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Wisconsin (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-minnesota
by Manitoba and Ontario, of the Dominion of Canada; east by Lake Superior and Wisconsin, south by Iowa, and west by North Dakota and South Dakota. It is limited in rivulets that feed Itasca Lake......July 26, 1836 Governor Dodge, of Wisconsin Territory, meets the Ojibways at Fort Snelling, and they cede to the United Statesta, west of the Mississippi River, is included in Iowa, set off in 1838 from Wisconsin, which was set off from Michigan in 1836......1838 By order of Secretary oesota on the subject of claiming territorial privileges for that part of Wisconsin Territory not included in State constitution adopted March 13, 1848, is held in Ja6, 1848 H. H. Sibley, of St. Peter, elected delegate to Congress from Wisconsin Territory not included in the State......Oct. 30, 1848 Extract from the diary oissouri and White Earth rivers, north by the British possessions, and east by Wisconsin, with St. Paul as capital......March 3, 1849 Alexander Ramsey, of Harrisbu
Sioux river (Minnesota, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-minnesota
Paul......Sept. 3, 1849 Act passed to send the Washington Monument Association a slab of red pipestone from the Minnesota quarry......1849 St. Paul incorporated as a town......November, 1849 Minnesota Historical Society organized by law......Nov. 15, 1849 Congress appropriates $20,000 for a territorial prison......1851 Treaty at Traverse des Sioux, on Minnesota River, the Sioux cede lands in Iowa and in Minnesota east of the Red River of the North, Lake Traverse, and the Sioux River......July 23, 1851 Dog-train with explorers, under Dr. Rae, after search for Sir John Franklin, arrives at St. Paul from the north......Feb. 14, 1852 Prohibitory liquor law passed; ratified by the people April 5, but declared void by Supreme Court......1852 College of St. Paul, chartered as the Baldwin School, dedicated......Dec. 29, 1853 City of St. Paul incorporated......March 4, 1854 Convention held at St. Anthony, and the Republican party of Minnesota formed......March
Minnesota, One of the northern frontier States of the Union, containing Lake Itasca, the source of the Mississippi River, is bounded north by Manitoba and Ontario, of the Dominion of Canada; east by Lake Superior and Wisconsin, south by Iowa, and west by North Dakota and South Dakota. It is limited in latitude from 43° 30′ to 49° N., and in longitude from 89° 29′ to 97° 15′ W. Area, 84,287 square miles, in eighty counties. Population, 1890, 1,301,826; 1900, 1,751,394. Capital, St. Paul. Daniel Greysolon du Luth, a native of Lyons, builds a trading-post at the entrance of Pigeon River, on north shore of Lake Superior (whence the name Duluth)......1678 Father Louis Hennepin ascends the Mississippi from the mouth of the Illinois, passes through Lake Pepin, and reaches the falls, which he names St. Anthony......October, 1680 Sieur du Luth, with four Frenchmen and an Indian, in two canoes, from his trading-post reaches a lake whose outlet enters the Mississippi, and on th
Minnesota, One of the northern frontier States of the Union, containing Lake Itasca, the source of the Mississippi River, is bounded north by Manitoba and Ontario, of the Dominion of Canada; east by Lake Superior and Wisconsin, south by Iowa, and west by North Dakota and South Dakota. It is limited in latitude from 43° 30′ to 49° N., and in longitude from 89° 29′ to 97° 15′ W. Area, 84,287 square miles, in eighty counties. Population, 1890, 1,301,826; 1900, 1,751,394. Capital, St. Paul. Daniel Greysolon du Luth, a native of Lyons, builds a trading-post at the entrance of Pigeon River, on north shore of Lake Superior (whence the name Duluth)......1678 Father Louis Hennepin ascends the Mississippi from the mouth of the Illinois, passes through Lake Pepin, and reaches the falls, which he names St. Anthony......October, 1680 Sieur du Luth, with four Frenchmen and an Indian, in two canoes, from his trading-post reaches a lake whose outlet enters the Mississippi, and on the
Fort Ridgely (Minnesota, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-minnesota
amended 1858, forbidding more bonds to aid railroads, and to section 2, providing that no tax or provision for interest or principal of bonds shall be in force until ratified by the people......November, 1860 First regiment of Minnesota volunteers leaves Fort Snelling for Washington......June 22, 1861 Sioux Indians, under Little Crow, massacre the whites at Yellow Medicine agency, Aug. 18, 1862; at New Ulm, in Brown county, Aug. 21; attack New Ulm and are repulsed, Aug. 23; besiege Fort Ridgely for nine days; attack Cedar City, McLeod county, Sept. 3; State troops under Col. H. H. Sibley march against them, Aug. 26; United States troops under Major-General Pope are despatched to the seat of war, and after a sharp battle at Wood Lake the Indians are defeated, and 500 are taken prisoners, 300 of whom are sentenced to be hung......Sept. 22, 1862 Ninety-one captive white women and children surrendered by the Indians to Colonel Sibley near the Chippewa River......Sept. 26, 1862
Saint Croix River (United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-minnesota
fitted out by government, in charge of Maj. S. H. Long, discovers that Pembina, the fort of the Hudson Bay Company on Red River, is within the United States. Long erects an oak post on the line, raises the United States flag, and proclaims the territory a part of the United States......Aug. 5, 1823 A colony of Swiss from the Red River settlement establish themselves near Fort Snelling......1827 Henry R. Schoolcraft, with an expedition for exploring the Mississippi, Crow Wing, and St. Croix rivers, reaches the Mississippi by Lake Superior and Sandy Lake, and reaches the source of the west fork in Itasca Lake......July 13, 1832 Rev. W. T. Boutwell establishes at Leech Lake the first mission among the Indians in Minnesota west of the Mississippi......October, 1833 Jean N. Nicollet leaves Fort Snelling to explore the sources of the rivulets that feed Itasca Lake......July 26, 1836 Governor Dodge, of Wisconsin Territory, meets the Ojibways at Fort Snelling, and they cede to
McLeod (Minnesota, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-minnesota
oads, and to section 2, providing that no tax or provision for interest or principal of bonds shall be in force until ratified by the people......November, 1860 First regiment of Minnesota volunteers leaves Fort Snelling for Washington......June 22, 1861 Sioux Indians, under Little Crow, massacre the whites at Yellow Medicine agency, Aug. 18, 1862; at New Ulm, in Brown county, Aug. 21; attack New Ulm and are repulsed, Aug. 23; besiege Fort Ridgely for nine days; attack Cedar City, McLeod county, Sept. 3; State troops under Col. H. H. Sibley march against them, Aug. 26; United States troops under Major-General Pope are despatched to the seat of war, and after a sharp battle at Wood Lake the Indians are defeated, and 500 are taken prisoners, 300 of whom are sentenced to be hung......Sept. 22, 1862 Ninety-one captive white women and children surrendered by the Indians to Colonel Sibley near the Chippewa River......Sept. 26, 1862 Thirty-eight of the 300 Indians sentenced are
Illinois river (United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-minnesota
aul. Daniel Greysolon du Luth, a native of Lyons, builds a trading-post at the entrance of Pigeon River, on north shore of Lake Superior (whence the name Duluth)......1678 Father Louis Hennepin ascends the Mississippi from the mouth of the Illinois, passes through Lake Pepin, and reaches the falls, which he names St. Anthony......October, 1680 Sieur du Luth, with four Frenchmen and an Indian, in two canoes, from his trading-post reaches a lake whose outlet enters the Mississippi, and onof the river......Sept. 23, 1805 Rev. Samuel Peters alleges, in a petition to Congress, that he has purchased from the Carver American heirs their right to the grant made in 1767......1806 Minnesota east of the Mississippi included in Illinois Territory......1809 Part of Minnesota east of the Mississippi becomes a part of Michigan Territory......1819 Barracks erected at Mendota and occupied by a garrison which came from Green Bay, Wis., by the Wisconsin River......1819 Corner-ston
Vermont (Vermont, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-minnesota
orer of Minnesota, arrives at Mackinaw from Massachusetts, August, 1766; Green Bay, Wis., Sept. 18; at Prairie du Chien, Oct. 10; Falls of St. Anthony, Nov. 17; and ascends the Minnesota River to the stream which now bears his name......1766 Northwestern Fur Company builds a stockade at Sandy Lake......1794 Heirs of Carver's American wife dispose of their interest in an alleged grant of land in Minnesota to Carver (made by the Naudowessies Indians, May 1, 1767) to Edward Houghton, of Vermont, in consideration of £50,000......1794 Indiana Territory created, including part of present State of Minnesota......May, 1800 Territory of Upper Louisiana formed, including a large portion of Minnesota......March 20, 1804 Minnesota east of the Mississippi a part of Michigan Territory......1805 Lieut. Z. M. Pike, ordered by General Wilkinson to visit Minnesota and expel the British traders, arrives at the site of Fort Snelling, and in council with the Dakota Indians obtains a gra
Lake Pepin (Minnesota, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-minnesota
name Duluth)......1678 Father Louis Hennepin ascends the Mississippi from the mouth of the Illinois, passes through Lake Pepin, and reaches the falls, which he names St. Anthony......October, 1680 Sieur du Luth, with four Frenchmen and an Indi outlet enters the Mississippi, and on the river he meets Father Hennepin......1680 Nicholas Perrot erects a fort on Lake Pepin, and takes possession of the Minnesota country in the name of the King of France......May 8, 1689 Le Seur builds a trading-post on an island in the Mississippi, just above Lake Pepin......1695 Sieur le Seur, on a search for mines in Minnesota, builds Fort l'huillier on the St. Pierre, now the Minnesota......October, 1700 Jonathan Carver, the first British exd......September, 1889 Memorial Day (May 30) made a legal holiday......1889 Nearly 100 lives lost by a tornado on Lake Pepin......July 13, 1890 State insane hospital at Fergus Falls opened......July 29, 1890 William Windom, Secretary of T
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