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Slaughter Mountain (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.64
After this battle our brigade was ordered to Moss neck, below Fredericksburg, and went into winter quarters in the woods around the residence of a Mr. Corbin. List of casualties in Lane's brigade, in campaign of 1862. names of Battles.Killed: Offic'rs and Men.Wounded: Offic'rs and Men.Missing: Offic'rs and Men.Aggregate. Hanover Courthouse, May 2773202Unknown.275 Mechanicsville, June 26Killed & Wounded, 85315868 Cold Harbor, June 27 Frazier's Farm, June 30 Maivern Hill, July 1 Cedar Run, August 91288 100 Warrenton Springs, August 24 3 3 Manassas Junction, August 26   <*> Manassas Plains, August 28, 29, 3030185Unknown.215 Ox Hill, September 114922108 Harper's Ferry, September 15 4 4 Sharpsburg, September 1721794104 Shepherdstown, September 20371 74 Fredericksburg, December 1362257216535 Grand Total   2,286 remarks.--This list was made from published official reports. The reports of Hanover Courthouse and Manassas Plains refer to the missing, but do not
Ox Hill (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.64
r. Corbin. List of casualties in Lane's brigade, in campaign of 1862. names of Battles.Killed: Offic'rs and Men.Wounded: Offic'rs and Men.Missing: Offic'rs and Men.Aggregate. Hanover Courthouse, May 2773202Unknown.275 Mechanicsville, June 26Killed & Wounded, 85315868 Cold Harbor, June 27 Frazier's Farm, June 30 Maivern Hill, July 1 Cedar Run, August 91288 100 Warrenton Springs, August 24 3 3 Manassas Junction, August 26   <*> Manassas Plains, August 28, 29, 3030185Unknown.215 Ox Hill, September 114922108 Harper's Ferry, September 15 4 4 Sharpsburg, September 1721794104 Shepherdstown, September 20371 74 Fredericksburg, December 1362257216535 Grand Total   2,286 remarks.--This list was made from published official reports. The reports of Hanover Courthouse and Manassas Plains refer to the missing, but do not give the number. The Fredericksburg report calls for an aggregate of 625, but the killed, wounded and missing only sum up 535. Some of the Colonels'
Georgetown (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.64
ffic'rs and Men.Wounded: Offic'rs and Men.Missing: Offic'rs and Men.Aggregate. Hanover Courthouse, May 2773202Unknown.275 Mechanicsville, June 26Killed & Wounded, 85315868 Cold Harbor, June 27 Frazier's Farm, June 30 Maivern Hill, July 1 Cedar Run, August 91288 100 Warrenton Springs, August 24 3 3 Manassas Junction, August 26   <*> Manassas Plains, August 28, 29, 3030185Unknown.215 Ox Hill, September 114922108 Harper's Ferry, September 15 4 4 Sharpsburg, September 1721794104 Shepherdstown, September 20371 74 Fredericksburg, December 1362257216535 Grand Total   2,286 remarks.--This list was made from published official reports. The reports of Hanover Courthouse and Manassas Plains refer to the missing, but do not give the number. The Fredericksburg report calls for an aggregate of 625, but the killed, wounded and missing only sum up 535. Some of the Colonels' reports of the fights around Richmond give the total killed and wounded instead of giving them separ
Sharpsburg (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.64
of 1862. names of Battles.Killed: Offic'rs and Men.Wounded: Offic'rs and Men.Missing: Offic'rs and Men.Aggregate. Hanover Courthouse, May 2773202Unknown.275 Mechanicsville, June 26Killed & Wounded, 85315868 Cold Harbor, June 27 Frazier's Farm, June 30 Maivern Hill, July 1 Cedar Run, August 91288 100 Warrenton Springs, August 24 3 3 Manassas Junction, August 26   <*> Manassas Plains, August 28, 29, 3030185Unknown.215 Ox Hill, September 114922108 Harper's Ferry, September 15 4 4 Sharpsburg, September 1721794104 Shepherdstown, September 20371 74 Fredericksburg, December 1362257216535 Grand Total   2,286 remarks.--This list was made from published official reports. The reports of Hanover Courthouse and Manassas Plains refer to the missing, but do not give the number. The Fredericksburg report calls for an aggregate of 625, but the killed, wounded and missing only sum up 535. Some of the Colonels' reports of the fights around Richmond give the total killed and w
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.64
Major — I have the honor to submit the following report of the operations of my brigade in the late engagement before Fredericksburg. At half-past 6 o'clock, on the morning of the 12th, we left our bivouac and took the position assigned us on the rigadier-General Maxey Gregg, fell mortally wounded. After this battle our brigade was ordered to Moss neck, below Fredericksburg, and went into winter quarters in the woods around the residence of a Mr. Corbin. List of casualties in Lane's brber 114922108 Harper's Ferry, September 15 4 4 Sharpsburg, September 1721794104 Shepherdstown, September 20371 74 Fredericksburg, December 1362257216535 Grand Total   2,286 remarks.--This list was made from published official reports. The reports of Hanover Courthouse and Manassas Plains refer to the missing, but do not give the number. The Fredericksburg report calls for an aggregate of 625, but the killed, wounded and missing only sum up 535. Some of the Colonels' reports of the
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.64
in Lane's brigade, in campaign of 1862. names of Battles.Killed: Offic'rs and Men.Wounded: Offic'rs and Men.Missing: Offic'rs and Men.Aggregate. Hanover Courthouse, May 2773202Unknown.275 Mechanicsville, June 26Killed & Wounded, 85315868 Cold Harbor, June 27 Frazier's Farm, June 30 Maivern Hill, July 1 Cedar Run, August 91288 100 Warrenton Springs, August 24 3 3 Manassas Junction, August 26   <*> Manassas Plains, August 28, 29, 3030185Unknown.215 Ox Hill, September 114922108 Harper's Ferry, September 15 4 4 Sharpsburg, September 1721794104 Shepherdstown, September 20371 74 Fredericksburg, December 1362257216535 Grand Total   2,286 remarks.--This list was made from published official reports. The reports of Hanover Courthouse and Manassas Plains refer to the missing, but do not give the number. The Fredericksburg report calls for an aggregate of 625, but the killed, wounded and missing only sum up 535. Some of the Colonels' reports of the fights around Rich
Manassas, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 7.64
dericksburg, and went into winter quarters in the woods around the residence of a Mr. Corbin. List of casualties in Lane's brigade, in campaign of 1862. names of Battles.Killed: Offic'rs and Men.Wounded: Offic'rs and Men.Missing: Offic'rs and Men.Aggregate. Hanover Courthouse, May 2773202Unknown.275 Mechanicsville, June 26Killed & Wounded, 85315868 Cold Harbor, June 27 Frazier's Farm, June 30 Maivern Hill, July 1 Cedar Run, August 91288 100 Warrenton Springs, August 24 3 3 Manassas Junction, August 26   <*> Manassas Plains, August 28, 29, 3030185Unknown.215 Ox Hill, September 114922108 Harper's Ferry, September 15 4 4 Sharpsburg, September 1721794104 Shepherdstown, September 20371 74 Fredericksburg, December 1362257216535 Grand Total   2,286 remarks.--This list was made from published official reports. The reports of Hanover Courthouse and Manassas Plains refer to the missing, but do not give the number. The Fredericksburg report calls for an aggregate
C. M. Avery (search for this): chapter 7.64
and were resupplied with ammunition. A well-directed volley from the Thirty-third checked the enemy for a time, and Colonel Avery ordered a charge, but being unsupported on his right, he countermanded the order and withdrew his regiment into the wscertained that the enemy had all recrossed the Rappahannock. I cannot speak in too high terms of the gallantry of Colonels Avery, Barbour, Lowe and Purdie, and Lieutenant-Colonel Hill. They all commanded their regiments with bravery and to my en for duty again on Tuesday. The other officers, both field and company, generally discharged their duties well. Colonel Avery alludes in high terms to the efficiency of Lieutenant-Colonel Cowan. Colonel Purdie, in his report, makes an unenviabtle against overwhelming numbers, and the attack was checked by well directed volleys from the Thirty-third regiment, Colonel Avery. General Thomas, responding to the call of General Lane, rapidly threw forward his brigade of Georgians by the flank,
ederal column which had broken through Lane's line. In the meantime, a large force of the enemy penetrated the wood in rear of the position occupied by the brigades of Lane and Archer, and came in contact with Gregg's brigade. Taken by surprise, Orr's rifles were thrown into confusion. It was in the act of rallying this regiment that Brigadier-General Gregg fell in front of the rifles mortally wounded . . . . . Extract from General R. E. Lee's report. About one P. M. the main attack rigade, repulsed the column that had broken Lane's line and drove it back to the road. In the meantime a large force had penetrated the woods as far as Hill's reserves, nd encountered Gregg's brigade. The attack was so sudden and unexpected that Orr's rifles, mistaking the enemy for our own troops retiring, were thrown into confusion. While in the act of rallying them that brave soldier and true patriot, Brigadier-General Maxey Gregg, fell mortally wounded. After this battle our brigade w
W. C. Oates (search for this): chapter 7.64
Hill promptly moved his regiment to the crest of the hill in front of the enemy, and delivered a volley at the sharpshooters who were in range, the artillery all limbering up and driving to the rear. The Seventh and Eighteenth both suffered from the enemy's artillery fire and at times from their sharpshooters. About two hours later, the enemy advanced in strong force across the open field to the right of my front. Colonel Barbour--his regiment being on the right — informed me through Adjutant Oates of the advance, and wished to know what he must do should he be flanked. On being ordered to hold his position as long as possible, he deflected his three right companies, and formed them to the rear at right angles to the track. I at once sent my courier, Mr. Shepperd, to inform General A. P. Hill that the enemy were advancing in force upon the opening--Captain Hawks having been previously sent to apprise him that their skirmishers were in front of the same. Eight regiments were seen
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