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, having arrived early in the day, took direction of affairs, and the day was occupied mainly in rationing the command; but several serious demonstrations were made by the enemy during the day, from the north side, and in this connection I will mention the coolness and tact of Mr. Lewis F. Terrill, volunteer Aid to General Robertson, who extemporized lanyards, and, with detachments from the infantry as cannoneers, turned the captured guns with marked effect upon the enemy. Their General, G. W. Taylor, of New Jersey was killed during the fire. Brigadier-General Fitzhugh Lee, with the Ninth, Fourth, and Third Virginia cavalry, was detached and sent in rear of Fairfax Court-House to damage the enemy's communication as much as possible, and, if possible, cut off the retreat of this party. Colonels Munford and Rosser brought up the rear of General Ewell, and that night, when Manassas was destroyed and evacuated, the cavalry brought up the rear, a portion remaining in the place till dayli