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Healy, and Street; particularly Captain Fauntleroy and Lieutenants Brockenbrough and Roane. The General's attention is also called to the following named non-commissioned officers and privates: Sergeant-Major Mallory; Color-Sergeant Fauntleroy; Corporal Micon, company A; private Nicholson, company C; and Costenbader, company E. The following are names of non-commissioned officers and privates honorably mentioned by their Captains: Company A. Privates Ruffin Starke, E. T. Smith, Robert Carter, R. H. Dunmead, A. F. Allen. Company C. Private Thomas Thurston. Company D. Privates Archibald Brooks, G. E. Minor, Reuben L. Dyke, G. Shackleford, and Burwell Mitchell. Company G. William T. Garrettes, J. W. Carter, R. S. Burch, T. M. George, A. W. Hundley, W. C. Wayne, and E. D. Munday. Company H. Privates A. E. Vaughan, G. W. Vaughan, N. Mason, E. Clagville, and J. R. Trader. Corporal Stilf fought through all the battles with a sick leave in his pocket. Company I. William T