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ond term immediately following the first. Governors of the New Haven colony Name.Date. Theophilus Eaton1639 to 1657 Francis Newman1658 to 1660 William Leete1661 to 1665 Governors of Connecticut Name.Date John Winthrop1665 to 1676 William Leete1676 to 1683 Robert Treat1683 to 1687 Edmund Andros1687 to 1689 Robert Treat1689 to 1698 Fitz John Winthrop1698 to 1707 Gurdon Saltonstall1707 to 1724 Joseph Talcott1724 to 1741 Jonathan Law1741 to 1750 Roger Wolcott1750 to 1754 Thomas Fitch1754 to 1766 William Pitkin1766 to 1769 Jonathan Trumbull1769 to 1784 Mathew Griswold1784 to 1786 Samuel Huntington1786 to 1796 Oliver Wolcott1796 to 1798 Jonathan Trumbull1798 to 1809 John Treadwell1809 to 1811 Roger Griswold1811 to 1813 John Cotton Smith1813 to 1817 Oliver Wolcott1817 to 1827 Gideon Tomlinson1827 to 1831 John S. Peters1831 to 1833 H. W. Edwards1833 to 1834 Samuel A. Foote1834 to 1835 H. W. Edwards1835 to 1838 W. W. Ellsworth1838 to 1842 O. F. Cleveland18
Thomas M. Waller (search for this): entry connecticut
ymour1850 to 1853 Governors of Connecticut—Continued. Name.Date. Charles H. Pond 1853 to 1854 Henry Dutton 1854 to 1855 W. T. Minor 1855 to 1857 A. H. Holley 1857 to 1858 William A. Buckingham 1858 to 1866 Joseph R. Hawley 1866 to 1867 James E. English1867 to 1869 Marshall Jewell 1869 to 1870 James E. English 1870 to 1871 Marshall Jewell1871 to 1873 Charles R. Ingersoll 1873 to 1876 R. D. Hubbard 1876 to 1879 Charles B. Andrews 1879 to 1881 H. B. Bigelow 1881 to 1883 Thomas M. Waller 1883 to 1885 Henry B. Harrison 1885 to 1887 Phineas C. Lounsbury 1887 to 1889 Morgan G. Bulkeley 1889 to 1891 to 1891 to 1893 Luzon B. Morris1893 to 1895 O Vincent Coffin 1895 to 1897 Lorrin A. Cooke 1897 to 1899 George E. Lounsbury 1899 to 1901 George P. McLean 1901 to 1903 United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Date. Oliver Ellsworth 1st to 4th1789 to 1797 William S. Johnson 1st1789 to 1791 Roger Sherman 2d1791 to 1793 Stephen Nix Mitchell 3d1793 to 1795 James
Abraham Warwick (search for this): entry connecticut
Mohegan chief, moved by equally strong self-interest, invited them to the same territory, his object being to make the English a barrier between his people and the powerful and warlike Pequods. In 1632 Edward Winslow visited the Connecticut Valley, and confirmed the truth of all the pleasant things the Dutch and Indians had said about it. The fame of it had already reached Old England, and two years before Winslow's visit Charles I, had granted the soil of that region to Robert, Earl of Warwick. and he transferred it to William, Viscount Say and Seal; Robert, Lord Brook, and their associates. This was the original grant of Connecticut, and the territory was defined as extending westward from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. The Dutch, having purchased the valley from the Indians, the rightful owners, built a redoubt just below the site of Hartford, called Fort Good Hope, in 1633, and took possession. Governor Winthrop, of Massachusetts, wrote to Van Twiller at Manhattan that
, 746,258; in 1900, 908,355. Governors of the Connecticut colony Name.Date. John Haynes1639 to 1640 Edward Hopkins1640 to 1641 John Haynes1641 to 1642 George Wyllys1642 to 1643 John Haynes alternately from Edward Hopkins1643 to 1655 Thomas Welles1655 to 1656 John Webster1656 to 1657 John Winthrop1657 to 1658 Thomas Welles1658 to 1659 John Winthrop1659 to 1665 Until this time no person could be elected to a second term immediately following the first. Governors of the New HavThomas Welles1658 to 1659 John Winthrop1659 to 1665 Until this time no person could be elected to a second term immediately following the first. Governors of the New Haven colony Name.Date. Theophilus Eaton1639 to 1657 Francis Newman1658 to 1660 William Leete1661 to 1665 Governors of Connecticut Name.Date John Winthrop1665 to 1676 William Leete1676 to 1683 Robert Treat1683 to 1687 Edmund Andros1687 to 1689 Robert Treat1689 to 1698 Fitz John Winthrop1698 to 1707 Gurdon Saltonstall1707 to 1724 Joseph Talcott1724 to 1741 Jonathan Law1741 to 1750 Roger Wolcott1750 to 1754 Thomas Fitch1754 to 1766 William Pitkin1766 to 1769 Jonathan Trumbull176
Elijah Boardman (search for this): entry connecticut
ean 1901 to 1903 United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Date. Oliver Ellsworth 1st to 4th1789 to 1797 William S. Johnson 1st1789 to 1791 Roger Sherman 2d1791 to 1793 Stephen Nix Mitchell 3d1793 to 1795 James Hillhouse 4th to 11th1796 to 1811 Jonathan Trumbull4th1795 to 1796 Uriah Tracy 4th to 9th1796 to 1807 Chauncey Goodrich 10th to 12th1807 to 1813 Samuel W. Dana 11th to 16th1810 to 1821 David Daggett 13th to 15th1813 to 1819 James Lanman16th to 18th1819 to 1825 Elijah Boardman17th1821 to 1823 Henry W. Edwards 18th to 19th1823 to 1827 Calvin Willey 19th to 21st1825 to 1831 Samuel A. Foote 20th to 22d1827 to 1833 Gideon Tomlinson 22d to 24th1831 to 1837 Nathan Smith23d 1833 to 1835 John M. Niles 24th to 25th1835 to 1839 Perry Smith25th to 27th1837 to 1843 Thaddeus Betts 26th1839 to 1840 Jabez W. Huntington26th to 29th1840 to 1847 John M. Niles 28th to 30th1843 to 1849 Roger S. Baldwin30th to 31st1847 to 1851 Truman Smith 31st to 33d1849 to 1854 Is
Oliver Ellsworth (search for this): entry connecticut
to 1873 Charles R. Ingersoll 1873 to 1876 R. D. Hubbard 1876 to 1879 Charles B. Andrews 1879 to 1881 H. B. Bigelow 1881 to 1883 Thomas M. Waller 1883 to 1885 Henry B. Harrison 1885 to 1887 Phineas C. Lounsbury 1887 to 1889 Morgan G. Bulkeley 1889 to 1891 to 1891 to 1893 Luzon B. Morris1893 to 1895 O Vincent Coffin 1895 to 1897 Lorrin A. Cooke 1897 to 1899 George E. Lounsbury 1899 to 1901 George P. McLean 1901 to 1903 United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Date. Oliver Ellsworth 1st to 4th1789 to 1797 William S. Johnson 1st1789 to 1791 Roger Sherman 2d1791 to 1793 Stephen Nix Mitchell 3d1793 to 1795 James Hillhouse 4th to 11th1796 to 1811 Jonathan Trumbull4th1795 to 1796 Uriah Tracy 4th to 9th1796 to 1807 Chauncey Goodrich 10th to 12th1807 to 1813 Samuel W. Dana 11th to 16th1810 to 1821 David Daggett 13th to 15th1813 to 1819 James Lanman16th to 18th1819 to 1825 Elijah Boardman17th1821 to 1823 Henry W. Edwards 18th to 19th1823 to 1827 Calvin Willey
Charles B. Andrews (search for this): entry connecticut
ssell1846 to 1849 Joseph Trumbull1849 to 1850 Thomas H. Seymour1850 to 1853 Governors of Connecticut—Continued. Name.Date. Charles H. Pond 1853 to 1854 Henry Dutton 1854 to 1855 W. T. Minor 1855 to 1857 A. H. Holley 1857 to 1858 William A. Buckingham 1858 to 1866 Joseph R. Hawley 1866 to 1867 James E. English1867 to 1869 Marshall Jewell 1869 to 1870 James E. English 1870 to 1871 Marshall Jewell1871 to 1873 Charles R. Ingersoll 1873 to 1876 R. D. Hubbard 1876 to 1879 Charles B. Andrews 1879 to 1881 H. B. Bigelow 1881 to 1883 Thomas M. Waller 1883 to 1885 Henry B. Harrison 1885 to 1887 Phineas C. Lounsbury 1887 to 1889 Morgan G. Bulkeley 1889 to 1891 to 1891 to 1893 Luzon B. Morris1893 to 1895 O Vincent Coffin 1895 to 1897 Lorrin A. Cooke 1897 to 1899 George E. Lounsbury 1899 to 1901 George P. McLean 1901 to 1903 United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Date. Oliver Ellsworth 1st to 4th1789 to 1797 William S. Johnson 1st1789 to 1791 Roger Sherma
Pacific Ocean. The Dutch, having purchased the valley from the Indians, the rightful owners, built a redoubt just below the site of Hartford, called Fort Good Hope, in 1633, and took possession. Governor Winthrop, of Massachusetts, wrote to Van Twiller at Manhattan that England had granted the valley to English subjects, and the Dutch must forbear to build there. Van Twiller courteously replied that the Dutch had already purchased the country from the Indians and set up a house, with intenVan Twiller courteously replied that the Dutch had already purchased the country from the Indians and set up a house, with intent to plant. The Dutch finally withdrew, and in 1635-36 the first permanent settlement in the valley was made at Hartford by emigrants from Massachusetts. The first church was built there in 1635, and the first court, or legislative assembly, was convened at Hartford in 1636. The next year occurred the distressing war with the Pequods, which resulted in their annihilation. A year later a settlement was begun on the site of New Haven, and a sort of theocratic government for it was establish
-seven officers were killed in action, 666 men and forty-eight officers died from wounds, and 3,246 men and sixty-three officers from disease. There were reported missing 389 men and twenty-one officers. Population in 1890, 746,258; in 1900, 908,355. Governors of the Connecticut colony Name.Date. John Haynes1639 to 1640 Edward Hopkins1640 to 1641 John Haynes1641 to 1642 George Wyllys1642 to 1643 John Haynes alternately from Edward Hopkins1643 to 1655 Thomas Welles1655 to 1656 John Webster1656 to 1657 John Winthrop1657 to 1658 Thomas Welles1658 to 1659 John Winthrop1659 to 1665 Until this time no person could be elected to a second term immediately following the first. Governors of the New Haven colony Name.Date. Theophilus Eaton1639 to 1657 Francis Newman1658 to 1660 William Leete1661 to 1665 Governors of Connecticut Name.Date John Winthrop1665 to 1676 William Leete1676 to 1683 Robert Treat1683 to 1687 Edmund Andros1687 to 1689 Robert Treat1689 to 169
1887 to 1889 Morgan G. Bulkeley 1889 to 1891 to 1891 to 1893 Luzon B. Morris1893 to 1895 O Vincent Coffin 1895 to 1897 Lorrin A. Cooke 1897 to 1899 George E. Lounsbury 1899 to 1901 George P. McLean 1901 to 1903 United States Senators. Name.No. of Congress.Date. Oliver Ellsworth 1st to 4th1789 to 1797 William S. Johnson 1st1789 to 1791 Roger Sherman 2d1791 to 1793 Stephen Nix Mitchell 3d1793 to 1795 James Hillhouse 4th to 11th1796 to 1811 Jonathan Trumbull4th1795 to 1796 Uriah Tracy 4th to 9th1796 to 1807 Chauncey Goodrich 10th to 12th1807 to 1813 Samuel W. Dana 11th to 16th1810 to 1821 David Daggett 13th to 15th1813 to 1819 James Lanman16th to 18th1819 to 1825 Elijah Boardman17th1821 to 1823 Henry W. Edwards 18th to 19th1823 to 1827 Calvin Willey 19th to 21st1825 to 1831 Samuel A. Foote 20th to 22d1827 to 1833 Gideon Tomlinson 22d to 24th1831 to 1837 Nathan Smith23d 1833 to 1835 John M. Niles 24th to 25th1835 to 1839 Perry Smith25th to 27th1837 to 1843
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