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Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry fort-donelson
Fort Donelson, A notable fortification on the Cumberland River in Tennessee, 63 miles northwest of Nashville. After the capture of Fort Henry (q. v.)there was no hinderance to the river navy going up the Tennessee to the fertile cotton regions of the heart of the Confederacy. Foote sent Lieut.-Com. S. L. Phelps, with three vessels, to reconnoitre the borders Fort Donelson. of that river. They penetrated to Florence, Ala., seizing Confederate vessels and destroying Confederate propertkner said, like a true soldier, I will accept it, and share the fate of my command. Within an hour after the conference Floyd fled up the river with a part of his command, and Pillow sneaked away in the darkness and finally reached his home in Tennessee. The Confederates never gave him employment again. The next morning, the fort and 13,500 men were surrendered, and the spoils of victory were 3,000 horses, forty-eight field-pieces, seventeen heavy guns, 20,000 muskets, and a large quantity o
Cumberland River (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): entry fort-donelson
Fort Donelson, A notable fortification on the Cumberland River in Tennessee, 63 miles northwest of Nashville. After the capture of Fort Henry (q. v.)there was no hinderance to the river navy going up the Tennessee to the fertile cotton regions of the heart of the Confederacy. Foote sent Lieut.-Com. S. L. Phelps, with three by the mailed hand of the Confederate leaders. Phelps's report caused an immediate expedition against Fort Donelson, situated on the high left bank of the Cumberland River, at Dover, the capital of Stewart county, Tenn. It was formed chiefly of outlying intrenchments, covering about 100 acres, upon hills furrowed by ravines. Aeorganized his army in three divisions, under Generals McClernand, Smith, and Lew. Wallace. Commodore Foote returned to Cairo to take his mortar-boats up the Cumberland River to assist in the attack. On the morning of Feb. 12, 1862, the divisions of McClernand and Smith marched for Fort Donelson, leaving Wallace with a brigade to
Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry fort-donelson
Fort Donelson, A notable fortification on the Cumberland River in Tennessee, 63 miles northwest of Nashville. After the capture of Fort Henry (q. v.)there was no hinderance to the river navy going up the Tennessee to the fertile cotton regions of the heart of the Confederacy. Foote sent Lieut.-Com. S. L. Phelps, with three vessels, to reconnoitre the borders Fort Donelson. of that river. They penetrated to Florence, Ala., seizing Confederate vessels and destroying Confederate propert the night of the 14th the Confederate leaders held a council of war and it was concluded to make a sortie early the next morning, to rout or destroy the invading forces, or to cut through them and escape to the open country in the direction of Nashville. This was attempted at five o'clock (Feb. 15). The troops engaged in it were about 10,000 in number, commanded by Generals Pillow and Bushrod R. Johnson. They advanced from Dover—Mississippians, Tennesseeans, and Virginians—accompanied by For
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): entry fort-donelson
ed chiefly of outlying intrenchments, covering about 100 acres, upon hills furrowed by ravines. At Fort Henry, General Grant reorganized his army in three divisions, under Generals McClernand, Smith, and Lew. Wallace. Commodore Foote returned to Cairo to take his mortar-boats up the Cumberland River to assist in the attack. On the morning of Feb. 12, 1862, the divisions of McClernand and Smith marched for Fort Donelson, leaving Wallace with a brigade to hold the vanquished forts on the Tennese was formed of unarmored boats. The former were exposed to a tremendous pounding by missiles from the shore-batteries; and they were compelled to retire, after receiving 140 shots and having fifty-four men killed and wounded. Foote returned to Cairo to repair damages and to bring up a sufficient naval force to assist in carrying on the siege. Grant resolved to wait for the return of Foote and the arrival of reinforcements. But he was not allowed to wait. On the night of the 14th the Con
Fort Henry (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry fort-donelson
Fort Donelson, A notable fortification on the Cumberland River in Tennessee, 63 miles northwest of Nashville. After the capture of Fort Henry (q. v.)there was no hinderance to the river navy going up the Tennessee to the fertile cotton regions of the heart of the Confederacy. Foote sent Lieut.-Com. S. L. Phelps, with three vessels, to reconnoitre the borders Fort Donelson. of that river. They penetrated to Florence, Ala., seizing Confederate vessels and destroying Confederate propertydition against Fort Donelson, situated on the high left bank of the Cumberland River, at Dover, the capital of Stewart county, Tenn. It was formed chiefly of outlying intrenchments, covering about 100 acres, upon hills furrowed by ravines. At Fort Henry, General Grant reorganized his army in three divisions, under Generals McClernand, Smith, and Lew. Wallace. Commodore Foote returned to Cairo to take his mortar-boats up the Cumberland River to assist in the attack. On the morning of Feb. 12,
Stewart (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry fort-donelson
essels, to reconnoitre the borders Fort Donelson. of that river. They penetrated to Florence, Ala., seizing Confederate vessels and destroying Confederate property, and discovered the weakness of the Confederacy in all that region, for Unionism was everywhere prevalent, but suppressed by the mailed hand of the Confederate leaders. Phelps's report caused an immediate expedition against Fort Donelson, situated on the high left bank of the Cumberland River, at Dover, the capital of Stewart county, Tenn. It was formed chiefly of outlying intrenchments, covering about 100 acres, upon hills furrowed by ravines. At Fort Henry, General Grant reorganized his army in three divisions, under Generals McClernand, Smith, and Lew. Wallace. Commodore Foote returned to Cairo to take his mortar-boats up the Cumberland River to assist in the attack. On the morning of Feb. 12, 1862, the divisions of McClernand and Smith marched for Fort Donelson, leaving Wallace with a brigade to hold the vanquish
Fort McAllister (Georgia, United States) (search for this): entry fort-donelson
eriously menaced within twenty minutes after the sortie of the Confederates was known. The attack was quick, furious, and heavy. Oglesby's brigade received the first shock, but stood firm until their ammunition began to fail, when they gave way under the tremendous pressure, excepting the extreme left, held by Col. John A. Logan (q. v.)with his Illinois regiment. Imitating their commander, they stood as firmly as a wall, and prevented a panic and a rout. The light batteries of Taylor, McAllister, and Dresser, shifting positions and sending volleys of grape and canister, made the Confederate line recoil again and again. At eight o'clock McClernand's division was so hard pressed that he sent to Wallace for help. Wallace, being assigned to a special duty, could not comply without orders, for which he sent.--Grant was away, in consultation with Commodore Foote, who had arrived. Again McClernand sent for help, saying his flank was turned. Wallace took the responsibility. Then Bu
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry fort-donelson
Fort Donelson, A notable fortification on the Cumberland River in Tennessee, 63 miles northwest of Nashville. After the capture of Fort Henry (q. v.)there was no hinderance to the river navy gracy. Foote sent Lieut.-Com. S. L. Phelps, with three vessels, to reconnoitre the borders Fort Donelson. of that river. They penetrated to Florence, Ala., seizing Confederate vessels and destroyiled hand of the Confederate leaders. Phelps's report caused an immediate expedition against Fort Donelson, situated on the high left bank of the Cumberland River, at Dover, the capital of Stewart c attack. On the morning of Feb. 12, 1862, the divisions of McClernand and Smith marched for Fort Donelson, leaving Wallace with a brigade to hold the vanquished forts on the Tennessee. On the same evening Fort Donelson was invested. Grant resolved to wait for the arrival of the flotilla bearing troops that would complete Wallace's division before making the attack. General Pillow was in co
Florence, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): entry fort-donelson
Fort Donelson, A notable fortification on the Cumberland River in Tennessee, 63 miles northwest of Nashville. After the capture of Fort Henry (q. v.)there was no hinderance to the river navy going up the Tennessee to the fertile cotton regions of the heart of the Confederacy. Foote sent Lieut.-Com. S. L. Phelps, with three vessels, to reconnoitre the borders Fort Donelson. of that river. They penetrated to Florence, Ala., seizing Confederate vessels and destroying Confederate property, and discovered the weakness of the Confederacy in all that region, for Unionism was everywhere prevalent, but suppressed by the mailed hand of the Confederate leaders. Phelps's report caused an immediate expedition against Fort Donelson, situated on the high left bank of the Cumberland River, at Dover, the capital of Stewart county, Tenn. It was formed chiefly of outlying intrenchments, covering about 100 acres, upon hills furrowed by ravines. At Fort Henry, General Grant reorganized his ar
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): entry fort-donelson
help McClernand. These movements were not suspected by the Nationals, and so quick and vigorous was Pillow's attack that Grant's right wing was seriously menaced within twenty minutes after the sortie of the Confederates was known. The attack was quick, furious, and heavy. Oglesby's brigade received the first shock, but stood firm until their ammunition began to fail, when they gave way under the tremendous pressure, excepting the extreme left, held by Col. John A. Logan (q. v.)with his Illinois regiment. Imitating their commander, they stood as firmly as a wall, and prevented a panic and a rout. The light batteries of Taylor, McAllister, and Dresser, shifting positions and sending volleys of grape and canister, made the Confederate line recoil again and again. At eight o'clock McClernand's division was so hard pressed that he sent to Wallace for help. Wallace, being assigned to a special duty, could not comply without orders, for which he sent.--Grant was away, in consultation
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