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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The defence of Fort Gregg. (search)
get across the James; secondly, the attack on Gregg was followed by a lull along other portions ofould overtake the. Confederate line. Fronting Gregg is a little fort, the last built by Lee, and c a little touch of skirmishing to the right of Gregg — sufficient to cause the ordering of the infarear. Major-General Wilcox, who was then in Gregg, seeing Harris' brigade in what he thought a drapets. There was a weak point on the side of Gregg, where the ditch was incomplete, and over this * * * * * * The part taken in the defence of Gregg, by the Mississippians, is thus described in tand Forty-eighth were placed in Whitworth. In Gregg there was a section of the Third company Washilose to permit the withdrawal of the guns from Gregg. Perceiving the guns of Whitworth leaving, th in columns of brigades, completely enveloping Gregg, and approaching Whitworth only in front. Greliancy of reputation acquired by their corps. Gregg raged like the crater of a volcano, emitting i[5 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial paragraphs. (search)
em until the agent reports the names to us. Contributions to our archives continue to come in, and our collection grows more and more valuable every day. Among others received we acknowledge now the following: From Mr. Yates Snowden, of Charleston, S. C.: The land we love for 1868, and two numbers for 1869; a number of war newspapers for 1861, 1862, 1863 and 1864; a number of valuable Confederate pamphlets. From A. Barron Holmes, Esq., of Charleston, S. C.: Caldwell's History of Gregg's (McGowan's) South Carolina brigade; Holmes' Phosphate Rocks of South Carolina ; Report of the Committee on the Destruction of Churches in the Diocese of South Carolina during the late War, presented to the Protestant Episcopal Convention, May, 1868. (This report shows that in the diocese of South Carolina the enemy burned ten churches and tore down three; that eleven parsonages were burned; that every church between the Savannah river and Charleston was injured, some stripped even of weat