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Hempstead, L. I. (New York, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-york
msterdam and sails for Europe......1643 English under Robert Fordham, from Stamford, settle Hempstead, Long Island......1644 English and Dutch destroy an Indian village near Hempstead......1644Hempstead......1644 Kieft proclaims a public thanksgiving for the victory......March, 1644 Captain Underhill destroys an Indian village at Stamford, killing 600 Indians; fifteen Dutch soldiers wounded......March zed. New Amsterdam had three representatives; Breuckelen, three; Flushing, two; Newtown, two; Hempstead, two; Flatlands, three; Flatbush, two; Gravesend, two; four Dutch and four English towns sent t returns to Holland......May, 1665 Negro slavery recognized......1665 Race-course at Hempstead, L. I., selected by Governor Nicolls and named New market ......May, 1665 Holland urgently demay election law......March 28, 1898 Seventy-first Regiment of New York marches to camp at Hempstead, L. I., on President's call for troops......April 29, 1898 [Leaves for the front May 14.] Go
Cherry Valley, Tenn. (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-york
Clinton......Oct. 6, 1777 Battle of Saratoga; British defeated......Oct. 7, 1777 Surrender of the army under General Burgoyne......Oct. 17, 1777 [Total number surrendered, 5,642; previous losses about 4,000.] Lieutenant-Colonel Baylor's troop of horse (unarmed) surprised and mostly killed and wounded (sixty-seven out of 104) by a party of British under Grey, near old Tappan, on the night of......Sept. 27, 1778 Schoharie ravaged by Indians and Tories......Oct. 16, 1778 Cherry Valley ravaged by Indians and Tories......Nov. 11-12, 1778 Sir Henry Clinton captures Verplanck's and Stony Point......June, 1779 Stony Point surprised and captured, with 500 prisoners, by Gen. Anthony Wayne......July 16, 1779 General Sullivan leaves the Wyoming Valley with a force of 3,000 men, July 31, on an expedition against the Six Nations. He is joined at Tioga Point, Aug. 22, by Gen. James Clinton, with 1,600 men......Aug. 29, 1779 [In the course of three weeks the troops de
New Windsor (New York, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-york
......1853 First train over a uniform gauge from Buffalo to Erie and Chicago......Feb. 1, 1854 Office of the State superintendent of public instruction created by a law of......March 30, 1854 Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton, widow of Alexander Hamilton, dies at Washington, D. C., aged ninety-seven years......Nov. 9, 1854 Railway suspension bridge at Niagara Falls completed......1855 Last survivor of Washington's Lifeguard, Sergeant Uzel Knapp, dies, aged ninety-seven, at New Windsor, Orange county......Jan. 11, 1856 St. Lawrence University, Canton, St. Lawrence county, incorporated......April 3, 1856 Dudley observatory built at Albany......1856 Failure of the Ohio Life and Trust Company in New York; a commercial panic spreads throughout the United States......Aug. 24, 1856 First telegraphic despatch received in New York from London by the Atlantic telegraph......Aug. 5, 1858 Edwin D. Morgan, Republican, elected governor......1858 M. Blondin (Émile Gravelet)
Champlain Canal (New York, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-york
ril 17, she sails from that port, May 24, for St. Petersburg, Russia, via Liverpool, reaches Liverpool, June 20; sails for St. Petersburg, July 23; returns to Savannah, fifty days from St. Petersburg, December, 1819; first American steamship to cross the Atlantic.] Population of the State, 1,372,111......1820 [From this time the State has been styled the Empire State. ] Revised State constitution adopted and ratified......February, 1822 Joseph C. Yates, governor......1822 Champlain Canal begun 1816, finished......1823 De Witt Clinton elected governor......1824 Lafayette lands in New York City......Aug. 15, 1824 Geneva College, Geneva, Ontario county, incorporated......1825 [Name changed to Hobart College, March 27, 1860.] Daniel D. Tompkins, born 1774, dies on Staten Island......June 11, 1825 Erie Canal completed......Oct. 26, 1825 First boat, Seneca Chief, conveying the governor and others, passes from Lake Erie to the Hudson, and reaches New York
Garrisons, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-york
rk as representative of the Spanish government......May 18, 1893 Viking ship arrives at New York City......June 17, 1893 State monument dedicated on the battlefield of Gettysburg......July 2, 1893 Hamilton Fish, born, 1808, dies at Garrison's, N. Y.......Sept. 7, 1893 Vigilant-Valkyrie yacht races for the America's cup......Oct. 7-13, 1893 Statue of Nathan Hale unveiled......Nov. 25, 1893 The court of appeals decided that foreign corporations could buy and sell real estate in ve, aged seventy-eight years......Oct. 17, 1897 John Lorimer Worden, naval officer, born at Sing Sing, 1818, dies at Washington, D. C.......Oct. 18, 1897 Nineteen lives lost by New York Central passenger train running into the river at Garrisons, N. Y.......Oct. 24, 1897 Henry George, political economist, born at Philadelphia, 1839, dies at New York......Oct. 29, 1897 Robert Van Wyck, Democrat, elected first mayor of Greater New York......Nov. 2, 1897 Mayor signs resolution turnin
La Salle, Niagara county (New York, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-york
ng spring of......1669 Name Kingston given to Esopus......Sept. 25, 1669 La Salle, Dollier, and Galinee explore lakes Ontario and Erie; possession taken for Fra Philip of Pokanoket's, or King Philip's, War......1675 New fort built by La Salle at Frontenac......1676 Governor Andros asserts English sovereignty over the1678 French at Niagara; first mass by Father Hennepin......Dec. 19, 1678 La Salle builds Fort Conty at the mouth of the Niagara River......January, 1679 La SLa Salle begins building the Griffin, of 60 tons' burden, above Niagara Falls, at the mouth of Cayuga Creek, near La Salle, Niagara county......Jan. 26, 1679 Griffin eLa Salle, Niagara county......Jan. 26, 1679 Griffin enters Lake Erie (with La Salle, Tonti, and others on board. She proceeds to Green Bay, Wis. After leaving that place to return, loaded with furs, she is never heard La Salle, Tonti, and others on board. She proceeds to Green Bay, Wis. After leaving that place to return, loaded with furs, she is never heard of)......Aug. 7, 1679 Great comet seen in New York and New England; a day of fasting and humiliation appointed......Dec. 1, 1680 Sir Edmund Andros recalled and
Wilmington (Delaware, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-york
Tappan Indians by Governor Kieft, but refused......October, 1640 Reformed Dutch Church established. 1640 Raritan Indians destroy De Vries's colony on Staten Island......June, 1641 Kieft sets a price on their heads......July, 1641 Kieft, anticipating an Indian war, consults the heads of families in New Amsterdam......Aug. 23, 1641 These choose twelve select men to act for them; the first representative assembly in the province......Aug. 29, 1641 Ex-Governor Minuit dies at Fort Christina......1641 Select men dissenting from the governor's warlike policy, he dissolves them......February, 1642 George Baxter, an exile from New England, English secretary; salary 250 guilders ($95)......1642 Johannes Megapolensis the first clergyman in Rensselaerwyck, with a residence and 1,000 guilders ($380)......1642 Anne Hutchinson takes refuge near New Rochelle from religious persecution in Massachusetts......1642 Dutch at Fort Orange seek in vain to ransom Jogues (a Frenc
New York State (New York, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-york
3, 1702 Yellow fever in New York. General Assembly at Jamaica, L. I.......1702 Lord Cornbury prohibits Presbyterians from preaching wnce's Tavern, New York......Dec. 4, 1783 University of the State of New York is established by an act of the legislature......May 1, 1784 e balcony of the City Hall.] First recorded party contest in New York State; votes polled, 12,453......1789 Oliver Phelps opens in Canan874 Samuel J. Tilden elected governor......November, 1874 New York State soldiers' home incorporated at Bath......May 15, 1876 Halletacross the Niagara below the falls opened......Dec. 20, 1883 New York State dairy commission established by law......April 24, 1884 Goveliam Curtis elected chancellor of the board of regents of the State of New York......Jan. 30, 1890 Schenectady commemorates the 200th annivice list......Dec. 9, 1896 Dakota divorces declared void in New York State by Justice Leslie W. Russell......Dec. 23, 1896 Lexow legisl
New York, One of the original thirteen States of the United States, is separated from Canada on the north by the eastern portion of Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, and the river St. Lawrence; on the east lie Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut; on the south, the Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania; on the west New Jen killed by Indians......1615 Champlain, with ten Frenchmen, joins a party of Hurons and allies moving against the Iroquois......Sept. 1, 1615 Lands from Lake Ontario near Henderson, Jefferson county......October, 1615 They attack the Iroquois castle at Onondaga Lake, near Liverpool, Onondaga county, and are repulsed Octof New York New Orange.] Anthony Colve appointed governor......August, 1673 Albany and Esopus reduced......August, 1673 French build Fort Frontenac on Lake Ontario......1673 Peace between England and Holland; New Netherland restored to England......February and March, 1674 New patent granted to the Duke of York by C
Weathersfield (Vermont, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-new-york
vernor Nicolls leaves New York......Aug. 17, 1668 Col. Francis Lovelace governor......Aug. 28, 1668 Staten Island adjudged to New York......1668 Twenty whales captured in New York Harbor during spring of......1669 Name Kingston given to Esopus......Sept. 25, 1669 La Salle, Dollier, and Galinee explore lakes Ontario and Erie; possession taken for France......1669 Staten Island purchased from the Indians......April 13, 1670 Katherine Harrison, widow, banished from Weathersfield, Conn., for witchcraft, comes to Westchester. Citizens complain, but the court of assizes directs her release. She is obliged to leave......August, 1670 George Fox, the Quaker, visits Long Island......1672 Monthly post between New York and Boston; first post messenger......Jan. 22, 1673 Dutch fleet of seven vessels, with 1,600 men, arrives off Sandy Hook. The Dutch of New York welcome their countrymen......Aug. 7, 1673 Dutch fire on Fort James, which returns a shot. Fort Jame
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