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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Cahenslyism, (search)
ing Roman Catholic interests among emigrants. About 1884, eighty-two German priests in the United States petitioned the Pope for help in perpetuating their native tongue and usages in the diocese of St. Louis. Mo., and in 1886 petitioned again that German Catholics be obliged to join German-speaking churches, and be forbidden attending those speaking English. Receiving no open answer, they formed, in 1887, a society which sent representatives that year to the St. Raphael Society at Lucerne, Switzerland, and enlisted the cooperation of Herr Cahensly. They also secured the co-operation of many German bishops and priests in the United States, and especially of Archbishop Katzer, of Milwaukee; but were opposed by many others, especially by Cardinal Gibbons, of Baltimore, who, at the installation of Archbishop Katzer, in 1891, denounced the movement as unpatriotic and disloyal. A provincial congress of German-Catholic societies at Dubuque, Ia., in 1892, approved the movement, as did a