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North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-tennessee
he north by Kentucky and Virginia, east by North Carolina, south by Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippluding all of Tennessee, created by law of North Carolina......November, 1777 Richard Hogan, Spen Nashboro, by which the Chickasaws cede to North Carolina a tract extending nearly 40 miles south fr grant of 2,500 acres of land presented by North Carolina to Gen. Nathanael Greene......1783 Nash Nashboro......1784 General Assembly of North Carolina cedes to the United States territory west Believing themselves no longer a part of North Carolina, settlers in Washington, Sullivan, and Gre.....Dec. 14, 1784 Governor Caswell, of North Carolina, pronounces the revolt of Frankland usurpapay their public taxes to either the State of North Carolina or the State of Frankland ......March at Greeneville, and government reverts to North Carolina......September, 1787 Deed conveying to g claims to land granted to individuals by North Carolina......September, 1798 Great revival of r
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-tennessee
lle by George Roulstone......Nov. 5, 1791 Knoxville, chosen as the seat of government, is laid o..Aug. 5, 1794 University of Tennessee at Knoxville, chartered Sept. 10, 1794, as Blount Colleget popular vote by a convention which sits at Knoxville......Jan. 11–Feb. 6, 1796 John Sevier ina, 1857 Southern commercial convention at. Knoxville, by vote of 64 to 27, recommends abrogation ashville......April 11, 1863 Kingston and Knoxville, evacuated by Confederates under Gen. Simon lle......Nov. 6, 1863 Longstreet besieges Knoxville and is repulsed......Nov. 17, 1863 Grant Sevier removed from Alabama and interred at Knoxville......1889 Special session of the legislats from the mines of the Tennessee coal and Knoxville iron companies......July 20, 1891 Miners Springs, and send the guards and convicts to Knoxville......Aug. 17, 1892 Miners defeated and ronstitutional......November, 1896 Fire at Knoxville, loss $2,000,000......April 8, 1897 Cente[2 more...]
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-tennessee
the acceptance of the provisional government of the Confederate States......June 8, 1861 Eastern Tennessee Union convention at Greeneville declares its opposition to the Confederate government......June 21, 1861 Governor Harris proclaims Tennessee out of the Union......June 24, 1861 Confederate commissary and ordnance stores at Nashville destroyed by fire......Dec. 22, 1861 Commodore Foote defeats Gen. Lloyd Tilghman and captures Fort Henry......Feb. 6, 1862 Bombardment of Fort Donelson begins Feb. 13; fort surrendered to General Grant by General Buckner, with 13,829 prisoners......Feb. 16, 1862 Seat of government removed to Memphis......Feb. 20, 1862 Confederates evacuate Nashville, and the Federals under Nelson enter......Feb. 23, 1862 Andrew Johnson, commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers and appointed military governor of Tennessee, March 5, arrives at Nashville......March 12, 1862 Governor Johnson suspends the mayor and other officials in Nashvill
Georgia (Georgia, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-tennessee
Tennessee, One of the Southern United States, lies between the Alleghany Mountains on the east and the Mississippi River on the west. It is bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, east by North Carolina, south by Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, and west by Arkansas and Missouri. It lies between lat. 35° and 36° 35′ N., and long. 81° 37′ and 90° 15′ W. Area, 42,050 square miles, in ninety-six counties. Population in 1890, 1,767,518; 1900, 2,020,616. Capital, Nashville. Louis a city......December, 1849 Southern convention meets at Nashville......June 3, 1850 Convention meets at Nashville, Nov. 11, 1850, and adjourns after recommending a congress of slave-holding States by a vote of six States—Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Virginia, opposed to Tennessee......Nov. 19, 1850 James Campbell appointed Postmaster-General......March 5, 1853 Southern convention meets at Memphis......June 6, 1853 State agricultural bureau est
Tennessee River (United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-tennessee
berland Mountains, Cumberland Gap, and Cumberland River......1748 Fort Loudon founded about 30 miles from the present Knoxville......1856 Colonel Bird builds Long Island Fort on the Holston River, where the American army winters......1758 Cherokees capture Fort Loudon. The garrison, after the surrender, start out for Fort Prince George; after proceeding about 15 miles they are massacred by the Indians......Aug. 7, 1760 Capt. James Smith and others explore the Cumberland and Tennessee rivers from above Nashville down to the Ohio......1766 By treaty at Fort Stanwix the Six Nations cede the country north and east of the Tennessee......Nov. 5, 1768 Capt. William Bean settles on Boone Creek, near Watauga......1769 Company formed to hunt and explore middle Tennessee, with camp at Price's Meadows, Wayne county......1769 Written association formed for the government of the Watauga settlers, and five commissioners appointed as a governing court......1772 Col. Richar
Kentucky (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-tennessee
, lies between the Alleghany Mountains on the east and the Mississippi River on the west. It is bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, east by North Carolina, south by Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, and west by Arkansas and Missouri. Itennessee, created by law of North Carolina......November, 1777 Richard Hogan, Spencer, Holliday, and others come from Kentucky and begin a plantation near Bledsoe's Lick......1778 Capt. James Robertson and others from Watauga cross the Cumberlahing claims to land granted to individuals by North Carolina......September, 1798 Great revival of religion, begun in Kentucky in 1800, spreads through Tennessee......1801 Nashville chosen as seat of government by legislature......1802 Generunder act of legislature......Dec. 14, 1871 Convention at Jackson to promote the formation of a new State, out of western Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi......July 29, 1873 Convention of colored people in Nashville, seeking their full righ
Missouri (Missouri, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-tennessee
Tennessee, One of the Southern United States, lies between the Alleghany Mountains on the east and the Mississippi River on the west. It is bounded on the north by Kentucky and Virginia, east by North Carolina, south by Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi, and west by Arkansas and Missouri. It lies between lat. 35° and 36° 35′ N., and long. 81° 37′ and 90° 15′ W. Area, 42,050 square miles, in ninety-six counties. Population in 1890, 1,767,518; 1900, 2,020,616. Capital, Nashville. Louis Joliet and Pere Jacques Marquette descend the Mississippi River to lat. 33°......1673 Robert Cavalier de La Salle builds Fort Prud'homme on the fourth Chickasaw bluff of the Mississippi River......1682 M. Charleville, a French trader, builds a trading-house near the present site of Nashville......1714 French erect Fort Assumption on the Mississippi at the fourth Chickasaw bluff......1714 Bienville makes a treaty of peace with the Chickasaw Indians at Fort Assumption......June, 17
Cumberland Gap (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-tennessee
he Mississippi at the fourth Chickasaw bluff......1714 Bienville makes a treaty of peace with the Chickasaw Indians at Fort Assumption......June, 1739 Party of Virginians, Dr. Thomas Walker and others; discover the Cumberland Mountains, Cumberland Gap, and Cumberland River......1748 Fort Loudon founded about 30 miles from the present Knoxville......1856 Colonel Bird builds Long Island Fort on the Holston River, where the American army winters......1758 Cherokees capture Fort Loudoil 11, 1863 Kingston and Knoxville, evacuated by Confederates under Gen. Simon B. Buckner, occupied by Federal troops under Gen. A. E. Burnside......Sept. 1, 1863 Chattanooga abandoned by Confederates under Gen. Braxton Bragg, Sept. 8; Cumberland Gap surrendered to Federals......Sept. 9, 1863 Confederates under Gen. James Longstreet defeat Federals at Philadelphia, east Tennessee......Oct. 20, 1863 General Grant arrives at Nashville, Oct. 21, and at Chattanooga......Oct. 23, 1863
battle near Long Island Fort......July 20, 1776 Cherokees under old Abraham attack the fort at Watauga, but are repulsed......July 21, 1776 Forces under Col. William Christian destroy the Cherokee towns in east Tennessee......1776 Washington county, including all of Tennessee, created by law of North Carolina......November, 1777 Richard Hogan, Spencer, Holliday, and others come from Kentucky and begin a plantation near Bledsoe's Lick......1778 Capt. James Robertson and others fr Nashville now stands......1779 Eleven Chickamauga Indian towns destroyed by troops under Isaac Shelby, who left Big Creek, near the site of Rogersville......April 10, 1779 Jonesboro laid off and established as the seat of justice for Washington county......1779 Colony under John Donelson in open boats, leaving Fort Patrick Henry on the Holston, descend the Tennessee and ascend the Cumberland to French Lick, where they found Nashboro......April 24, 1780 Form of government for the Cu
Cumberland City (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): entry united-states-of-america-tennessee
ndividuals by North Carolina......September, 1798 Great revival of religion, begun in Kentucky in 1800, spreads through Tennessee......1801 Nashville chosen as seat of government by legislature......1802 General Wilkinson builds Fort Pickering at Memphis......1803 Public reception given to Aaron Burr at Nashville......May 28, 1805 Congress grants 1,000 acres in one tract for academies in Tennessee, one in each county; 1,000 acres more for two colleges, Blount in the east and Cumberland in the west......1806 Nashville Bank, the first in Tennessee, chartered......1807 Cumberland Presbyterian Church organized......Feb. 4, 1810 John Sevier dies near Fort Decatur, Ala......Sept. 24, 1815 Gens. Andrew Jackson and Isaac Shelby obtain by treaty from the Chickasaws a cession of their lands north of lat. 35° and east of the Mississippi River, known as the Jackson purchase......Oct. 19, 1818 First conveyance of town lots in Memphis made......May, 1819 Madison co
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