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Enfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 246
, D. Morrison; 1st Lieut., J. B. Ayres; 2d Lieut., J. B. Sinclair. Company F--Captain, James Christie; 1st Lieut., R. McNie; 2d Lieut., vacant. Company G--Captain, James Laing; 1st Lieut., J. L. Dick; 2d Lieut., W. B. Ives. Company H--Captain, James Colter; 1st Lieut., Robert Campbell; 2d Lieut., Wm. B. Drake. Company I--Captain, R. T. Shillinglaw; 1st Lieut., W. B. Elliott; 2d Lieut., George Pier. Company K--Captain, H. A. Ellis; 1st Lieut., S. R. Elliott; 2d Lieut, vacant. Lieut.-Col. Elliott has three sons in the regiment. The arms of the regiment consist of about 100 Enfield rifles, and 700 altered muskets, and the ordinary bayonet. Sixty members of the 71st go out with the 79th to join their comrades in Washington. They are under the command of Capt. Ellis, and will form a part of the engineer corps of that regiment. Twenty-five members of the 9th Regiment, N. Y. S. M., also go to Washington with the 79th. They are in charge of Sergeant Strong.--N. Y. Tribune, June 3.
William B. Drake (search for this): chapter 246
C--Captain, F. Barclay; 1st Lieut., Kenneth Mathison; 2d Lieut., W. A. L. Ostrander. Company D (Fourth Company)--Captain, D. Brown; 1st Lieut., John Moore; 2d Lieut.,------Faulkner. Company E--Captain, D. Morrison; 1st Lieut., J. B. Ayres; 2d Lieut., J. B. Sinclair. Company F--Captain, James Christie; 1st Lieut., R. McNie; 2d Lieut., vacant. Company G--Captain, James Laing; 1st Lieut., J. L. Dick; 2d Lieut., W. B. Ives. Company H--Captain, James Colter; 1st Lieut., Robert Campbell; 2d Lieut., Wm. B. Drake. Company I--Captain, R. T. Shillinglaw; 1st Lieut., W. B. Elliott; 2d Lieut., George Pier. Company K--Captain, H. A. Ellis; 1st Lieut., S. R. Elliott; 2d Lieut, vacant. Lieut.-Col. Elliott has three sons in the regiment. The arms of the regiment consist of about 100 Enfield rifles, and 700 altered muskets, and the ordinary bayonet. Sixty members of the 71st go out with the 79th to join their comrades in Washington. They are under the command of Capt. Ellis, and will form a p
D. Morrison (search for this): chapter 246
. McFadgyen; Left Gen. Guide, J. Y. Ireland; Bugler, Charles Landerson; Drum Major, David Renanycink. field:--Company A--Captain, William Manson; 1st Lieut., William Morrison; 2d Lieut., John McPherson. Company B--Captain, James Farish; 1st Lieut., John Whyte; 2d Lieut., D. Falconer. Company C--Captain, F. Barclay; 1st Lieut., Kenneth Mathison; 2d Lieut., W. A. L. Ostrander. Company D (Fourth Company)--Captain, D. Brown; 1st Lieut., John Moore; 2d Lieut.,------Faulkner. Company E--Captain, D. Morrison; 1st Lieut., J. B. Ayres; 2d Lieut., J. B. Sinclair. Company F--Captain, James Christie; 1st Lieut., R. McNie; 2d Lieut., vacant. Company G--Captain, James Laing; 1st Lieut., J. L. Dick; 2d Lieut., W. B. Ives. Company H--Captain, James Colter; 1st Lieut., Robert Campbell; 2d Lieut., Wm. B. Drake. Company I--Captain, R. T. Shillinglaw; 1st Lieut., W. B. Elliott; 2d Lieut., George Pier. Company K--Captain, H. A. Ellis; 1st Lieut., S. R. Elliott; 2d Lieut, vacant. Lieut.-Col. Elliott
William Morrison (search for this): chapter 246
ng, S. McK. Elliott; Major, D. W. McLellan; Adjutant, D. Ireland; Quartermaster, P. Hause; Engineer, John Shaw; Surgeon, Dr. Norval; Chaplain, Charles Doty. non-commissioned Staff:--Sergeant Major, John Windsor; Quartermaster Sergeant, A. W. Elliott; Paymaster, J. R. Watson; Color Sergeant, James Cummings; Right Gen. Guide, D. McFadgyen; Left Gen. Guide, J. Y. Ireland; Bugler, Charles Landerson; Drum Major, David Renanycink. field:--Company A--Captain, William Manson; 1st Lieut., William Morrison; 2d Lieut., John McPherson. Company B--Captain, James Farish; 1st Lieut., John Whyte; 2d Lieut., D. Falconer. Company C--Captain, F. Barclay; 1st Lieut., Kenneth Mathison; 2d Lieut., W. A. L. Ostrander. Company D (Fourth Company)--Captain, D. Brown; 1st Lieut., John Moore; 2d Lieut.,------Faulkner. Company E--Captain, D. Morrison; 1st Lieut., J. B. Ayres; 2d Lieut., J. B. Sinclair. Company F--Captain, James Christie; 1st Lieut., R. McNie; 2d Lieut., vacant. Company G--Captain, James La
on; Color Sergeant, James Cummings; Right Gen. Guide, D. McFadgyen; Left Gen. Guide, J. Y. Ireland; Bugler, Charles Landerson; Drum Major, David Renanycink. field:--Company A--Captain, William Manson; 1st Lieut., William Morrison; 2d Lieut., John McPherson. Company B--Captain, James Farish; 1st Lieut., John Whyte; 2d Lieut., D. Falconer. Company C--Captain, F. Barclay; 1st Lieut., Kenneth Mathison; 2d Lieut., W. A. L. Ostrander. Company D (Fourth Company)--Captain, D. Brown; 1st Lieut., John Moore; 2d Lieut.,------Faulkner. Company E--Captain, D. Morrison; 1st Lieut., J. B. Ayres; 2d Lieut., J. B. Sinclair. Company F--Captain, James Christie; 1st Lieut., R. McNie; 2d Lieut., vacant. Company G--Captain, James Laing; 1st Lieut., J. L. Dick; 2d Lieut., W. B. Ives. Company H--Captain, James Colter; 1st Lieut., Robert Campbell; 2d Lieut., Wm. B. Drake. Company I--Captain, R. T. Shillinglaw; 1st Lieut., W. B. Elliott; 2d Lieut., George Pier. Company K--Captain, H. A. Ellis; 1st Lieut., S
James Colter (search for this): chapter 246
Lieut., John Whyte; 2d Lieut., D. Falconer. Company C--Captain, F. Barclay; 1st Lieut., Kenneth Mathison; 2d Lieut., W. A. L. Ostrander. Company D (Fourth Company)--Captain, D. Brown; 1st Lieut., John Moore; 2d Lieut.,------Faulkner. Company E--Captain, D. Morrison; 1st Lieut., J. B. Ayres; 2d Lieut., J. B. Sinclair. Company F--Captain, James Christie; 1st Lieut., R. McNie; 2d Lieut., vacant. Company G--Captain, James Laing; 1st Lieut., J. L. Dick; 2d Lieut., W. B. Ives. Company H--Captain, James Colter; 1st Lieut., Robert Campbell; 2d Lieut., Wm. B. Drake. Company I--Captain, R. T. Shillinglaw; 1st Lieut., W. B. Elliott; 2d Lieut., George Pier. Company K--Captain, H. A. Ellis; 1st Lieut., S. R. Elliott; 2d Lieut, vacant. Lieut.-Col. Elliott has three sons in the regiment. The arms of the regiment consist of about 100 Enfield rifles, and 700 altered muskets, and the ordinary bayonet. Sixty members of the 71st go out with the 79th to join their comrades in Washington. They ar
giment was escorted to the cars by the Caledonian club, nearly half of whose members are in the ranks of the 79th. The regiment numbers 800 men, exclusive of the band and drum corps. The Regimental band is Robinson's first city band, of 14 musicians, under the leadership of Mr. Robinson. The band has also volunteered for the war. The following is a list of the officers of the 79th:-- Staff:--Lieut.-Col. commanding, S. McK. Elliott; Major, D. W. McLellan; Adjutant, D. Ireland; Quartermaster, P. Hause; Engineer, John Shaw; Surgeon, Dr. Norval; Chaplain, Charles Doty. non-commissioned Staff:--Sergeant Major, John Windsor; Quartermaster Sergeant, A. W. Elliott; Paymaster, J. R. Watson; Color Sergeant, James Cummings; Right Gen. Guide, D. McFadgyen; Left Gen. Guide, J. Y. Ireland; Bugler, Charles Landerson; Drum Major, David Renanycink. field:--Company A--Captain, William Manson; 1st Lieut., William Morrison; 2d Lieut., John McPherson. Company B--Captain, James Farish; 1st Lie
George Pier (search for this): chapter 246
ny D (Fourth Company)--Captain, D. Brown; 1st Lieut., John Moore; 2d Lieut.,------Faulkner. Company E--Captain, D. Morrison; 1st Lieut., J. B. Ayres; 2d Lieut., J. B. Sinclair. Company F--Captain, James Christie; 1st Lieut., R. McNie; 2d Lieut., vacant. Company G--Captain, James Laing; 1st Lieut., J. L. Dick; 2d Lieut., W. B. Ives. Company H--Captain, James Colter; 1st Lieut., Robert Campbell; 2d Lieut., Wm. B. Drake. Company I--Captain, R. T. Shillinglaw; 1st Lieut., W. B. Elliott; 2d Lieut., George Pier. Company K--Captain, H. A. Ellis; 1st Lieut., S. R. Elliott; 2d Lieut, vacant. Lieut.-Col. Elliott has three sons in the regiment. The arms of the regiment consist of about 100 Enfield rifles, and 700 altered muskets, and the ordinary bayonet. Sixty members of the 71st go out with the 79th to join their comrades in Washington. They are under the command of Capt. Ellis, and will form a part of the engineer corps of that regiment. Twenty-five members of the 9th Regiment, N. Y.
John McPherson (search for this): chapter 246
ajor, D. W. McLellan; Adjutant, D. Ireland; Quartermaster, P. Hause; Engineer, John Shaw; Surgeon, Dr. Norval; Chaplain, Charles Doty. non-commissioned Staff:--Sergeant Major, John Windsor; Quartermaster Sergeant, A. W. Elliott; Paymaster, J. R. Watson; Color Sergeant, James Cummings; Right Gen. Guide, D. McFadgyen; Left Gen. Guide, J. Y. Ireland; Bugler, Charles Landerson; Drum Major, David Renanycink. field:--Company A--Captain, William Manson; 1st Lieut., William Morrison; 2d Lieut., John McPherson. Company B--Captain, James Farish; 1st Lieut., John Whyte; 2d Lieut., D. Falconer. Company C--Captain, F. Barclay; 1st Lieut., Kenneth Mathison; 2d Lieut., W. A. L. Ostrander. Company D (Fourth Company)--Captain, D. Brown; 1st Lieut., John Moore; 2d Lieut.,------Faulkner. Company E--Captain, D. Morrison; 1st Lieut., J. B. Ayres; 2d Lieut., J. B. Sinclair. Company F--Captain, James Christie; 1st Lieut., R. McNie; 2d Lieut., vacant. Company G--Captain, James Laing; 1st Lieut., J. L.
H. A. Ellis (search for this): chapter 246
ng; 1st Lieut., J. L. Dick; 2d Lieut., W. B. Ives. Company H--Captain, James Colter; 1st Lieut., Robert Campbell; 2d Lieut., Wm. B. Drake. Company I--Captain, R. T. Shillinglaw; 1st Lieut., W. B. Elliott; 2d Lieut., George Pier. Company K--Captain, H. A. Ellis; 1st Lieut., S. R. Elliott; 2d Lieut, vacant. Lieut.-Col. Elliott has three sons in the regiment. The arms of the regiment consist of about 100 Enfield rifles, and 700 altered muskets, and the ordinary bayonet. Sixty members of the tt has three sons in the regiment. The arms of the regiment consist of about 100 Enfield rifles, and 700 altered muskets, and the ordinary bayonet. Sixty members of the 71st go out with the 79th to join their comrades in Washington. They are under the command of Capt. Ellis, and will form a part of the engineer corps of that regiment. Twenty-five members of the 9th Regiment, N. Y. S. M., also go to Washington with the 79th. They are in charge of Sergeant Strong.--N. Y. Tribune, June 3.
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