. Colonel Burrill and his men remained in caersed, would reorganize by reenforcements from Texas, and move directly upon the Lafourche, and Alg reasons why our flag should be established in Texas with the least possible delay, and instructinge control of all the railway communications of Texas, give us command of the most populous and prodund impracticable, if not impossible, to enter Texas in that direction. The country between the Teposite Berwick's Bay, upon the land route into Texas, I organized a small expedition, the troops be with his artillery by the Fort Jessup road to Texas. The main body of the army had moved from Ctant lines connecting Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. Troops of all arms were ordered to be mobili[18 more...]
Shreveport (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 89
my continued his retreat in the direction of Shreveport. In order to completely disperse the forc movement in the direction of Alexandria and Shreveport was equally impracticable. The route lay ovs by land in the direction of Alexandria and Shreveport, I did not feel at liberty to decline partic as the point of time when the occupation of Shreveport might be anticipated. Not one of these suggd only practicable road from Natchitoches to Shreveport was the stage road through Pleasant Hill andprobable, if not certain, that if it reached Shreveport, it would never escape without a rise of theexpedition. Should it prove successful, hold Shreveport and Red River with such force as you deem ne directed to facilitate my operations toward Shreveport. The tenth of March, General Steele informe might endeavor to effect a junction east of Shreveport, which accomplished, we could have but littlRiver, Steele might have advanced and seized Shreveport and Marshall before we could extricate ourse[30 more...]
Irish Bend (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 89
Diana, which he had captured from us a short time before. This battle lasted the whole day. We captured many prisoners. Our troops were ready for an assault upon the works in the evening; but it not being certain that Grover had reached the position assigned him for the purpose of intercepting the retreat of the enemy, it was deferred until the morning of the fourteenth. During the night, the enemy, learning of Grover's successful landing, sent a large part of his force to attack him at Irish Bend. The fight was very severe. The enemy was defeated, but Grover was unable to get into such position as to cut off his retreat. Early on the following morning the balance of the enemy's forces evacuated Fort Bisland, which was immediately occupied by our troops, and we pursued the enemy with great vigor, capturing many prisoners. The enemy's forces in this affair were commanded by Generals Taylor, Sibley, and Mouton. They retreated toward Opelousas, making a strong resistance at Vermil
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 89
ver country as a protection for Louisiana and Arkansas, and a basis of future operations against Texing his forces for the invasion of Louisiana, Arkansas, or Missouri. The occupation of the Rio Granst and best line of defence for Louisiana and Arkansas, and as a base of operations against Texas, ao expel the enemy from northern Louisiana and Arkansas. Fourth. Such preparation and concert of actwere placed on the important lines connecting Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. Troops of all arms wemith, and guarding the approaches east of the Arkansas line, while General Maxcy with two brigades oed into Parsons's (Missouri) and Churchill's (Arkansas) division, was ordered to Shreveport, where ir all our troops, except our cavalry, left in Arkansas, and also in Louisiana, would be to jeopardizhis gunboats over the falls. The infantry in Arkansas was immediately put in motion to him, as it suntil he arrived at Shreveport, on his way to Arkansas, and it was determined that he remain in Loui[2 more...]
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