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Leitersburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.72
ouching from the mountain--one fork leading to the left by Smithtown, and the other to the right, bearing more towards Leitersburg. I divided my command in order to make the passage more certain--Colonel Ferguson, commanding Jenkins' brigade, takinroute across the country, and relate to him what I knew, as well as what he might discover en route, and moved towards Leitersburg as soon as Colonel Ferguson came up, who, although his advance had forced the passage of the gap, upon the receipt of ecessary circuit of several miles, and not reaching me till after dark. Having heard from the Commanding-General at Leitersburg about daylight next morning (six o'clock), and being satisfied that all of Kilpatrick's force had gone towards Boonsboich point I desired him to hold, covering the eastern front of Hagerstown. Chambliss' brigade proceeded direct from Leitersburg to Hagerstown, and Robertson's took the same route, both together a very small command. Diverging from Jones' line
Mercersburg (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.72
after opening the road, by a Lieutenant whom I met but a short distance from the town. Officers present with General Imboden during the attack assure me I am right in the foregoing opinion. I was apprized, when about midway, that Lieutenant-General Longstreet had arrived at Hagerstown. As a part of the operations of this period, I will here report that about sixty of the wagons belonging to Lee's brigade, while in the special charge of General Imboden en route to Williamsport, near Mercersburg, were captured by the enemy. A court of inquiry has been convened to inquire into the circumstances of this capture. I, therefore, forbear animadversion on the subject. My command bivouacked near Hagerstown, and I took position that night on the road leading from Hagerstown to Boonsboroa. The next day, July 7th, I proceeded to Downsville, establishing there a portion of Wofford's brigade, sent me for the purpose by General Longstreet, and posted Jenkins' cavalry brigade on that port
Frederick, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.72
wn communications, now at my mercy. The entire Sixth army corps, in addition, was sent to intercept me at Westminster, arriving there the morning I left, which, in the result, prevented its participation in the first two days fight at Gettysburg. Our trains in transit were thus not only secured, but it was done in a way that at the same time seriously injured the enemy. General Meade also detached four thousand troops, under General French, to escort public property to Washington from Frederick — a step which certainly would have been unnecessary but for my presence in his rear — thus weakening his army to that extent. In fact, although in his own country, he had to make large detachments to protect his rear and baggage. General Meade also complains that his movements were delayed by the detention of his cavalry in his rear; he might truthfully have added, by the movement in his rear of a large force of Confederate cavalry, capturing his trains and cutting all his communication
Winchester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.72
agerstown, a little north of the National road. Cavalry pickets were extended beyond the railroad leading to Chambersburg, and everything put in readiness to resist the enemy's attack. The situation of our communications south of the Potomac caused the Commanding-General to desire more cavalry on that side, and accordingly Brigadier-General Jones' brigade (one of whose regiments, Twelfth Virginia cavalry, had been left in Jefferson) was detached and sent to cover our communication with Winchester. The cavalry on the left consisted now of Fitz. Lee's, W. H. F. Lee's, Baker's, and Robertson's brigades — the latter being a mere handful. On the 13th skirmishing continued at intervals; but it appeared that the enemy, instead of attacking, was entrenching himself in our front, and the Commanding-General determined to cross the Potomac. The night of the 13th was chosen for this move, and the arduous and difficult task of bringing up the rear was, as usual, assigned to the cavalry.
Chester Gap (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.72
side of the Blue Ridge, between our present position and Richmond. Longstreet's corps having already moved to counteract this effort, enough cavalry was sent, under Brigadier-General Robertson, for his advance guard through Front Royall and Chester gap, while Baker's brigade was ordered to bring up the rear of Ewell's corps — which was in rear — and Jones' brigade was ordered to picket the lower Shenandoah as long as necessary for the safety of that flank, and then follow the movement of the in possession of the enemy, and the Shenandoah, still high, in order to be crossed without interfering with the march of the main army, had to be forded below Front Royal. The cavalry already mentioned, early on the 23d, by a by-path reached Chester gap, passing on the army's left, and, with great difficulty and a forced march, that night bivouacked below Gaines' cross-roads, holding the Rockford road and Warrenton turnpike, on which near Amissville the enemy had accumulated a large force of
Littlestown (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.72
amped for the night a few miles beyond the town (Fitz. Lee's brigade in advance), halting the head of the column at Union Mills, midway between Westminister and Littlestown, on the Gettysburg road. It was ascertained here that night by scouts that the enemy's cavalry had reached Littlestown during the night and camped. Early nextLittlestown during the night and camped. Early next morning (June 30th) we resumed the march, direct by a cross route for Hanover, Pennsylvania--W. H, F. Lee's brigade in advance, Hampton in rear of the wagon train, and Fitz. Lee's brigade moving on the left flank between Littlestown and our road. About 10 A. M. the head of the column reached Hanover, and found a large column of cLittlestown and our road. About 10 A. M. the head of the column reached Hanover, and found a large column of cavalry passing through, going towards the gap of the mountains which I intended using. The enemy soon discovered our approach, and made a demonstration towards attacking us, which was promptly met by a gallant charge by Chambliss' leading regiment, which not only repulsed the enemy, but drove him pell-mell through the town with ha
Rectortown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.72
sent to Warrenton, where it was ascertained the enemy had withdrawn his forces to Centreville the day previous. General Fitz. Lee's brigade, having camped near Piedmont, moved on the morning of the 17th (Wednesday) by my direction towards Aldie via Middleburg, with the view, if possible, to hold the gap in Bull Run mountain, as a screen to Longstreet's movements. W. H. F. Lee's brigade was kept near The Plains reconnoitring to Thoroughfare gap, while Robertson's brigade was halted near Rectortown to move to the support of either. I accompanied Fitz. Lee's brigade as far as Middleburg, where I remained to close up the command and keep in more ready communication with the rear. The brigade moving to Aldie, being much worn and the horses having had very little food, was halted by its commander near Dover to close up, and pickets sent forward to the Aldie gap; these pickets were soon attacked by the enemy's cavalry advancing from the direction of Fairfax, and were driven back on th
Wrightsville (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.72
ability as well as utility of the move. The main army, I was advised by the Commanding-General, would move in two columns for the Susquehanna. Early commanded the advance of that one of these columns to the eastward, and I was directed to communicate with him as early as practicable after crossing the Potomac and place my command on his right flank. It was expected I would find him in York. The newspapers of the enemy, my only source of information, chronicled his arrival there and at Wrightsville on the Susquehanna with great particularity. I, therefore, moved to join him in that vicinity. The enemy's army was moving in a direction parallel to me. I was apprized of its arrival at Taneytown when I was near Hanover, Pennsylvania, but believing from the lapse of time that our army was already in York or at Harrisburg, where it could choose its battle-ground with the enemy, I hastened to place my command with it. It is believed that had the corps of Hill and Longstreet moved on, ins
Sharpsburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.72
aise the seige of Williamsport, if, as I believed, that was the real object of the enemy's designs. Hagerstown is six miles from Williamsport — the country between being almost entirely cleared, but intersected by innumerable fences and ditches. The two places are connected by a lane and perfectly straight macadamized road. The enemy's dismounted skirmishers fought from street to street, and some time elapsed before the town was entirely clear — the enemy taking the road first towards Sharpsburg, but afterwards turned to the Williamsport road. Just as the town was cleared, I heard the sound of artillery at Williamsport. The cavalry, except the two brigades with General Fitz. Lee, were now pretty well concentrated at Hagerstown, and one column, under Colonel Chambliss, was pushed directly down the road after the enemy, while Robertson's two regiments and Jenkins' brigade kept to the left of the road, moving in a parallel direction to Chambliss. A portion of the Stuart horse ar
Loudoun (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9.72
Ridge to the Chesapeake, engaging in numerous hand-to-hand encounters, illustrating the superiority of Southern cavalry, it was with joy that the order of the Commanding-General to advance was received by the cavalry. I was instructed by the Commanding-General to leave a sufficient force on the Rappahannock to watch the enemy in front and move the main body parallel to the Blue Ridge and on Longstreet's right flank, who was to move near the base of the mountains through Fauquier and Loudoun counties. The position of the enemy, as far as known, was as follows: His cavalry massed in Fauquier, principally from Warrenton Springs to Catlett station, with the Twelfth corps, and other infantry supports; the main body of Hooker's army being in Stafford and lower Fauquier, hastening to interpose itself between our main body and Washington, with a corps or two confronting A. P. Hill's corps at Fredericksburg, having made a lodgement on the south side of the river there near the mouth of D
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