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rth instant in unloading ammunition from the railroad train and carrying it into the fort. At daylight both companies were sent out as skirmishers, under command of Captain Vansteinburg, company B. They remained on the line until driven into the fort, where they fought during the remaining part of the engagement. Casualties: Company A, Thomas Ward, Phillip Bohaler, killed; Thomas Minza, wounded; William Duell, missing. Company B, Lieutenant G. U. Barr, wounded; Michael White, killed; John James, John W. Clark, Granville Garo, George H. Guler, Corporal Hiram Lewis, wounded. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Erix Forsse, Major Fifty-seventh Regiment Illinois Veteran Volunteer Infantry. Captain Cameron's Report. headquarters Thirty-Ninth Iowa infantry, Kingston, Georgia, October 9, 1864. Lieutenant N. Flansburg, Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Third Brigade, Fourth Division, Fifteenth Army Corps. Lieutenant: I have the honor to submit the following report