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Found 167 total hits in 45 results.
Central America (search for this): entry de-soto-fernando
De Soto, Fernando, 1496-
Discoverer; born in Xeres, Estremadura, Spain, about 1496,( of a noble but impoverished family.
Davila, governor of Darien, was his kin patron, through whose generosity he received a good education, and who too him to Central America, where he engaged in exploring the coast of the Pacific Ocean hundreds of miles in search of supposed strait connecting the two ocean When Pizarro went to Peru, De Soto a companied him, and was his chief lieutenant in achieving the conquest of that country.
Brave and judicious, De Sot was the chief hero in the battle that resuited in the capture of Cuzco, the capital
Fernando De Soto. of the Incas, and the destruction of their empire.
Soon after that event he returned to Spain with large wealth, and was received by King Charles V. with great consideration.
He married Isabella Bobadilla, a scion of one of the most renowned of the Castilian families, and his influence at Court was thereby strengthened.
Longing to rival
Newton (Florida, United States) (search for this): entry de-soto-fernando
Flint (Georgia, United States) (search for this): entry de-soto-fernando
Barnwell (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry de-soto-fernando
Mississippi (United States) (search for this): entry de-soto-fernando
Silver Bluff (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry de-soto-fernando
Pacific Ocean (search for this): entry de-soto-fernando
De Soto, Fernando, 1496-
Discoverer; born in Xeres, Estremadura, Spain, about 1496,( of a noble but impoverished family.
Davila, governor of Darien, was his kin patron, through whose generosity he received a good education, and who too him to Central America, where he engaged in exploring the coast of the Pacific Ocean hundreds of miles in search of supposed strait connecting the two ocean When Pizarro went to Peru, De Soto a companied him, and was his chief lieutenant in achieving the conquest of that country.
Brave and judicious, De Sot was the chief hero in the battle that resuited in the capture of Cuzco, the capital
Fernando De Soto. of the Incas, and the destruction of their empire.
Soon after that event he returned to Spain with large wealth, and was received by King Charles V. with great consideration.
He married Isabella Bobadilla, a scion of one of the most renowned of the Castilian families, and his influence at Court was thereby strengthened.
Longing to rival
Yazoo River (United States) (search for this): entry de-soto-fernando
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): entry de-soto-fernando
Tunica (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): entry de-soto-fernando