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Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) 1,364 0 Browse Search
John A. Andrew 494 8 Browse Search
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Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) 321 3 Browse Search
B. F. Butler 204 0 Browse Search
Benjamin F. Butler 191 3 Browse Search
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) 186 2 Browse Search
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Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
d the attack made upon the Sixth Regiment at Baltimore. Meetings were held in city and town. Speeou send Massachusetts through the streets of Baltimore, and carry Lexington and the 19th of April ibodies of our Massachusetts soldiers dead in Baltimore to be immediately laid out, preserved with is of the dead. A despatch from the Mayor of Baltimore says the bodies cannot be sent on at presenty, and Sumner H. Needham, who were killed in Baltimore on the 19th of April, reached Boston. Even of three Massachusetts soldiers who fell at Baltimore. They were received by me at the depot, andho were killed, Charles Taylor was buried in Baltimore. No trace of his family or friends has evernt to send his troops to Fortress Monroe via Baltimore by rail. I had heard two months earlier froe bridges on his road between Perryville and Baltimore; and this suggested still more strongly thanthe bridges or the fight of 19th of April in Baltimore; and it is due to Samuel M. Felton, that the[16 more...]
England (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 3
sted blood, may turn the very arms in their hands against ourselves as a part of the oppressing white race? The reading of history, so familiar to your Excellency, will tell you, the bitterest cause of complaint which our fathers had against Great Britain, in the war of the Revolution, was the arming by the British Ministry of the red man with the tomahawk and the scalping-knife against the women and children of the colonies; so that the phrase, May we not use all the means which God and naturpoint in Governor Andrew's letter. The General goes into a long argument upon the question of slave insurrections, illustrating his meaning by references to the atrocities of San Domingo, and the barbarities committed by the Indian allies of Great Britain in the war of the Revolution. It is not our intention, however, to pursue this subject further. The correspondence makes an interesting episode in the war record of Massachusetts, and therefore could not properly be passed over without rema
Liverpool, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ld start for Washington this evening, if he had to walk all the way. Acknowledges the receipt from William Dehon of eighty-eight flannel shirts for the soldiers of Massachusetts who may be unprovided for in the present emergency. Requests S. G. Ward, of Boston, banker, to issue a letter of credit in favor of F. B. Crowninshield for fifty thousand pounds sterling. Telegraphs Simeon Draper, New York, that Mr. Crowninshield will be at Fifth Avenue Hotel to-night, to take steamer Persia for Liverpool on Wednesday. Writes to General Butler, that the citizens of Salem have appointed Dr. Lincoln R. Stone to attend to the wants of the companies that have marched from that city, and that he would see that the funds raised by subscription for that purpose may be properly expended. Writes to President Lincoln, that Ex-Governor Boutwell has been appointed the agent of the Commonwealth to proceed to Washington to confer with him in regard to the forts in Massachusetts and the militia. Govern
Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
by the Council. The Council approved Mr. Stone's account, and voted to pay him seventy-five dollars for his services, which he declined to receive, as he intended his services to be gratuitous. April 29.—Governor to Rev. Dr. Stearns, President of Amherst College: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter concerning the three young gentlemen, students of Amherst College,—Mr. James A. Rhea and Mr. Joseph B. Rhea, of Blountville, Tenn., and Mr. William A. Staymaker, of Alexandria, Va.,—who, you assure me, are loyal to their Government, and who, on account of the perils of the times, are summoned by their friends to return to their homes. No persons who are loyal to their Government need any passport or testimonial, from me or from any other person, to travel freely throughout this Commonwealth; and I feel confident, that the travel of such persons throughout the United States will be obstructed nowhere, unless by traitors and rebels, or as a military necessity by tr<
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 3
t may receive such assistance and co-operation from the United States as can with propriety be offered. Major Gordon, who winfident, that the travel of such persons throughout the United States will be obstructed nowhere, unless by traitors and rebe14. Will the banks of Massachusetts take $5,000,000 of United-States loan at par? If not,—supposing that the Legislature ofsachusetts should authorize a loan of $5,000,000 to the United States,—would the banks lend that amount to this Commonwealth?as high and cheerful as yours or mine,—the heroes! The United States have no blankets here; and all attempts possible have bents and disturbers of the peace of Maryland and of the United States. He received from the Governor and Mayor assurances ofile demonstrations against the laws of Maryland and the United States; and would protect both himself and the city of Annapolefore,—unless I am better advised,—any community in the United States who have met me in an honorable warfare, or even in
Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ition. He said,— 1st. I desire our Massachusetts troops to receive and have the first benefny, and turn over the stores to the senior Massachusetts officer in command. He was to bring back , with his guns. He was to offer to every Massachusetts command he fell in with to bring home any cess of your Administration, the people of Massachusetts are ready for the amplest and promptest obmost noble and highly cultivated men whom Massachusetts sent to the war, and who sacrificed his lihem until called for. God save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Richard H. Dana, Jr., of Cambron. General Cameron agreed to authorize Massachusetts to raise two regiments in addition to thatction of the Governor, offered such aid as Massachusetts could furnish to the pecuniary credit of to will know all that is done and sent from Massachusetts, and all that is wanted and received at Wan. I had seen much of him while he was in Massachusetts, raising and organizing his regiment, and [46 more...]
Worcester (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
r sections of people in this struggle: First, the ordinary masses, mingling mere enthusiasm in the battle; Second, those that have commercial interests,—the just-converted hunkerism; Third, the people,—the cordwainers of Lynn and the farmers of Worcester,—people who have no leisure for technicalities; Fourth, the Abolitionists, who thank God that he has let them see salvation before they die. Europe, and some of you, may think it a war of opinion; but years hence, when the smoke of the conflicthen we are advised that Major Ladd obtained fifteen days' rations in New York for the whole command, and, shipped them on board the steamers Ariel and De Soto, on which the troops sailed. Major Charles Devens, major of the Rifle Battalion of Worcester, will be found, among others, a most intelligent person with whom to consult. Learn and report, if possible, what aid, if any, is needed in the commissary and quartermaster's departments and on the medical staff. I desire you particularly<
Watertown (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
o the very limit of our resources and power. Will you put the six thousand rifles, now at the United-States Arsenal at Watertown, at our disposal for our men, and send immediately orders for that purpose? We shall be able to replace them at an earfilled the duty for which I have been detailed,—to remove certain arms and ammunition from the United-States Arsenal at Watertown, to the State Arsenal at Cambridge. Rev. George D. Wilde, of Salem, sends a roll of forty men for field-hospital corpsat the Governor send a force of militia to garrison the forts, and one company to each of the arsenals at Cambridge and Watertown, the whole not to exceed seven hundred men; the Adjutant-General to furnish subsistence, and the Quartermaster-General r. Boutwell succeeded in obtaining an order from General Wool upon the ordnance officer at the United-States Arsenal at Watertown, for four thousand stand of arms. These arms were what were known as the Windsor rifle, and had the sword bayonet. Up
Byfield (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
citizens of this town, being well acquainted with the use of the rifle, are anxious to form a company of sharpshooters. Captain Rand, First Regiment of Infantry, writes, At a meeting of my company, held last evening, it was unanimously voted to adopt the following as a company name, Schouler Volunteers, with many thanks to you for your numerous kindnesses. This company was Company I, First Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. Captain Rand was killed at Chancellorsville. Captain Peirson, of Byfield, volunteers his whole command (Company B, First Battalion of Rifles) for the war. May 1.—Samuel Fowler, of Westfield, writes, This town has appropriated ten thousand dollars for the equipment and outfit of a company of volunteers, and to drill them until called for. God save the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Richard H. Dana, Jr., of Cambridge, writes,— The topi I left with you yesterday is the result of fifty years experience of the British in the East. It is now universally u
Carlisle, Pa. (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 3
ch vessels as may have been purchased by Mr. Forbes. Senator Grimes, of Iowa, will probably give Mr. Crowninshield an order for arms. The United-States Government may do the same; but no definite action has yet been taken. Martial law will be proclaimed here to-morrow. Colonel Mansfield will be appointed general, and assigned to this district. He is one of the most efficient officers in the country. Baltimore is to be closed in from Havre-de-Grace, from the Relay House, from the Carlisle line, and by an efficient naval force. She will be reduced to unconditional submission. The passage of the troops through Maryland has had a great moral effect. The people are changing rapidly in the country places. Many instances of a popular revolution, in towns through which troops have passed or been stationed, have come to my knowledge. I came to Washington with the Twelfth New-York Regiment; and from Annapolis Junction there were cheers from three-fourths of the houses by the way
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