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Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): entry aqueducts
at Syracuse. The most famous Roman aqueducts were the Aqua Apia, 10 miles in length; the Aqua Martia, 60 miles; the Aqua Julia, 15 miles, and the Aqua Claudia, 46 miles. With the exception of the Claudia, all these were constructed before the birth of Christ. Among the most important aqueducts in the United States are the following: The old Croton, New York City, built 1837-42, length, 38 1/4 miles, capacity, 100 million gallons daily. The new Croton, built 1884-90, length 30 1/2 miles, capacity, 250 million gallons daily. Washington Aqueduct, built 1852-59, two 4-foot pipes. Boston, from Sudbury River, built 1875-78, length, 16 miles. Baltimore, from Gunpowder River, built 1875-81, length, 7 miles. The Sutro tunnel, 4 miles long, constructed to drain the Comstock Lode, Nevada, at a depth of 1,600 feet. It was chartered February 4, 1865, and completed June 30, 1879. Many important works for the purpose of irrigation are now under construction in the Western States of the Union.
Gunpowder river (Maryland, United States) (search for this): entry aqueducts
at Syracuse. The most famous Roman aqueducts were the Aqua Apia, 10 miles in length; the Aqua Martia, 60 miles; the Aqua Julia, 15 miles, and the Aqua Claudia, 46 miles. With the exception of the Claudia, all these were constructed before the birth of Christ. Among the most important aqueducts in the United States are the following: The old Croton, New York City, built 1837-42, length, 38 1/4 miles, capacity, 100 million gallons daily. The new Croton, built 1884-90, length 30 1/2 miles, capacity, 250 million gallons daily. Washington Aqueduct, built 1852-59, two 4-foot pipes. Boston, from Sudbury River, built 1875-78, length, 16 miles. Baltimore, from Gunpowder River, built 1875-81, length, 7 miles. The Sutro tunnel, 4 miles long, constructed to drain the Comstock Lode, Nevada, at a depth of 1,600 feet. It was chartered February 4, 1865, and completed June 30, 1879. Many important works for the purpose of irrigation are now under construction in the Western States of the Union.
Sudbury (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry aqueducts
at Syracuse. The most famous Roman aqueducts were the Aqua Apia, 10 miles in length; the Aqua Martia, 60 miles; the Aqua Julia, 15 miles, and the Aqua Claudia, 46 miles. With the exception of the Claudia, all these were constructed before the birth of Christ. Among the most important aqueducts in the United States are the following: The old Croton, New York City, built 1837-42, length, 38 1/4 miles, capacity, 100 million gallons daily. The new Croton, built 1884-90, length 30 1/2 miles, capacity, 250 million gallons daily. Washington Aqueduct, built 1852-59, two 4-foot pipes. Boston, from Sudbury River, built 1875-78, length, 16 miles. Baltimore, from Gunpowder River, built 1875-81, length, 7 miles. The Sutro tunnel, 4 miles long, constructed to drain the Comstock Lode, Nevada, at a depth of 1,600 feet. It was chartered February 4, 1865, and completed June 30, 1879. Many important works for the purpose of irrigation are now under construction in the Western States of the Union.
United States (United States) (search for this): entry aqueducts
and Romans constructed enormous works of this kind, some of which are still in existence after continuous use of over 2,000 years. The best preserved Greek aqueduct is the one still in use at Syracuse. The most famous Roman aqueducts were the Aqua Apia, 10 miles in length; the Aqua Martia, 60 miles; the Aqua Julia, 15 miles, and the Aqua Claudia, 46 miles. With the exception of the Claudia, all these were constructed before the birth of Christ. Among the most important aqueducts in the United States are the following: The old Croton, New York City, built 1837-42, length, 38 1/4 miles, capacity, 100 million gallons daily. The new Croton, built 1884-90, length 30 1/2 miles, capacity, 250 million gallons daily. Washington Aqueduct, built 1852-59, two 4-foot pipes. Boston, from Sudbury River, built 1875-78, length, 16 miles. Baltimore, from Gunpowder River, built 1875-81, length, 7 miles. The Sutro tunnel, 4 miles long, constructed to drain the Comstock Lode, Nevada, at a depth of 1,
er, especially for supplying large cities. The Greeks and Romans constructed enormous works of this kind, some of which are still in existence after continuous use of over 2,000 years. The best preserved Greek aqueduct is the one still in use at Syracuse. The most famous Roman aqueducts were the Aqua Apia, 10 miles in length; the Aqua Martia, 60 miles; the Aqua Julia, 15 miles, and the Aqua Claudia, 46 miles. With the exception of the Claudia, all these were constructed before the birth of Christ. Among the most important aqueducts in the United States are the following: The old Croton, New York City, built 1837-42, length, 38 1/4 miles, capacity, 100 million gallons daily. The new Croton, built 1884-90, length 30 1/2 miles, capacity, 250 million gallons daily. Washington Aqueduct, built 1852-59, two 4-foot pipes. Boston, from Sudbury River, built 1875-78, length, 16 miles. Baltimore, from Gunpowder River, built 1875-81, length, 7 miles. The Sutro tunnel, 4 miles long, constructe
at Syracuse. The most famous Roman aqueducts were the Aqua Apia, 10 miles in length; the Aqua Martia, 60 miles; the Aqua Julia, 15 miles, and the Aqua Claudia, 46 miles. With the exception of the Claudia, all these were constructed before the birth of Christ. Among the most important aqueducts in the United States are the following: The old Croton, New York City, built 1837-42, length, 38 1/4 miles, capacity, 100 million gallons daily. The new Croton, built 1884-90, length 30 1/2 miles, capacity, 250 million gallons daily. Washington Aqueduct, built 1852-59, two 4-foot pipes. Boston, from Sudbury River, built 1875-78, length, 16 miles. Baltimore, from Gunpowder River, built 1875-81, length, 7 miles. The Sutro tunnel, 4 miles long, constructed to drain the Comstock Lode, Nevada, at a depth of 1,600 feet. It was chartered February 4, 1865, and completed June 30, 1879. Many important works for the purpose of irrigation are now under construction in the Western States of the Union.
e at Syracuse. The most famous Roman aqueducts were the Aqua Apia, 10 miles in length; the Aqua Martia, 60 miles; the Aqua Julia, 15 miles, and the Aqua Claudia, 46 miles. With the exception of the Claudia, all these were constructed before the birth of Christ. Among the most important aqueducts in the United States are the following: The old Croton, New York City, built 1837-42, length, 38 1/4 miles, capacity, 100 million gallons daily. The new Croton, built 1884-90, length 30 1/2 miles, capacity, 250 million gallons daily. Washington Aqueduct, built 1852-59, two 4-foot pipes. Boston, from Sudbury River, built 1875-78, length, 16 miles. Baltimore, from Gunpowder River, built 1875-81, length, 7 miles. The Sutro tunnel, 4 miles long, constructed to drain the Comstock Lode, Nevada, at a depth of 1,600 feet. It was chartered February 4, 1865, and completed June 30, 1879. Many important works for the purpose of irrigation are now under construction in the Western States of the Union.
e at Syracuse. The most famous Roman aqueducts were the Aqua Apia, 10 miles in length; the Aqua Martia, 60 miles; the Aqua Julia, 15 miles, and the Aqua Claudia, 46 miles. With the exception of the Claudia, all these were constructed before the birth of Christ. Among the most important aqueducts in the United States are the following: The old Croton, New York City, built 1837-42, length, 38 1/4 miles, capacity, 100 million gallons daily. The new Croton, built 1884-90, length 30 1/2 miles, capacity, 250 million gallons daily. Washington Aqueduct, built 1852-59, two 4-foot pipes. Boston, from Sudbury River, built 1875-78, length, 16 miles. Baltimore, from Gunpowder River, built 1875-81, length, 7 miles. The Sutro tunnel, 4 miles long, constructed to drain the Comstock Lode, Nevada, at a depth of 1,600 feet. It was chartered February 4, 1865, and completed June 30, 1879. Many important works for the purpose of irrigation are now under construction in the Western States of the Union.
e at Syracuse. The most famous Roman aqueducts were the Aqua Apia, 10 miles in length; the Aqua Martia, 60 miles; the Aqua Julia, 15 miles, and the Aqua Claudia, 46 miles. With the exception of the Claudia, all these were constructed before the birth of Christ. Among the most important aqueducts in the United States are the following: The old Croton, New York City, built 1837-42, length, 38 1/4 miles, capacity, 100 million gallons daily. The new Croton, built 1884-90, length 30 1/2 miles, capacity, 250 million gallons daily. Washington Aqueduct, built 1852-59, two 4-foot pipes. Boston, from Sudbury River, built 1875-78, length, 16 miles. Baltimore, from Gunpowder River, built 1875-81, length, 7 miles. The Sutro tunnel, 4 miles long, constructed to drain the Comstock Lode, Nevada, at a depth of 1,600 feet. It was chartered February 4, 1865, and completed June 30, 1879. Many important works for the purpose of irrigation are now under construction in the Western States of the Union.
1837-42, length, 38 1/4 miles, capacity, 100 million gallons daily. The new Croton, built 1884-90, length 30 1/2 miles, capacity, 250 million gallons daily. Washington Aqueduct, built 1852-59, two 4-foot pipes. Boston, from Sudbury River, built 1875-78, length, 16 miles. Baltimore, from Gunpowder River, built 1875-81, length, 7 miles. The Sutro tunnel, 4 miles long, constructed to drain the Comstock Lode, Nevada, at a depth of 1,600 feet. It was chartered February 4, 1865, and completed June acity, 250 million gallons daily. Washington Aqueduct, built 1852-59, two 4-foot pipes. Boston, from Sudbury River, built 1875-78, length, 16 miles. Baltimore, from Gunpowder River, built 1875-81, length, 7 miles. The Sutro tunnel, 4 miles long, constructed to drain the Comstock Lode, Nevada, at a depth of 1,600 feet. It was chartered February 4, 1865, and completed June 30, 1879. Many important works for the purpose of irrigation are now under construction in the Western States of the Union.
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