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Found 65 total hits in 23 results.
Connecticut River (United States) (search for this): entry oldham-john
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): entry oldham-john
Oldham, John 1600-
Pilgrim; born in England about 1600.
In 1623 the Pilgrims, regarding Robinson, in Holland, as their pastor, and expecting him over, had no other spiritual guide than Elder Brewster.
Because of this state of things at Plymouth, the London partners were taunted with fostering religious schism.
To relieve themselves of this stigma, they sent a minister named Lyford to be pastor.
He was kindly received, and, with John Oldham, who went to Plymouth at about the same time, was invited to the consultations of the governor with his council.
It was soon discovered that Lyford and Oldham were plotting treason against the Church and State.
Several letters written by Lyford to the London partners, breathing sedition, were discovered by Bradford as they were about to be sent abroad.
The governor kept quiet for a while, but when Lyford set up a separate congregation, with a few of the colonists whom he had seduced, and held meetings on the Sabbath, Bradford summoned a
Windsor (United Kingdom) (search for this): entry oldham-john
Block Island (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry oldham-john
Nantasket (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry oldham-john
America (Netherlands) (search for this): entry oldham-john
Plymouth (United Kingdom) (search for this): entry oldham-john
Oldham, John 1600-
Pilgrim; born in England about 1600.
In 1623 the Pilgrims, regarding Robinson, in Holland, as their pastor, and expecting him over, had no other spiritual guide than Elder Brewster.
Because of this state of things at Plymouth, the London partners were taunted with fostering religious schism.
To relieve themselves of this stigma, they sent a minister named Lyford to be pastor.
He was kindly received, and, with John Oldham, who went to Plymouth at about the same time, wPlymouth at about the same time, was invited to the consultations of the governor with his council.
It was soon discovered that Lyford and Oldham were plotting treason against the Church and State.
Several letters written by Lyford to the London partners, breathing sedition, were discovered by Bradford as they were about to be sent abroad.
The governor kept quiet for a while, but when Lyford set up a separate congregation, with a few of the colonists whom he had seduced, and held meetings on the Sabbath, Bradford summoned a G
Kingston-upon-Hull (United Kingdom) (search for this): entry oldham-john
Holland (Netherlands) (search for this): entry oldham-john
Oldham, John 1600-
Pilgrim; born in England about 1600.
In 1623 the Pilgrims, regarding Robinson, in Holland, as their pastor, and expecting him over, had no other spiritual guide than Elder Brewster.
Because of this state of things at Plymouth, the London partners were taunted with fostering religious schism.
To relieve themselves of this stigma, they sent a minister named Lyford to be pastor.
He was kindly received, and, with John Oldham, who went to Plymouth at about the same time, was invited to the consultations of the governor with his council.
It was soon discovered that Lyford and Oldham were plotting treason against the Church and State.
Several letters written by Lyford to the London partners, breathing sedition, were discovered by Bradford as they were about to be sent abroad.
The governor kept quiet for a while, but when Lyford set up a separate congregation, with a few of the colonists whom he had seduced, and held meetings on the Sabbath, Bradford summoned a
Watertown (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): entry oldham-john