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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 9. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones). Search the whole document.

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Alabama (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.47
Editorial Paragraphs. New subscribers, and Renewals of old ones are still earnestly desired, and we again beg our friends to help us in this direction. Speak to your friends, and secure us also reliable canvassers. The Secretary is just about to make A visit to Louisville, Columbus Miss., Montgomery Ala., Mobile, and New Orleans, where he hopes to meet many friends of the Society, and especially to secure some efficient canvassers to help on our good work. We beg that our friends will aid us in this matter. General E. P. Alexander, late chief of artillery of the 1st corps, now Vice-President of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; John A. Grant, General Superintendent Memphis & Charleston Railroad; Colonel A. L. Rives, (the distinguished Confederate engineer,) General Manager of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad; and John F. O'Brien, General Superintendent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, have recently extended to the Secretary warmly appreciated courtesies.
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.47
Editorial Paragraphs. New subscribers, and Renewals of old ones are still earnestly desired, and we again beg our friends to help us in this direction. Speak to your friends, and secure us also reliable canvassers. The Secretary is just about to make A visit to Louisville, Columbus Miss., Montgomery Ala., Mobile, and New Orleans, where he hopes to meet many friends of the Society, and especially to secure some efficient canvassers to help on our good work. We beg that our friends will aid us in this matter. General E. P. Alexander, late chief of artillery of the 1st corps, now Vice-President of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; John A. Grant, General Superintendent Memphis & Charleston Railroad; Colonel A. L. Rives, (the distinguished Confederate engineer,) General Manager of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad; and John F. O'Brien, General Superintendent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, have recently extended to the Secretary warmly appreciated courtesies.
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.47
Editorial Paragraphs. New subscribers, and Renewals of old ones are still earnestly desired, and we again beg our friends to help us in this direction. Speak to your friends, and secure us also reliable canvassers. The Secretary is just about to make A visit to Louisville, Columbus Miss., Montgomery Ala., Mobile, and New Orleans, where he hopes to meet many friends of the Society, and especially to secure some efficient canvassers to help on our good work. We beg that our friends will aid us in this matter. General E. P. Alexander, late chief of artillery of the 1st corps, now Vice-President of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; John A. Grant, General Superintendent Memphis & Charleston Railroad; Colonel A. L. Rives, (the distinguished Confederate engineer,) General Manager of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad; and John F. O'Brien, General Superintendent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, have recently extended to the Secretary warmly appreciated courtesies.
Louisville (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.47
Editorial Paragraphs. New subscribers, and Renewals of old ones are still earnestly desired, and we again beg our friends to help us in this direction. Speak to your friends, and secure us also reliable canvassers. The Secretary is just about to make A visit to Louisville, Columbus Miss., Montgomery Ala., Mobile, and New Orleans, where he hopes to meet many friends of the Society, and especially to secure some efficient canvassers to help on our good work. We beg that our friends will aid us in this matter. General E. P. Alexander, late chief of artillery of the 1st corps, now Vice-President of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; John A. Grant, General Superintendent Memphis & Charleston Railroad; Colonel A. L. Rives, (the distinguished Confederate engineer,) General Manager of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad; and John F. O'Brien, General Superintendent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, have recently extended to the Secretary warmly appreciated courtesies.
Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 6.47
Editorial Paragraphs. New subscribers, and Renewals of old ones are still earnestly desired, and we again beg our friends to help us in this direction. Speak to your friends, and secure us also reliable canvassers. The Secretary is just about to make A visit to Louisville, Columbus Miss., Montgomery Ala., Mobile, and New Orleans, where he hopes to meet many friends of the Society, and especially to secure some efficient canvassers to help on our good work. We beg that our friends will aid us in this matter. General E. P. Alexander, late chief of artillery of the 1st corps, now Vice-President of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; John A. Grant, General Superintendent Memphis & Charleston Railroad; Colonel A. L. Rives, (the distinguished Confederate engineer,) General Manager of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad; and John F. O'Brien, General Superintendent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, have recently extended to the Secretary warmly appreciated courtesies.
Editorial Paragraphs. New subscribers, and Renewals of old ones are still earnestly desired, and we again beg our friends to help us in this direction. Speak to your friends, and secure us also reliable canvassers. The Secretary is just about to make A visit to Louisville, Columbus Miss., Montgomery Ala., Mobile, and New Orleans, where he hopes to meet many friends of the Society, and especially to secure some efficient canvassers to help on our good work. We beg that our friends will aid us in this matter. General E. P. Alexander, late chief of artillery of the 1st corps, now Vice-President of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; John A. Grant, General Superintendent Memphis & Charleston Railroad; Colonel A. L. Rives, (the distinguished Confederate engineer,) General Manager of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad; and John F. O'Brien, General Superintendent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, have recently extended to the Secretary warmly appreciated courtesies.
John A. Grant (search for this): chapter 6.47
Editorial Paragraphs. New subscribers, and Renewals of old ones are still earnestly desired, and we again beg our friends to help us in this direction. Speak to your friends, and secure us also reliable canvassers. The Secretary is just about to make A visit to Louisville, Columbus Miss., Montgomery Ala., Mobile, and New Orleans, where he hopes to meet many friends of the Society, and especially to secure some efficient canvassers to help on our good work. We beg that our friends will aid us in this matter. General E. P. Alexander, late chief of artillery of the 1st corps, now Vice-President of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; John A. Grant, General Superintendent Memphis & Charleston Railroad; Colonel A. L. Rives, (the distinguished Confederate engineer,) General Manager of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad; and John F. O'Brien, General Superintendent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, have recently extended to the Secretary warmly appreciated courtesies.
E. P. Alexander (search for this): chapter 6.47
Editorial Paragraphs. New subscribers, and Renewals of old ones are still earnestly desired, and we again beg our friends to help us in this direction. Speak to your friends, and secure us also reliable canvassers. The Secretary is just about to make A visit to Louisville, Columbus Miss., Montgomery Ala., Mobile, and New Orleans, where he hopes to meet many friends of the Society, and especially to secure some efficient canvassers to help on our good work. We beg that our friends will aid us in this matter. General E. P. Alexander, late chief of artillery of the 1st corps, now Vice-President of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; John A. Grant, General Superintendent Memphis & Charleston Railroad; Colonel A. L. Rives, (the distinguished Confederate engineer,) General Manager of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad; and John F. O'Brien, General Superintendent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, have recently extended to the Secretary warmly appreciated courtesies.
John F. O'Brien (search for this): chapter 6.47
Editorial Paragraphs. New subscribers, and Renewals of old ones are still earnestly desired, and we again beg our friends to help us in this direction. Speak to your friends, and secure us also reliable canvassers. The Secretary is just about to make A visit to Louisville, Columbus Miss., Montgomery Ala., Mobile, and New Orleans, where he hopes to meet many friends of the Society, and especially to secure some efficient canvassers to help on our good work. We beg that our friends will aid us in this matter. General E. P. Alexander, late chief of artillery of the 1st corps, now Vice-President of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; John A. Grant, General Superintendent Memphis & Charleston Railroad; Colonel A. L. Rives, (the distinguished Confederate engineer,) General Manager of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad; and John F. O'Brien, General Superintendent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, have recently extended to the Secretary warmly appreciated courtesies.
A. L. Rives (search for this): chapter 6.47
Editorial Paragraphs. New subscribers, and Renewals of old ones are still earnestly desired, and we again beg our friends to help us in this direction. Speak to your friends, and secure us also reliable canvassers. The Secretary is just about to make A visit to Louisville, Columbus Miss., Montgomery Ala., Mobile, and New Orleans, where he hopes to meet many friends of the Society, and especially to secure some efficient canvassers to help on our good work. We beg that our friends will aid us in this matter. General E. P. Alexander, late chief of artillery of the 1st corps, now Vice-President of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad; John A. Grant, General Superintendent Memphis & Charleston Railroad; Colonel A. L. Rives, (the distinguished Confederate engineer,) General Manager of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad; and John F. O'Brien, General Superintendent East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railroad, have recently extended to the Secretary warmly appreciated courtesies.
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