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Found 7 total hits in 6 results.
Charles P. Stone (search for this): entry bennet-or-bennett-richard
Bennet, or Bennett, Richard,
Colonial governor; was appointed one of the Virginia commissioners to reconcile Virginia to the administration of Oliver Cromwell in 1651.
In 1654 the Maryland royalists, under the instigation of Lord Baltimore, revolted, and intercolonial hostilities followed, resulting in a victory for the Virginians under Governor Bennet.
During the night of March 25, 1655, many prisoners were taken, including the royalist Governor Stone.
Some of these were afterwards executed.
Richard Bennet (search for this): entry bennet-or-bennett-richard
Bennet, or Bennett, Richard,
Colonial governor; was appointed one of the Virginia commissioners to reconcile Virginia to the administration of Oliver Cromwell in 1651.
In 1654 the Maryland royalists, under the instigation of Lord Baltimore, revolted, and intercolonial hostilities followed, resulting in a victory for the Virginians under Governor Bennet.
During the night of March 25, 1655, many prisoners were taken, including the royalist Governor Stone.
Some of these were afterwards exeet, or Bennett, Richard,
Colonial governor; was appointed one of the Virginia commissioners to reconcile Virginia to the administration of Oliver Cromwell in 1651.
In 1654 the Maryland royalists, under the instigation of Lord Baltimore, revolted, and intercolonial hostilities followed, resulting in a victory for the Virginians under Governor Bennet.
During the night of March 25, 1655, many prisoners were taken, including the royalist Governor Stone.
Some of these were afterwards executed.
Oliver Cromwell (search for this): entry bennet-or-bennett-richard
Bennet, or Bennett, Richard,
Colonial governor; was appointed one of the Virginia commissioners to reconcile Virginia to the administration of Oliver Cromwell in 1651.
In 1654 the Maryland royalists, under the instigation of Lord Baltimore, revolted, and intercolonial hostilities followed, resulting in a victory for the Virginians under Governor Bennet.
During the night of March 25, 1655, many prisoners were taken, including the royalist Governor Stone.
Some of these were afterwards executed.
March 25th, 1655 AD (search for this): entry bennet-or-bennett-richard
Bennet, or Bennett, Richard,
Colonial governor; was appointed one of the Virginia commissioners to reconcile Virginia to the administration of Oliver Cromwell in 1651.
In 1654 the Maryland royalists, under the instigation of Lord Baltimore, revolted, and intercolonial hostilities followed, resulting in a victory for the Virginians under Governor Bennet.
During the night of March 25, 1655, many prisoners were taken, including the royalist Governor Stone.
Some of these were afterwards executed.
1654 AD (search for this): entry bennet-or-bennett-richard
Bennet, or Bennett, Richard,
Colonial governor; was appointed one of the Virginia commissioners to reconcile Virginia to the administration of Oliver Cromwell in 1651.
In 1654 the Maryland royalists, under the instigation of Lord Baltimore, revolted, and intercolonial hostilities followed, resulting in a victory for the Virginians under Governor Bennet.
During the night of March 25, 1655, many prisoners were taken, including the royalist Governor Stone.
Some of these were afterwards executed.
1651 AD (search for this): entry bennet-or-bennett-richard
Bennet, or Bennett, Richard,
Colonial governor; was appointed one of the Virginia commissioners to reconcile Virginia to the administration of Oliver Cromwell in 1651.
In 1654 the Maryland royalists, under the instigation of Lord Baltimore, revolted, and intercolonial hostilities followed, resulting in a victory for the Virginians under Governor Bennet.
During the night of March 25, 1655, many prisoners were taken, including the royalist Governor Stone.
Some of these were afterwards executed.