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Todd (South Dakota, United States) (search for this): entry mills-roger-quarles
Mills, Roger Quarles 1832- Lawyer; born in Todd county, Va., March 30, 1832; became a lawyer in Corsicana, Tex.; was colonel of the 10th Texas Regiment in the Confederate army in the Civil War; and entered the national House of Representatives in 1873 as a Democrat. Having given especial attention to revenue questions, he was appointed, in the Congress of 1887-89, chairman of the ways and means committee, and reported in 1888 the so-called Mills bill. This measure, prepared in the direction of tariff reform, passed the Democratic House and was defeated in the Republican Senate. Mr. Mills was defeated by Mr. Crisp in the contest for speaker in 1891, and was a United States Senator in 1892-99.
Corsicana (Texas, United States) (search for this): entry mills-roger-quarles
Mills, Roger Quarles 1832- Lawyer; born in Todd county, Va., March 30, 1832; became a lawyer in Corsicana, Tex.; was colonel of the 10th Texas Regiment in the Confederate army in the Civil War; and entered the national House of Representatives in 1873 as a Democrat. Having given especial attention to revenue questions, he was appointed, in the Congress of 1887-89, chairman of the ways and means committee, and reported in 1888 the so-called Mills bill. This measure, prepared in the direction of tariff reform, passed the Democratic House and was defeated in the Republican Senate. Mr. Mills was defeated by Mr. Crisp in the contest for speaker in 1891, and was a United States Senator in 1892-99.
United States (United States) (search for this): entry mills-roger-quarles
Mills, Roger Quarles 1832- Lawyer; born in Todd county, Va., March 30, 1832; became a lawyer in Corsicana, Tex.; was colonel of the 10th Texas Regiment in the Confederate army in the Civil War; and entered the national House of Representatives in 1873 as a Democrat. Having given especial attention to revenue questions, he was appointed, in the Congress of 1887-89, chairman of the ways and means committee, and reported in 1888 the so-called Mills bill. This measure, prepared in the direction of tariff reform, passed the Democratic House and was defeated in the Republican Senate. Mr. Mills was defeated by Mr. Crisp in the contest for speaker in 1891, and was a United States Senator in 1892-99.
Charles Frederick Crisp (search for this): entry mills-roger-quarles
Mills, Roger Quarles 1832- Lawyer; born in Todd county, Va., March 30, 1832; became a lawyer in Corsicana, Tex.; was colonel of the 10th Texas Regiment in the Confederate army in the Civil War; and entered the national House of Representatives in 1873 as a Democrat. Having given especial attention to revenue questions, he was appointed, in the Congress of 1887-89, chairman of the ways and means committee, and reported in 1888 the so-called Mills bill. This measure, prepared in the direction of tariff reform, passed the Democratic House and was defeated in the Republican Senate. Mr. Mills was defeated by Mr. Crisp in the contest for speaker in 1891, and was a United States Senator in 1892-99.
Mills, Roger Quarles 1832- Lawyer; born in Todd county, Va., March 30, 1832; became a lawyer in Corsicana, Tex.; was colonel of the 10th Texas Regiment in the Confederate army in the Civil War; and entered the national House of Representatives in 1873 as a Democrat. Having given especial attention to revenue questions, he was appointed, in the Congress of 1887-89, chairman of the ways and means committee, and reported in 1888 the so-called Mills bill. This measure, prepared in the direction of tariff reform, passed the Democratic House and was defeated in the Republican Senate. Mr. Mills was defeated by Mr. Crisp in the contest for speaker in 1891,hairman of the ways and means committee, and reported in 1888 the so-called Mills bill. This measure, prepared in the direction of tariff reform, passed the Democratic House and was defeated in the Republican Senate. Mr. Mills was defeated by Mr. Crisp in the contest for speaker in 1891, and was a United States Senator in 1892-99.
Mills, Roger Quarles 1832- Lawyer; born in Todd county, Va., March 30, 1832; became a lawyer in Corsicana, Tex.; was colonel of the 10th Texas Regiment in the Confederate army in the Civil War; and entered the national House of Representatives in 1873 as a Democrat. Having given especial attention to revenue questions, he was appointed, in the Congress of 1887-89, chairman of the ways and means committee, and reported in 1888 the so-called Mills bill. This measure, prepared in the direction of tariff reform, passed the Democratic House and was defeated in the Republican Senate. Mr. Mills was defeated by Mr. Crisp in the contest for speaker in 1891, and was a United States Senator in 1892-99.
Mills, Roger Quarles 1832- Lawyer; born in Todd county, Va., March 30, 1832; became a lawyer in Corsicana, Tex.; was colonel of the 10th Texas Regiment in the Confederate army in the Civil War; and entered the national House of Representatives in 1873 as a Democrat. Having given especial attention to revenue questions, he was appointed, in the Congress of 1887-89, chairman of the ways and means committee, and reported in 1888 the so-called Mills bill. This measure, prepared in the direction of tariff reform, passed the Democratic House and was defeated in the Republican Senate. Mr. Mills was defeated by Mr. Crisp in the contest for speaker in 1891, and was a United States Senator in 1892-99.
Mills, Roger Quarles 1832- Lawyer; born in Todd county, Va., March 30, 1832; became a lawyer in Corsicana, Tex.; was colonel of the 10th Texas Regiment in the Confederate army in the Civil War; and entered the national House of Representatives in 1873 as a Democrat. Having given especial attention to revenue questions, he was appointed, in the Congress of 1887-89, chairman of the ways and means committee, and reported in 1888 the so-called Mills bill. This measure, prepared in the direction of tariff reform, passed the Democratic House and was defeated in the Republican Senate. Mr. Mills was defeated by Mr. Crisp in the contest for speaker in 1891, and was a United States Senator in 1892-99.
Mills, Roger Quarles 1832- Lawyer; born in Todd county, Va., March 30, 1832; became a lawyer in Corsicana, Tex.; was colonel of the 10th Texas Regiment in the Confederate army in the Civil War; and entered the national House of Representatives in 1873 as a Democrat. Having given especial attention to revenue questions, he was appointed, in the Congress of 1887-89, chairman of the ways and means committee, and reported in 1888 the so-called Mills bill. This measure, prepared in the direction of tariff reform, passed the Democratic House and was defeated in the Republican Senate. Mr. Mills was defeated by Mr. Crisp in the contest for speaker in 1891, and was a United States Senator in 1892-99.
Mills, Roger Quarles 1832- Lawyer; born in Todd county, Va., March 30, 1832; became a lawyer in Corsicana, Tex.; was colonel of the 10th Texas Regiment in the Confederate army in the Civil War; and entered the national House of Representatives in 1873 as a Democrat. Having given especial attention to revenue questions, he was appointed, in the Congress of 1887-89, chairman of the ways and means committee, and reported in 1888 the so-called Mills bill. This measure, prepared in the direction of tariff reform, passed the Democratic House and was defeated in the Republican Senate. Mr. Mills was defeated by Mr. Crisp in the contest for speaker in 1891, and was a United States Senator in 1892-99.
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