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Found 18 total hits in 9 results.
Milford (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): entry longworth-nicholas
Longworth, Nicholas 1782-1863
Viniculturist: born in Newark, N. J., Jan. 16, 1782; in early life was a clerk in a store in South Carolina, but removed to Cincinnati at the age of twenty-one years, when that place was not much more than a hamlet.
He studied law, which he practised there for twenty-five years, and invested money in lands, long since covered by the rapidly growing city.
He finally turned his attention to the cultivation of grapes, first raising foreign vines and then the native Catawba and Isabella.
He produced very fine wine from the latter.
At one time he had 200 acres of vineyard and a wine-house.
He published Buchanan's treatise on the grape, with an appendix on Strawberry culture.
He died in Cincinnati, Feb. 10, 1863.
Cincinnati (Ohio, United States) (search for this): entry longworth-nicholas
Longworth, Nicholas 1782-1863
Viniculturist: born in Newark, N. J., Jan. 16, 1782; in early life was a clerk in a store in South Carolina, but removed to Cincinnati at the age of twenty-one years, when that place was not much more than a hamlet.
He studied law, which he practised there for twenty-five years, and invested money in lands, long since covered by the rapidly growing city.
He finally turned his attention to the cultivation of grapes, first raising foreign vines and then the nudied law, which he practised there for twenty-five years, and invested money in lands, long since covered by the rapidly growing city.
He finally turned his attention to the cultivation of grapes, first raising foreign vines and then the native Catawba and Isabella.
He produced very fine wine from the latter.
At one time he had 200 acres of vineyard and a wine-house.
He published Buchanan's treatise on the grape, with an appendix on Strawberry culture.
He died in Cincinnati, Feb. 10, 1863.
South River, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): entry longworth-nicholas
Longworth, Nicholas 1782-1863
Viniculturist: born in Newark, N. J., Jan. 16, 1782; in early life was a clerk in a store in South Carolina, but removed to Cincinnati at the age of twenty-one years, when that place was not much more than a hamlet.
He studied law, which he practised there for twenty-five years, and invested money in lands, long since covered by the rapidly growing city.
He finally turned his attention to the cultivation of grapes, first raising foreign vines and then the native Catawba and Isabella.
He produced very fine wine from the latter.
At one time he had 200 acres of vineyard and a wine-house.
He published Buchanan's treatise on the grape, with an appendix on Strawberry culture.
He died in Cincinnati, Feb. 10, 1863.
Nicholas Longworth (search for this): entry longworth-nicholas
Longworth, Nicholas 1782-1863
Viniculturist: born in Newark, N. J., Jan. 16, 1782; in early life was a clerk in a store in South Carolina, but removed to Cincinnati at the age of twenty-one years, when that place was not much more than a hamlet.
He studied law, which he practised there for twenty-five years, and invested money in lands, long since covered by the rapidly growing city.
He finally turned his attention to the cultivation of grapes, first raising foreign vines and then the native Catawba and Isabella.
He produced very fine wine from the latter.
At one time he had 200 acres of vineyard and a wine-house.
He published Buchanan's treatise on the grape, with an appendix on Strawberry culture.
He died in Cincinnati, Feb. 10, 1863.
William Buchanan (search for this): entry longworth-nicholas
Longworth, Nicholas 1782-1863
Viniculturist: born in Newark, N. J., Jan. 16, 1782; in early life was a clerk in a store in South Carolina, but removed to Cincinnati at the age of twenty-one years, when that place was not much more than a hamlet.
He studied law, which he practised there for twenty-five years, and invested money in lands, long since covered by the rapidly growing city.
He finally turned his attention to the cultivation of grapes, first raising foreign vines and then the native Catawba and Isabella.
He produced very fine wine from the latter.
At one time he had 200 acres of vineyard and a wine-house.
He published Buchanan's treatise on the grape, with an appendix on Strawberry culture.
He died in Cincinnati, Feb. 10, 1863.
1863 AD (search for this): entry longworth-nicholas
Longworth, Nicholas 1782-1863
Viniculturist: born in Newark, N. J., Jan. 16, 1782; in early life was a clerk in a store in South Carolina, but removed to Cincinnati at the age of twenty-one years, when that place was not much more than a hamlet.
He studied law, which he practised there for twenty-five years, and invested money in lands, long since covered by the rapidly growing city.
He finally turned his attention to the cultivation of grapes, first raising foreign vines and then the native Catawba and Isabella.
He produced very fine wine from the latter.
At one time he had 200 acres of vineyard and a wine-house.
He published Buchanan's treatise on the grape, with an appendix on Strawberry culture.
He died in Cincinnati, Feb. 10, 1863.
January 16th, 1782 AD (search for this): entry longworth-nicholas
Longworth, Nicholas 1782-1863
Viniculturist: born in Newark, N. J., Jan. 16, 1782; in early life was a clerk in a store in South Carolina, but removed to Cincinnati at the age of twenty-one years, when that place was not much more than a hamlet.
He studied law, which he practised there for twenty-five years, and invested money in lands, long since covered by the rapidly growing city.
He finally turned his attention to the cultivation of grapes, first raising foreign vines and then the native Catawba and Isabella.
He produced very fine wine from the latter.
At one time he had 200 acres of vineyard and a wine-house.
He published Buchanan's treatise on the grape, with an appendix on Strawberry culture.
He died in Cincinnati, Feb. 10, 1863.
February 10th, 1863 AD (search for this): entry longworth-nicholas
Longworth, Nicholas 1782-1863
Viniculturist: born in Newark, N. J., Jan. 16, 1782; in early life was a clerk in a store in South Carolina, but removed to Cincinnati at the age of twenty-one years, when that place was not much more than a hamlet.
He studied law, which he practised there for twenty-five years, and invested money in lands, long since covered by the rapidly growing city.
He finally turned his attention to the cultivation of grapes, first raising foreign vines and then the native Catawba and Isabella.
He produced very fine wine from the latter.
At one time he had 200 acres of vineyard and a wine-house.
He published Buchanan's treatise on the grape, with an appendix on Strawberry culture.
He died in Cincinnati, Feb. 10, 1863.
1782 AD (search for this): entry longworth-nicholas
Longworth, Nicholas 1782-1863
Viniculturist: born in Newark, N. J., Jan. 16, 1782; in early life was a clerk in a store in South Carolina, but removed to Cincinnati at the age of twenty-one years, when that place was not much more than a hamlet.
He studied law, which he practised there for twenty-five years, and invested money in lands, long since covered by the rapidly growing city.
He finally turned his attention to the cultivation of grapes, first raising foreign vines and then the native Catawba and Isabella.
He produced very fine wine from the latter.
At one time he had 200 acres of vineyard and a wine-house.
He published Buchanan's treatise on the grape, with an appendix on Strawberry culture.
He died in Cincinnati, Feb. 10, 1863.