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San Jacinto (Durango, Mexico) (search for this): entry santa-ana-antonio-lopez-de
ent in Mexico in 1828. He was a brave and rather successful military leader, and led insurrection after insurrection, until in March, 1833, he obtained his election to the Presidency of the republic of Mexico. He was a favorite with the army, but unpopular with the natives. There were repeated insurrections during his administration, and, finally, discontents in Texas broke out into revolution. Santa Ana took the field in person against the revolutionists, but was finally defeated at San Jacinto and taken prisoner, when he was deposed from the Presidency. In taking part in defending Vera Cruz against the French in 1837 he was wounded and lost a leg by amputation. In the long contest between the Federalists and Centralists, taking part with the former, he was virtually dictator of Mexico from Oct. 10, 1841, to June 4, 1844, under the title of provisional President. He was constitutional President from June 4 to Sept. 20, 1844, when he was deposed by a new revolution, taken pr
re he was received with great enthusiasm and appointed President for one year, after which time he was to call a constitutional Congress; but he fomented a new revolution by which he was declared President for life, with power to appoint his successor. He began to rule despotically, and was soon confronted by a revolution led by General Alvarez. After a struggle of two years, he signed his unconditional abdication, and sailed for Cuba, Aug. 16, 1855. He afterwards spent two years in Venezuela, and thence went to St. Thomas. During the French military occupation of Mexico he appeared there and pledged himself to take no part in public affairs. But his passion for intrigue could not be repressed, and having issued a manifesto calculated to raise a disturbance in his A Santa Fe House. favor, General Bazaine ordered him to quit the country forever in May, 1864. Some time afterwards, the Emperor Maximilian made him grand-marshal of the empire; but in 1865, having been implicate
cally, and was soon confronted by a revolution led by General Alvarez. After a struggle of two years, he signed his unconditional abdication, and sailed for Cuba, Aug. 16, 1855. He afterwards spent two years in Venezuela, and thence went to St. Thomas. During the French military occupation of Mexico he appeared there and pledged himself to take no part in public affairs. But his passion for intrigue could not be repressed, and having issued a manifesto calculated to raise a disturbance in favor, General Bazaine ordered him to quit the country forever in May, 1864. Some time afterwards, the Emperor Maximilian made him grand-marshal of the empire; but in 1865, having been implicated in a conspiracy against the Emperor, he fled to St. Thomas. In 1867 he again made an attempt to gain ascendency in Mexico, but was taken prisoner at Vera Cruz and condemned to be shot. President Juarez pardoned him on condition of his quitting Mexico forever. He came to the United States. After the
Vera Cruz (Veracruz, Mexico) (search for this): entry santa-ana-antonio-lopez-de
y, discontents in Texas broke out into revolution. Santa Ana took the field in person against the revolutionists, but was finally defeated at San Jacinto and taken prisoner, when he was deposed from the Presidency. In taking part in defending Vera Cruz against the French in 1837 he was wounded and lost a leg by amputation. In the long contest between the Federalists and Centralists, taking part with the former, he was virtually dictator of Mexico from Oct. 10, 1841, to June 4, 1844, under e Emperor Maximilian made him grand-marshal of the empire; but in 1865, having been implicated in a conspiracy against the Emperor, he fled to St. Thomas. In 1867 he again made an attempt to gain ascendency in Mexico, but was taken prisoner at Vera Cruz and condemned to be shot. President Juarez pardoned him on condition of his quitting Mexico forever. He came to the United States. After the death of Juarez he was permitted to return to his native country, and afterwards lived in seclusion
Santa Ana, Antonio Lopez de 1798- Military officer; born in Jalapa, Mexico, Feb. 21, 1798; began his military career in 1821 in the revolution by which Mexico Antonio Lopez De Santa Ana. achieved its independence of Spain. Imperious, disobedient, and revengeful, he was dismissed from the service. A keen intriguer, he secured the overthrow of the existing government in Mexico in 1828. He was a brave and rather successful military leader, and led insurrection after insurrection, until in March, 1833, he obtained his election to the Presidency of the republic of Mexico. He was a favorite with the army, but unpopular with the natives. There were repeated insurrections during his administration, and, finally, discontents in Texas broke out into revolution. Santa Ana took the field in person against the revolutionists, but was finally defeated at San Jacinto and taken prisoner, when he was deposed from the Presidency. In taking part in defending Vera Cruz against the French in
his country to the United States. He was allowed to pass through Commodore Conner's fleet into Mexico, where he was appointed generalissimo of the army, and in December was again elected provisional President. With an army of 20,000 men he lost the battle of Buena Vista. He was afterwards defeated in battle at Cerro Gordo, and about the middle of September, 1847, was driven with nearly 2,000 followers from the city of Mexico. He was deposed, and in April, 1848, fled from the country to Jamaica, W. I. He returned to Mexico in 1853, where he was received with great enthusiasm and appointed President for one year, after which time he was to call a constitutional Congress; but he fomented a new revolution by which he was declared President for life, with power to appoint his successor. He began to rule despotically, and was soon confronted by a revolution led by General Alvarez. After a struggle of two years, he signed his unconditional abdication, and sailed for Cuba, Aug. 16, 1
United States (United States) (search for this): entry santa-ana-antonio-lopez-de
June 4 to Sept. 20, 1844, when he was deposed by a new revolution, taken prisoner near Tlacolula, Jan. 15, 1845, and banished for ten years. He took up his residence in Cuba, where he secretly negotiated for the betrayal of his country to the United States. He was allowed to pass through Commodore Conner's fleet into Mexico, where he was appointed generalissimo of the army, and in December was again elected provisional President. With an army of 20,000 men he lost the battle of Buena Vista. pire; but in 1865, having been implicated in a conspiracy against the Emperor, he fled to St. Thomas. In 1867 he again made an attempt to gain ascendency in Mexico, but was taken prisoner at Vera Cruz and condemned to be shot. President Juarez pardoned him on condition of his quitting Mexico forever. He came to the United States. After the death of Juarez he was permitted to return to his native country, and afterwards lived in seclusion in the city of Mexico, where he died, June 20, 1876.
nder the title of provisional President. He was constitutional President from June 4 to Sept. 20, 1844, when he was deposed by a new revolution, taken prisoner near Tlacolula, Jan. 15, 1845, and banished for ten years. He took up his residence in Cuba, where he secretly negotiated for the betrayal of his country to the United States. He was allowed to pass through Commodore Conner's fleet into Mexico, where he was appointed generalissimo of the army, and in December was again elected provisioneclared President for life, with power to appoint his successor. He began to rule despotically, and was soon confronted by a revolution led by General Alvarez. After a struggle of two years, he signed his unconditional abdication, and sailed for Cuba, Aug. 16, 1855. He afterwards spent two years in Venezuela, and thence went to St. Thomas. During the French military occupation of Mexico he appeared there and pledged himself to take no part in public affairs. But his passion for intrigue c
Texas (Texas, United States) (search for this): entry santa-ana-antonio-lopez-de
obedient, and revengeful, he was dismissed from the service. A keen intriguer, he secured the overthrow of the existing government in Mexico in 1828. He was a brave and rather successful military leader, and led insurrection after insurrection, until in March, 1833, he obtained his election to the Presidency of the republic of Mexico. He was a favorite with the army, but unpopular with the natives. There were repeated insurrections during his administration, and, finally, discontents in Texas broke out into revolution. Santa Ana took the field in person against the revolutionists, but was finally defeated at San Jacinto and taken prisoner, when he was deposed from the Presidency. In taking part in defending Vera Cruz against the French in 1837 he was wounded and lost a leg by amputation. In the long contest between the Federalists and Centralists, taking part with the former, he was virtually dictator of Mexico from Oct. 10, 1841, to June 4, 1844, under the title of provisio
tary career in 1821 in the revolution by which Mexico Antonio Lopez De Santa Ana. achieved its inded the overthrow of the existing government in Mexico in 1828. He was a brave and rather successful election to the Presidency of the republic of Mexico. He was a favorite with the army, but unpopul with the former, he was virtually dictator of Mexico from Oct. 10, 1841, to June 4, 1844, under then with nearly 2,000 followers from the city of Mexico. He was deposed, and in April, 1848, fled from the country to Jamaica, W. I. He returned to Mexico in 1853, where he was received with great enthmas. During the French military occupation of Mexico he appeared there and pledged himself to take he again made an attempt to gain ascendency in Mexico, but was taken prisoner at Vera Cruz and condearez pardoned him on condition of his quitting Mexico forever. He came to the United States. Afterive country, and afterwards lived in seclusion in the city of Mexico, where he died, June 20, 1876.[1 more...]
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