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l was rendered Aug. 15, 1893. The findings of the arbitrators were: Russia never claimed exclusive rights; (Great Britain had not conceded any claim of Russia to exclusive jurisdiction; Bering Sea was included in the Pacific Ocean in the treaty of 1825: all Russian rights Passed to the United States; the United States have no rights when seals are outside the 3-mile limit. Restrictive regulations were also adopted: proclaiming a closed season from May 1 to July 31 in Bering Sea and the North Pacific; establishing a protected zone within 60 miles of the Pribyloff Islands; forbidding steam-vessels, use of nets, fire-arms, and explosives. The award was regarded as a compromise, in which the United States was technically defeated, but acquired substantial advantages in the regulations. The complaints came mainly from Can ada. See Bering sea arbitration. In 1894, the year following the signing of this treaty, more seals were slaughtered by poachers than ever before. The United Stat
British Columbia (Canada) (search for this): entry bering-sea
, for during the twenty years which followed the seal-fisheries paid into the national treasury a rental which exceeded the purchase-price of the territory by $6,350,000. That Bering Sea, with its islands, was the exclusive property of Russia for the sixty-eight years of her domination in Alaska had never been questioned, and that the United States, by purchase, succeeded to the same rights of possession no one could, it would be supposed, deny. About 1886, however, some ship-owners in British Columbia began to encroach upon these rights by sending vessels into the sea to intercept the seals as they made their annual migration to their breeding-grounds on the Pribyloff Islands. This unlawful poaching and the unregulated pelagic sealing were carried on to such an extent that in 1890 the Canadian intruders secured 20,000 skins. As very many of the seals thus taken were females, and their young were left to perish for want of sustenance, the actual number destroyed was far in excess of
Canada (Canada) (search for this): entry bering-sea
resulting from alleged illegal seizures of British vessels in Bering Sea. The United States denied the justice of this claim, hut after another year of seal slaughter, agreed to submit the claim to arbitration In July, 1896, Judge G. E. King, of Canada, and Judge W. E. Putnam, of the United States, were chosen commissioners to settle the matter. On Jan. 14, 1898. President McKinley submitted to Congress the report and awards of the commission, the last aggregating $473,151 in favor of Great n exhaustive study of the fur-seal question, and on its report (1897) president McKinley appointed a new commission to devise protection for the seals. Then efforts were made to induce Great Britain to consent to an international conference, but Canada objected to the representation of Russia and Japan, whom the United States had invited, and on this objection Great Britain declined. Subsequently the United States invited all interested nations to a conference separately. See Anglo-American c
it the claim to arbitration In July, 1896, Judge G. E. King, of Canada, and Judge W. E. Putnam, of the United States, were chosen commissioners to settle the matter. On Jan. 14, 1898. President McKinley submitted to Congress the report and awards of the commission, the last aggregating $473,151 in favor of Great Britain, and on June 14 Congress appropriated that amount. In the mean time (June, 189)6) President Cleveland appointed a commission to make an exhaustive study of the fur-seal question, and on its report (1897) president McKinley appointed a new commission to devise protection for the seals. Then efforts were made to induce Great Britain to consent to an international conference, but Canada objected to the representation of Russia and Japan, whom the United States had invited, and on this objection Great Britain declined. Subsequently the United States invited all interested nations to a conference separately. See Anglo-American commission. Bering sea arbitratio
Russian River (Alaska, United States) (search for this): entry bering-sea
atified in London, and the arbitrators met in Paris; they were Lord Hannen, Sir John Thompson, Justice Harlan, United States Senator Morgan, Baron de Courcelles, M. Gregero Gram, and Marquis Visconti Venosta. The decision of the tribunal was rendered Aug. 15, 1893. The findings of the arbitrators were: Russia never claimed exclusive rights; (Great Britain had not conceded any claim of Russia to exclusive jurisdiction; Bering Sea was included in the Pacific Ocean in the treaty of 1825: all Russian rights Passed to the United States; the United States have no rights when seals are outside the 3-mile limit. Restrictive regulations were also adopted: proclaiming a closed season from May 1 to July 31 in Bering Sea and the North Pacific; establishing a protected zone within 60 miles of the Pribyloff Islands; forbidding steam-vessels, use of nets, fire-arms, and explosives. The award was regarded as a compromise, in which the United States was technically defeated, but acquired substanti
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): entry bering-sea
ction, especially as regarded the seal fisheries, recognized by Great Britain: 3. Was the Bering Sea included in the phrase Pacific Grean tween the two governments, June 15, 1891, providing: 1. That Great Britain shall use her best efforts to prohibit sealing by her subjects f the arbitrators were: Russia never claimed exclusive rights; (Great Britain had not conceded any claim of Russia to exclusive jurisdiction;that country refused to act unless the United States should pay Great Britain $500,000 in discharge of all claims for damages resulting from ds of the commission, the last aggregating $473,151 in favor of Great Britain, and on June 14 Congress appropriated that amount. In the meaise protection for the seals. Then efforts were made to induce Great Britain to consent to an international conference, but Canada objected apan, whom the United States had invited, and on this objection Great Britain declined. Subsequently the United States invited all intereste
Russia (Russia) (search for this): entry bering-sea
Alaskan coast. By virtue of these discoveries, the Emperor Paul of Russia, in 1799, assumed the sovereignty over the American coast as far so0. That Bering Sea, with its islands, was the exclusive property of Russia for the sixty-eight years of her domination in Alaska had never beeere as follows: 1. What exclusive jurisdiction in Bering Sea did Russia exercise prior to the cession of Alaska? 2. To what extent was tific Grean in the Anglo-Russian treaty of 1825; and what rights did Russia exercise in the Bering Sea after the treaty? 4. Did not all the was rendered Aug. 15, 1893. The findings of the arbitrators were: Russia never claimed exclusive rights; (Great Britain had not conceded any claim of Russia to exclusive jurisdiction; Bering Sea was included in the Pacific Ocean in the treaty of 1825: all Russian rights Passed to ternational conference, but Canada objected to the representation of Russia and Japan, whom the United States had invited, and on this objectio
Department de Ville de Paris (France) (search for this): entry bering-sea
remain on the islands during the present season to make such observations as may be necessary for the proper presentation of the case to the court of arbitration. Expert agents were appointed by each government to visit the localities under dispute, and make a thorough investigation of the material facts. A treaty was signed at Washington, Feb. 29, 1892, providing for the settlement by arbitration of the vexed seal question. The treaty was ratified in London, and the arbitrators met in Paris; they were Lord Hannen, Sir John Thompson, Justice Harlan, United States Senator Morgan, Baron de Courcelles, M. Gregero Gram, and Marquis Visconti Venosta. The decision of the tribunal was rendered Aug. 15, 1893. The findings of the arbitrators were: Russia never claimed exclusive rights; (Great Britain had not conceded any claim of Russia to exclusive jurisdiction; Bering Sea was included in the Pacific Ocean in the treaty of 1825: all Russian rights Passed to the United States; the Unit
United States (United States) (search for this): entry bering-sea
ka had never been questioned, and that the United States, by purchase, succeeded to the same rightsies east of the water boundary pass to the United States when the treaty was ratified by which she the United States in the seals frequenting United States islands, when found outside the ordinary 3Bering Sea until May, 1892. 2. That the United States shall limit the number of seals to he takesels outside the territorial limits of the United States may be seized by either of the contractingHannen, Sir John Thompson, Justice Harlan, United States Senator Morgan, Baron de Courcelles, M. Gr of 1825: all Russian rights Passed to the United States; the United States have no rights when seawas regarded as a compromise, in which the United States was technically defeated, but acquired subres of British vessels in Bering Sea. The United States denied the justice of this claim, hut afte of Canada, and Judge W. E. Putnam, of the United States, were chosen commissioners to settle the m[9 more...]
Bering sea. In 1725 Capt. Vitus Bering, a Danish navigator in the service of Peter the Great, discovered rchase-price of the territory by $6,350,000. That Bering Sea, with its islands, was the exclusive property of he claim of Lord Salisbury, who had asserted that Bering Sea could not be mare clausum under any circumstances as follows: 1. What exclusive jurisdiction in Bering Sea did Russia exercise prior to the cession of Alaskst efforts to prohibit sealing by her subjects in Bering Sea until May, 1892. 2. That the United States shaed any claim of Russia to exclusive jurisdiction; Bering Sea was included in the Pacific Ocean in the treaty oclaiming a closed season from May 1 to July 31 in Bering Sea and the North Pacific; establishing a protected zom alleged illegal seizures of British vessels in Bering Sea. The United States denied the justice of this clall interested nations to a conference separately. See Anglo-American commission. Bering sea arbitration
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