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Mountain Green (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
taken from the making-cylinder, at the point where the couching roller bears upon the latter. In contradistinction to a mere carrying-felt. Mak′ing-i′ron. (Shipbuilding.) A large calking-iron with grooves lengthways of its face, used for the final driving of oakum into the seams. The iron is held by one man, and driven by another by means of a beetle; the process is called horsing-up. A horse-iron. After the making-iron, the seams are payed with melted pitch. Mal′a-chite. Mountain green. A native carbonate of copper. Ma-lax′a-tor. A mixing-mill. A cylinder having a rotating shaft and stirring-arms to incorporate materials. Coignet's malaxator for incorporating the ingredients of his concrete (see Beton) is supplied with the materials in graduated proportions, the energetic working permitting the use of a much smaller quantity of water than usual. Mortar-mills, pug-mills, and many other machines come under this description, e. g. machines for mixing the i
Atlantic Ocean (search for this): chapter 13
n latitude 60° to the west of Hudson's Bay, proceeds southeast through the North American lakes, passes the Antilles and Cape St. Roque till it reaches the South Atlantic Ocean, where it cuts the meridian of Greenwich in about 65° south latitude. The eastern line of no variation (1787) is extremely irregular, heaving curious cu Aristotle had said, 100 years before, that it was possible that Spain and India were only separated by the sea. Eratosthenes said that only the extent of the Atlantic Ocean prevented sailing from Spain to India along the same parallel. In the map of Ptolemy, the land grows toward sunrise, Burmah with the peninsula of Malacca come Phoenicians circumnavigated Africa in the seventh century B. C., as we learn from Herodotus. Strabo (writing about A. D. 18) says:— If the extent of the Atlantic Ocean were not an obstacle, we might easily pass by sea from Iberia [Spain] to India, still keeping in the same parallel. So Christopher Colon reasoned. See map
Japan (Japan) (search for this): chapter 13
d by the circuit of Europe and Asia, that the latter about fills the western hemisphere, the goodliest island of Cipango (Japan) lying off the coast of the far Cathay. In the mid-Atlantic is the island of Antilia, a spot partly conjectural, and alsntilia of Columbus, and yet the Queen of the Antilles, lies north and south, parallel with the coveted island of Zipango (Japan), which so persistently eluded the search of the man of Genoa, who tried to push his caravel through a continent. Sea-) It is now mined extensively at Idria, in the Schiefergebirge, and is found in Hungary, many parts of Germany, in China, Japan, Mexico, Honduras, Columbia, Peru, and California. The modes of obtaining mercury by the decomposition and distillatiotinate, and of New Almaden in California, are extensive and rich. The ore is also found in Peru, China, Hungary, Sweden, Japan, and Chili. In the furnace the ore is subjected to distillation in retorts which lead to condensing-chambers, or the b
Minnesota (Minnesota, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
33Ger. Kobold (a goblin). CopperCu.31.763.498.951,742.09501/582Diamg10356008499Lat. Cyprium (Cyprus). GoldAu98196.6619.342,282.03241/661Diamg.11112009878Hebrew. IridiumIr.99197.121.153,992.0326Diamg.15Tennant1804Lat. Iris (the rainbow). IronFe.2856.087.8442,912.11381/812Mag.164570 – 7204417 LeadPb.103.5206.9111.36617.03141/351Diamg.8101318298 LithiumLi.6.97.020593374.94081619Arfwedson1817Gr. Lithos (a stone). MagnesiumMg.,38215Davy1807Magnesia in Asia Minor. ManganeseMn.27.655.78.0133,452.01217Mag.4Gahn1740Magnesia in Asia Minor. MercuryHg.10020013.596— 40..0318Diamg.72The deity and planet. MolybdenumMo.46968.623,632.0722Hjelm1782Gr. Molybdos (lead). NickelNi.29.658.88.822,912.1086Mag.212913Cronstedt1751Ger. Kupfernickel. Osmium.Os.99.6198.821.43,992.0306Mag.10Tennant1804Gr. Osme (odor). Palladium.Pd.53.3106.4711.83,632.05931/1000Mag.85628018Wollaston1803The goddess and asteroid Pallas. PlatinumPt.98.7197.121.53,992.03241/1131Mag.9435603818Sp. dim.
Powder Mill (Kentucky, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
ting by Locket of Manchester, England. See under the following heads: — Amalgamator.Oil-cake mill. Arrastra.Oil-mill. Bait-mill.Ore-mill. Bark-mill.Paint-mill. Barker's mill.Pearl-barley machine. Barley-mill.Pearling-mill. Battery.Peat-machine. Bean-mill.Percussion-grinder. Bone-mill.Pestle. Boring-mill.Plaster-mill. Camp-mill.Polishing-machine. Cane-mill.Polishing-mill. Caoutchouc-mill.Porcelain-mill. Cement-mill.Porphyrization. Chilian mill.Post-mill. Chocolate-mill.Powder-mill. Cider-mill.Pug-mill. Clay-mill.Pulp-mill. Coal-breaker.Quartz-mill. Cocoa-mill.Quern. Coffee-huller.Rasping-mill. Coffee-mill.Revolving-pan mill. Corn-sheller.Rice-huller. Corn-mill.Rice-mill. Croze-mill.Rock-pulverizer. Crushing-mill.Roller-mill. Current-mill.Roughing-mill. Cylinder-mill.Runner-ball. Decorticator.Sand-crusher. Devil.Sand-pulverizer. Diamond-mortar.Saw-mill. Disintegrator.Sheller. Drug-mill.Shingle-mill. Edge-mill.Shingling-mill. Flatting-mill.Slitting
Holland (Netherlands) (search for this): chapter 13
Black-flux.Dead. Black-plate.De-silvering. Black-tin.De-sulphurizing ore. Blanched copper.Dilluing. Blanching.Dipping. Blazing-off.Dolly. Blister-steel.Double d'or. Block-furnace.Dradge. Bloom.Dross. Bloom-steel.Dry-gilding. Blow-pipe.Dutch gold. Blue-metal.Electro plating. Bluing.Electrum. Book.Eriquation. Boshes.Estufa process of extracting si. ver. Bottoms. Box-metalFagot. Brake-sieve.Fandon. Brass.Fauld. Brass-foil.Fetting. BrassingFiles. Tempering Brass-powder.Finined in the United States service is of brass, 24-pounder caliber, and weighs about 160 pounds. It is mounted on a wooden bed, having four handles at its sides, by which it can be readily carried by four men. It derives its name from the celebrated Dutch engineer officer Coehorn, to whom the invention is attributed. See Coehorn. In some European services much smaller mortars than these are recognized, weighing no more than 15 1/2 pounds, and attached to a stock. A small mortar of this kin
Chatham (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 13
may refer to a mural attachment, as in the case of the mural circle, for measuring arcs of the meridian. The instrument is permanently attached to a perpendicular wall. Mu-sette′. (Music.) A name by which the bagpipes are known among some of the European conti- nental nations. Named from a mountebank performer. Mush′room—an′chor. An anchor with a central shank and a head like a mushroom, so that it can grasp the soil however it may happen to fall. Invented by Hemman of Chatham, England, 1809. See anchor. That used by the United States Lighthouse Board for anchoring buoys is shaped like an inverted saucer, having a shackle and chain attached to the center of its convex side. The chain is just long enough to give the buoy sufficient prominence above the surface and allow for the rise and fall of tides. Mushroom-anchor. It imbeds itself in the ground, offering a strong resistance to an upward pull and not a little to a lateral one. a, can-buoy with anc
Columbia (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
been mined from time immemorial in Spain at Almaden in the province of La Mancha. Dioscorides separated mercury from cinnabar. (Humboldt.) Pliny states that 700,000 pounds (of cinnabar?) were received yearly from that source, and that the Greeks received it from thence 800 years previously to the date at which he wrote (A. D. 70). (See amalgam.) It is now mined extensively at Idria, in the Schiefergebirge, and is found in Hungary, many parts of Germany, in China, Japan, Mexico, Honduras, Columbia, Peru, and California. The modes of obtaining mercury by the decomposition and distillation of cinnabar have been very imperfect and wasteful; and even at this day, with all the advantages of skill and capital, the actual product is but a small proportion of the amount obtained by a careful analysis. It is understood that in Europe the ores are heated upon open arches and the vapors condensed within brick chambers. For detailed description of the process and apparatus, we must refer
Genoa (Italy) (search for this): chapter 13
ra-borealis forms the only trace of the North American continent, and might answer for Newfoundland. Cuba and parts of the South American continent are plotted as islands of the eastern coast of Asia, adjacent to Java major, Java minor, and Zipango, which more immediately fringed the Asiatic coast. Cuba, the Antilia of Columbus, and yet the Queen of the Antilles, lies north and south, parallel with the coveted island of Zipango (Japan), which so persistently eluded the search of the man of Genoa, who tried to push his caravel through a continent. Sea-charts were brought to England, 1489, by Bartholomew Columbus, to illustrate his brother's views respecting a western continent. The first tolerably accurate map of England was made by George Lilly, who died 1559. Gerard Mercator published his Atlas in 1556. In this, as in the modern maps on the Mercator projection, the meridians and parallels are straight lines and cut each other at right angles. The distance between the
South America (search for this): chapter 13
of the ground, the relative levels as ascertained by leveling during the progress of the survey, and such other details as are considered advisable, are represented by a peculiar system of shading and by symbols. The map is then ready to be transferred to copper, from which any number of copies may be printed. But a very small portion of the globe comparatively has been surveyed with an accuracy even approaching that above described. Africa, Asia, with the exception of British India, South America, a large part of North America, and even a considerable portion of Europe, afford no better data for the construction of maps than detached astronomical observations at different points and rudely measured or even estimated tables of distances. Points along the sea-coast have, owing to the requirements of commerce, been generally tolerably well determined, but our knowledge of the interior geography of several of the vast continents referred to is based largely upon mere report. Maps
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