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Found 47 total hits in 19 results.
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): entry protestant-churches
United States (United States) (search for this): entry protestant-churches
Protestant churches.
On the progress of the Protestant faith in general, and in the United States during the nineteenth century in particular, the Rev. Washington Gladden, D. D., Ll.D., writes as follows:
Besides a number of minor sects, such as the Abyssinians, the Copts, the Arminians, the Nestorians, and the Jacobites, numbering in all 4,000,000 or 5,000,000, we have the three grand divisions of Christendom—the Holy Orthodox Greek Church, with 98,000,000 of adherents; the Protesta ristian Church in England.
The remainder of the Protestants of Great Britain—the Broad Churchmen, the Non-conformists, the Scotch Presbyterians of the Established Church, and of the United Free Church—with the entire Protestant body of the United States, have been subject to similar influences, and have been passing through similar theological transitions.
Some branches of the Protestant Church have been greatly affected by the prevailing scientific and critical inquiries, and some have bee<
John Philip Newman (search for this): entry protestant-churches
Roman Catholic (search for this): entry protestant-churches
Washington Gladden (search for this): entry protestant-churches
Protestant churches.
On the progress of the Protestant faith in general, and in the United States during the nineteenth century in particular, the Rev. Washington Gladden, D. D., Ll.D., writes as follows:
Besides a number of minor sects, such as the Abyssinians, the Copts, the Arminians, the Nestorians, and the Jacobites, numbering in all 4,000,000 or 5,000,000, we have the three grand divisions of Christendom—the Holy Orthodox Greek Church, with 98,000,000 of adherents; the Protestant churches, with an aggregate of 143,000,000, and the Roman Catholic Church, with 230,000,000.
No statistics are at hand showing the relative growth of the number of adherents of these three great divisions.
But the growth of the populations under their rule is thus set forth by comparison: The Roman Catholics, in the year 1500, were ruling over 80,000,000 of people; in 1700, over 90,000,000, and in 1891, over 242,000,000.
The Greek Catholics, in 1500, were governing 20,000,000; in 1700, 33,
William George Ward (search for this): entry protestant-churches
Sabatier (search for this): entry protestant-churches
Hegel (search for this): entry protestant-churches
Rothe (search for this): entry protestant-churches
Schleiermacher (search for this): entry protestant-churches