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e, v. 142, VI. 210. XVII. 171.Elder, a. Elm, c. Broom, a; e, v. 94, VI. 210, XIII. 117, XV. 113.Ericaceae rushes, a. Erigerone, c. Erytoxylon guttafereae, a.Lily root, a. Esparte, c.Lime, c. Espartero, c.Linden, c : e, XVIII. 9. Esparto grass, b; c; e, XIV. 19, XV. 69, 108, 121, 138 : f, VI. 132, 150, 166, 186, VII. 5, 21, XIV. 178, 296; g, II. 24, 116, XVI. 187.Linden leaves, d. Linen, a. Liquorice wood, c. Liquorice root, e, IX. 173. Long moss, e, VI. 249. Euphorbiaceae, a.Lucerne, a; f, XI. 361, 430. Excrement of herb-eating animals, a; b; f, III. 59, VIII. 54.Lucipodium equisetum, a. Lychnophora, a. Fenequen (Sisulhemp, Sosquil), e, VI. 247, XVII. 171.Madder, a. Maize, a; e, IX. 184, x. 358, XI. 10, XIII. 117, XIV. 33, XV. 31, 49, XVII. 171. Ferns, a; f, III. 100, XIII. 117; g, II. 80, 81, 84. Fibrilia, e, XIII. 117.Maize husks, b. Fir, c.Mallow, d; e, XIII. 117. Flags, a.Malpighiaceae, a. Flax, a; e, VI. 236, XIII. 117, XIV. 17; f, XIV. 354, XVI. 17, 119.