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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Missouri campaign of 1864-report of General Stirling Price. (search)
ade; for particulars, see report of Brigadier-General Clark, with the accompanying report of Colonel Green. On the 4th of October Major-General Marmaduke sent four hundred men with one gun, under coawther's regiment was driven back and hotly pursued by the foe, when they were reinforced by Colonel Green with one hundred and fifty men. A fierce engagement ensued, with varying success--Colonel GrColonel Green contesting every inch of ground, when Wood's battery arrived and the enemy gave way; but being reinforced, again renewed the attack. Just as the ammunition of our troops engaged — who still manfof this fight, reference is made to the reports of Generals Shelby and Clark, and to that of Colonel Green, accompanying the latter. In this action, General Marmaduke acted with distinguished gallanot under him. General Clark, of his division, also exhibited great skill and bravery, whilst Colonel Green, by the manner in which he handled his regiment against vastly superior forces, flushed with
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The captured guns at Spotsylvania Courthouse — Correction of General Ewell's report. (search)
guns, said to have been recaptured during the day. Sergeant S. S. Green (son of the late Doctor Green, U. S. N., and formerDoctor Green, U. S. N., and formerly of Culpeper), of Montgomery's battery, was with me, and volunteered to search for the guns, with the view of sending me w him with the rest of the men, about thirty all told. Sergeant Green, however, returned after about an hour's absence and r For the correctness of this statement, I refer you to Sergeant Green's letter, herewith inclosed. I remember distinctly thf Artillery, Confederate States Army. Letter from Sergeant Green. Charleston, West Va., September 13, 1879. Major our recollections on the subject, I am, yours truly, S. S. Green. Letter from General A. L. Long. Charlottesvie way in which General Ewell fell into error, was that Sergeant Green (a first-class man) volunteered to go for the guns, anf my artillery division. His statement fully confirms Sergeant Green's recollection of the search, and is conclusive. Ther
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 12.89 (search)
ts northeasterly course to Acquia creek; then we come to a bottom through which flows a small stream; then we ascend the elevated table-land comprising the Lacy farm, and crossing it reach the Lacy house, Sumner's headquarters, and which is directly opposite Fredericksburg and on the hill above the river. The Rappahannock, drawing its sources from the Blue Ridge mountains, drains the counties of Fauquier, Rappahannock and Culpeper, while the Rapidan,its twin sister, flowing through Madison, Green and Orange, unites with it some twelve miles above Fredericksburg. From that point the river tranquilly meanders through a beautiful country until, passing between the counties of Lancaster and Middlesex, it is lost in the waters of the Chesapeake bay. It is navigable for steamboats and small sailing vessels ninety-two miles from its mouth to Fredericksburg, the head of navigation. There are two fords between the city and the junction of the Rapidan. Three miles above by the Spotsylvan