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United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 103
dnesday afternoon, 24th April, and having taken possession of the U. S. steamers Fashion and United States, and the propeller Mobile, without delay placed his forces on them, and about nine o'clock ajor Sibley and his two senior officers, Capts. Wallace and Granger; and on the part of the Confederate States, Col. Van Dorn. At about 12 o'clock M., the conference ended in the surrender of the entith a view of being embarked on the Fashion, but this steamer was deemed unseaworthy, and the United States was not in a much better condition, while the propeller Mobile was too small for their accomt they will go on shore again to-day, and that most of them will enlist in the army of the Confederate States. We see from Gen. Nichols' report to Gen. Sherman, that in less than an hour after the Indianola, resigned immediately on hearing of the secession of Virginia; and we learn his example was followed by some six or eight other United States officers.--Galveston (Texas) News, April 27.
Indianola (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 103
Doc. 98.--capture of U. S. Troops by Col. Van Dorn, at Saluria. Col. Van Dorn arrived at Indianola with about 800 Texas volunteers, on Wednesday afternoon, 24th April, and having taken possession of the U. S. steamers Fashion and United States, and the propeller Mobile, without delay placed his forces on them, and about nine n, and, consequently, that the men on the Rusk had a pretty fair prospect of a fight. The Rusk remained at anchor until 10 o'clock, P. M., when she went up to Indianola, put out her mails, and went down to Saluria at sun — up yesterday morning, when, after taking on board Capt. W. R. Bradfute, bearer of dispatches from Major Vanted himself to Col. Van Dorn, and received in reply, that the surrender had just been agreed on. Major Larkin Smith, who, we believe, was second in command at Indianola, resigned immediately on hearing of the secession of Virginia; and we learn his example was followed by some six or eight other United States officers.--Galvesto
Galveston (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 103
be received into the Confederate army as may desire it; private property not to be molested; the soldiers not to be permitted to leave the State except by way of Galveston and the Mississippi River. At one o'clock, P. M., the steamer Gen. Rusk, Capt. Leon Smith, having on board Gen. E. B. Nichols with 150 volunteers from GalvesGalveston, appeared off the bar. She came to near the pilot house, and upon the pilot coming on board learned the good news of the surrender which was then being carried into execution without a resort to the use of arms. Before the Rusk crossed the bar the officers on board, with their glasses, could distinctly see the troops on the twn, and received in reply, that the surrender had just been agreed on. Major Larkin Smith, who, we believe, was second in command at Indianola, resigned immediately on hearing of the secession of Virginia; and we learn his example was followed by some six or eight other United States officers.--Galveston (Texas) News, April 27.
Colorado (Colorado, United States) (search for this): chapter 103
ea raged from that time till the afternoon of Thursday. Nevertheless, at about six o'clock on that morning, Col. Van Dorn sent a message to Major Sibley requesting an interview at such point as might be convenient. Accordingly, the parlor of Judge Hawes, on Saluria Island, was selected, and at ten o'clock the parties met.--The commission on the part of the U. S. Army consisted of Major Sibley and his two senior officers, Capts. Wallace and Granger; and on the part of the Confederate States, Col. Van Dorn. At about 12 o'clock M., the conference ended in the surrender of the entire command as prisoners of war — the officers to be released on parole, and the men on their oaths that they would not take up arms against the Southern Confederacy,--surrendering their arms and all company property; such of the men and officers to be received into the Confederate army as may desire it; private property not to be molested; the soldiers not to be permitted to leave the State except by way of Ga
Texas (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 103
Doc. 98.--capture of U. S. Troops by Col. Van Dorn, at Saluria. Col. Van Dorn arrived at Indianola with about 800 Texas volunteers, on Wednesday afternoon, 24th April, and having taken possession of the U. S. steamers Fashion and United States, and the propeller Mobile, without delay placed his forces on them, and about nine o'clock at night, came down to Saluria and anchored within about half a mile of the schooners having on board the U. S. troops, numbering 450, under the command of Maen. Sherman, that in less than an hour after the Rusk took position so as to command the schooners with the U. S. troops on board, he reported himself to Col. Van Dorn, and received in reply, that the surrender had just been agreed on. Major Larkin Smith, who, we believe, was second in command at Indianola, resigned immediately on hearing of the secession of Virginia; and we learn his example was followed by some six or eight other United States officers.--Galveston (Texas) News, April 27.
Mississippi (United States) (search for this): chapter 103
o'clock M., the conference ended in the surrender of the entire command as prisoners of war — the officers to be released on parole, and the men on their oaths that they would not take up arms against the Southern Confederacy,--surrendering their arms and all company property; such of the men and officers to be received into the Confederate army as may desire it; private property not to be molested; the soldiers not to be permitted to leave the State except by way of Galveston and the Mississippi River. At one o'clock, P. M., the steamer Gen. Rusk, Capt. Leon Smith, having on board Gen. E. B. Nichols with 150 volunteers from Galveston, appeared off the bar. She came to near the pilot house, and upon the pilot coming on board learned the good news of the surrender which was then being carried into execution without a resort to the use of arms. Before the Rusk crossed the bar the officers on board, with their glasses, could distinctly see the troops on the two schooners, as also t
James Jordan (search for this): chapter 103
ng taken possession of the U. S. steamers Fashion and United States, and the propeller Mobile, without delay placed his forces on them, and about nine o'clock at night, came down to Saluria and anchored within about half a mile of the schooners having on board the U. S. troops, numbering 450, under the command of Major C. C. Sibley, 3d Infantry; Adjutant-Lieutenant Phillips, 1st Infantry; Ass't Surgeons Lynde and Byrne, Capts. Granger and Wallace, 1st Infantry ; Capt. Bowman, 3d Infantry; Capt. Jordan, 8th Infantry; Lieut. Green, 1st Infantry, and Lieuts. Hopkins and Lay, 3d Infantry. The troops consisted of the band of the 1st Infantry, and Companies G and K of that Regiment, Companies A, F, and I, 3d Infantry, and Companies A and D of the 8th Infantry. Capt. Wallace had his lady and child, and Dr. Lynde his two children, on board the vessels. Notwithstanding some thirty-five soldiers and their wives had been left on shore, there were some ten or twelve women and children on board.
Larkin Smith (search for this): chapter 103
ace and Urbana in charge of Col. Van Dorn when the Rusk left last night. They had gone down the bay on these schooners with a view of being embarked on the Fashion, but this steamer was deemed unseaworthy, and the United States was not in a much better condition, while the propeller Mobile was too small for their accommodation. It is expected that they will go on shore again to-day, and that most of them will enlist in the army of the Confederate States. We see from Gen. Nichols' report to Gen. Sherman, that in less than an hour after the Rusk took position so as to command the schooners with the U. S. troops on board, he reported himself to Col. Van Dorn, and received in reply, that the surrender had just been agreed on. Major Larkin Smith, who, we believe, was second in command at Indianola, resigned immediately on hearing of the secession of Virginia; and we learn his example was followed by some six or eight other United States officers.--Galveston (Texas) News, April 27.
E. B. Nichols (search for this): chapter 103
ay desire it; private property not to be molested; the soldiers not to be permitted to leave the State except by way of Galveston and the Mississippi River. At one o'clock, P. M., the steamer Gen. Rusk, Capt. Leon Smith, having on board Gen. E. B. Nichols with 150 volunteers from Galveston, appeared off the bar. She came to near the pilot house, and upon the pilot coming on board learned the good news of the surrender which was then being carried into execution without a resort to the use of not in a much better condition, while the propeller Mobile was too small for their accommodation. It is expected that they will go on shore again to-day, and that most of them will enlist in the army of the Confederate States. We see from Gen. Nichols' report to Gen. Sherman, that in less than an hour after the Rusk took position so as to command the schooners with the U. S. troops on board, he reported himself to Col. Van Dorn, and received in reply, that the surrender had just been agreed
mand as prisoners of war — the officers to be released on parole, and the men on their oaths that they would not take up arms against the Southern Confederacy,--surrendering their arms and all company property; such of the men and officers to be received into the Confederate army as may desire it; private property not to be molested; the soldiers not to be permitted to leave the State except by way of Galveston and the Mississippi River. At one o'clock, P. M., the steamer Gen. Rusk, Capt. Leon Smith, having on board Gen. E. B. Nichols with 150 volunteers from Galveston, appeared off the bar. She came to near the pilot house, and upon the pilot coming on board learned the good news of the surrender which was then being carried into execution without a resort to the use of arms. Before the Rusk crossed the bar the officers on board, with their glasses, could distinctly see the troops on the two schooners, as also the three steamers with steam up having on board soldiers, (the Texas
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