Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Cummins or search for Cummins in all documents.

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e detachment of sailor artillerists, to tender service in any battery. He was assigned to a most responsible position — Cummins' Point battery--but was in three days thereafter recalled by the Navy Department. The flags and trophies sent herewitctiles having been ascertained, to guard such points as might be exposed to their effect, should the attack be renewed. Cummins' Point battery and Battery Wagner were uninjured except from the accidental explosion of an ammunition chest in Battery manded by Lieutenant-Colonel J. C. Simkins, and were served with great effect. Battery Wagner, under Major C. K. Huger; Cummins' Point battery, under Lieutenant Lesesne, and Battery Beauregard, under Captain Sitgreaves, all did their part accordingttention, only one--Fort Moultrie--received any damage, and that was very trivial. Fort Moultrie, Battery Wagner, and Cummins Point battery fired upon the fleet at a distance of from twelve to fifteen hundred yards; Batteries Bee and Beauregard a