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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The defence of Mobile in 1865. (search)
enemy (50,000 men), who were continually opening new guns upon them and increasing their fire; still they replied not. On their right lay the great Federal fleet; ten miles to their rear was their nearest support — in Mobile — and a waste of marshes and water lay between. At last came to them the long looked for order: Open all your guns upon the enemy, keep up an active fire, and hold your position until you receive orders to retire. And so they did, until late on Tuesday night I sent Major Cummins, of my staff, to inform them the evacuation of Mobile was complete, their whole duty was performed, and they might retire. The first steamer I sent for them grounded, and I had (about 2 A. M.) to dispatch another. Every man was brought safely off, with his small arms and ammunition — they dismantled their batteries before they abandoned them — and it was nine o'clock Wednesday morning before they left the wharf of Mobile for Demopolis. These garrisons fired the last cannon in the l