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Found 42 total hits in 21 results.
Palo Alto (California, United States) (search for this): entry arista-mariano
United States (United States) (search for this): entry arista-mariano
Arista, Mariano, 1802-
A Mexican military officer; born at San Luis Potosi, July 26, 1802.
Receiving a military education, he served in the Spanish army until June, 1821, when he joined the Mexican revolutionists.
He rose rapidly to the rank of brigadier-general; and in June, 1833, he was made, by Santa Ana (q. v.), second in command of the Mexican army.
Joining another leader in an unsuccessful revolt, he was expelled from Mexico, and came to the United States.
In 1835 he returned, and was restored to his rank in the army, and made Judge of the Supreme Tribunal of War. He was taken prisoner by the French at Vera Cruz (Dec. 5, 1838), but was soon released on parole.
In 1839 he became general-in-chief of the northern division of the army, and received the Cross of honor for defeating insurgents.
Though only a military commander, he was for some time the real ruler of Mexico when Herrera was President in 1844.
Commanding at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca De La Palma (q.
San Luis Potosi (San Luis Potosi, Mexico) (search for this): entry arista-mariano
Arista, Mariano, 1802-
A Mexican military officer; born at San Luis Potosi, July 26, 1802.
Receiving a military education, he served in the Spanish army until June, 1821, when he joined the Mexican revolutionists.
He rose rapidly to the rank of brigadier-general; and in June, 1833, he was made, by Santa Ana (q. v.), second in command of the Mexican army.
Joining another leader in an unsuccessful revolt, he was expelled from Mexico, and came to the United States.
In 1835 he returned, and was restored to his rank in the army, and made Judge of the Supreme Tribunal of War. He was taken prisoner by the French at Vera Cruz (Dec. 5, 1838), but was soon released on parole.
In 1839 he became general-in-chief of the northern division of the army, and received the Cross of honor for defeating insurgents.
Though only a military commander, he was for some time the real ruler of Mexico when Herrera was President in 1844.
Commanding at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca De La Palma (q.
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): entry arista-mariano
Vera Cruz (Veracruz, Mexico) (search for this): entry arista-mariano
Europe (search for this): entry arista-mariano
Antonio Lopez De Santa Ana (search for this): entry arista-mariano
Don Jose Manuel Herrera (search for this): entry arista-mariano
Mariano Arista (search for this): entry arista-mariano
Arista, Mariano, 1802-
A Mexican military officer; born at San Luis Potosi, July 26, 1802.
Receiving a military education, he served in the Spanish army until June, 1821, when he joined the Mexican revolutionists.
He rose rapidly to the rank of brigadier-general; and in June, 1833, he was made, by Santa Ana (q. v.), second in command of the Mexican army.
Joining another leader in an unsuccessful revolt, he was expelled from Mexico, and came to the United States.
In 1835 he returned, and was restored to his rank in the army, and made Judge of the Supreme Tribunal of War. He was taken prisoner by the French at Vera Cruz (Dec. 5, 1838), but was soon released on parole.
In 1839 he became general-in-chief of the northern division of the army, and received the Cross of honor for defeating insurgents.
Though only a military commander, he was for some time the real ruler of Mexico when Herrera was President in 1844.
Commanding at the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca De La Palma (q.
1844 AD (search for this): entry arista-mariano