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Massachusetts (Massachusetts, United States) 1,364 0 Browse Search
John A. Andrew 494 8 Browse Search
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Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) 321 3 Browse Search
B. F. Butler 204 0 Browse Search
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United States (New Mexico, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
that the Governor can do by prayers, entreaties, arguments, and remonstrances, to induce the Federal Government to do justice to our prisoners by instituting a proper system of regular exchanges, has been done in vain. The Federal Administration have obstinately refused to institute such a system; and it is only by individual effort that our fellow-citizens can extricate their fathers, brothers, and sons from that Southern captivity. Jan. 22.—Governor writes to Hon. Roscoe Conkling, United-States House of Representatives, and now United-States Senator:— I have received, and perused with lively gratification, your speech, delivered on the 6th inst. For its lofty eloquence, and its tribute to the valor and devotedness of our soldiers,—particularly of the men of the Fifteenth and Twentieth Regiments,—I beg to tender you the homage of respectful and hearty gratitude. Jan. 27.—Governor writes to Edwin M. Stanton, who was recently appointed Secretary of War, in place of Mr
Taunton (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ith the President of the United States in regard to obtaining the release of Colonel Lee and Major Revere of the Twentieth Regiment, and of Captains Rockwood and Bowman of the Fifteenth Regiment, who are confined as hostages, in a felon's cell in Richmond, for captured rebel privateersmen. Jan. 8. In the Senate—Mr. Stockwell, of Suffolk, from the Committee on Printing, reported in favor of printing two thousand extra copies of the Adjutant-General's Report. In the House.—Mr. Brown, of Taunton, introduced an order directing the Committee on the Militia to consider the expediency of amending the law of 1861, so that each city and town shall provide for the support of persons who may be dependent on volunteers of this State mustered into the United-States service, and that each city and town shall be reimbursed from the State treasury for the money so expended. Jan. 9. In the House.—On motion of Mr. Stanwood, of Essex, the Committee on the Militia were instructed to report an am<
Newburyport (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ed as a band of brothers to the field to uphold the common flag, or to fall in its defence. Hon. Caleb Cushing, of Newburyport, senior member, called the House to order; in doing which, he made a short address, and referred to his services as a and taught in some of our public schools, and higher seminaries of learning. Jan. 6. In the House.—Mr. Cushing, of Newburyport, introduced an order that the Committee on the Militia consider the expediency of making provision for the families ofsachusetts soldiers who have enlisted in regiments belonging to other States. Jan. 10. In the House.—Mr. Carver, of Newburyport, introduced an order instructing the Committee on the Militia to inquire what amount of money was paid to the three moere passed in Washington, transacting business at the War Office. On the third day, accompanied by Colonel Coffin, of Newburyport, went on board a steamer, and were taken to Budd's Ferry, about fifty miles down the Potomac, on the Maryland side. H
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
nitude of the Rebellion, who never visited Washington in the years when it was being fought. On or about the 20th of July, the Governor despatched Colonel Ritchie, of his personal staff, to the James River, to make a personal examination into the condition of the Massachusetts regiments in General McClellan's army, which had fallen back from before Richmond to the James River, near Harrison's Landing and Malvern Hill. On the 28th of July, Colonel Ritchie had reached Harrison's Bar, James River, Va., where he wrote a long and interesting letter to the Governor. It appears that Colonel Ritchie went by way of Washington, where he found General Burnside, who had been summoned from North Carolina to a consultation with General Halleck; and they both left, that same day, for this place, to confer with General McClellan. This move on the part of General Halleck was intended to be kept a great secret, and he left Willard's almost in disguise; but, though no one at Fortress Monroe or thi
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
es whom New England would pour out to obey your call. A copy of this letter was sent to the Governors of the New-England States, in the thought that mutual conference might be useful, and tend to unite and concentrate opinion in New England upon the subject to which it relates. On the 25th of May, received from Mr. Stanton the following telegrams:— Send all the troops forward that you can, immediately. Banks is completely routed. The enemy are, in large force, advancing on Harper's Ferry. Intelligence from various quarters leaves no doubt that the enemy, in great force, are advancing on Washington. You will please organize and forward immediately all the volunteer and militia force in your State. Upon the receipt of these telegrams, orders were immediately issued by the Adjutant-General for the militia of the Commonwealth to report at once for duty on Boston Common, to proceed to Washington; and four thousand men were in Boston, and ready to start, on the 27th.
Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
of Virginia, the morasses of the Carolinas, and the swamps of Mississippi and Louisiana will never be forgotten by them. Agencies were also formed in Baltimore anm as the Eastern and Western Bay-State Regiments, were sent from the State to Louisiana without a single commissioned officer. Persons selected by General Butler ha Thirty-first, were directed by the Governor, upon joining their regiments in Louisiana, to make a careful examination of the qualifications of the gentlemen acting and Sixth Companies of Light Artillery, were in the Department of the Gulf in Louisiana. The Twenty-eighth Regiment of Infantry and the First Regiment of Cavalry wear, at different points,—from the valley of the Shenandoah to the lowlands of Louisiana. In the year before, they had been the first to reach Washington, and to plakeep step to the music of the Union, in the far-off plains of Mississippi and Louisiana. Before the end of the year, as we shall proceed to show, Massachusetts sold
Halls Hill (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
Mexico, under the late Emperor. Blenker's brigade was composed almost entirely of German regiments. The Massachusetts regiments named above were encamped near Hall's Hill. The camps of many of the regiments were decorated with evergreens; beautiful arches, made of pines and cedars, adorned the company streets. On a large, open uarters of the Eighteenth and Twenty-second Regiments, where he found the men in good health, and supplied with every necessary for camp life, he passed on over Hall's Hill and Minor's Farm, through fields made desolate by war, to the camp of the Ninth Regiment, stationed within a mile of Fall's Church, which was plainly in sight, though it was within the rebel lines, where pickets were plainly visible. Between Hall's Hill and the camp of the Ninth is a large field, where a skirmish had taken place some months before. The graves of the men who had fallen, and the skeletons of dead horses, half buried, mark the spot. He found Colonel Cass in his tent, an
Quincy (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
lifications of the gentlemen acting as officers, and to report to him the names of those who were qualified, that they might receive their commissions. This duty was performed, and, in due time, the officers were properly commissioned. The young gentleman, Mr. Morton, referred to in the above letter, was afterwards commissioned by the Governor in one of the cavalry companies raised by General Butler, and serving in the Department of the Gulf. He was a good officer, and died at his home in Quincy, before the end of the war, from disease contracted in the service. Feb. 20.—The Governor writes to Mr. Stanton,— I earnestly desire authority to change the battalion at Fort Warren to a regiment. It consists of six companies, and needs the staff officers pertaining to a regiment. Major Parker has repeatedly urged this, and is by my side while now writing. The battalion here spoken of was raised by Francis J. Parker, of Boston, for garrison duty at Fort Warren, and remained th
Lynn (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
more friendly, and as if the State was solicitous about them. No harm done now, however. From this period until the end of the war, the number of our sick and wounded soldiers increased; and the duties of the several State agents were rendered more important and arduous. The Governor was fortunate in the selection of gentlemen to fill these places, and discharge these duties. The most important of these agencies was the one established in Washington, of which Colonel Gardiner Tufts, of Lynn, was placed in charge. A brief sketch of its origin and subsequent growth deserves a place in this volume, and may as well be given now as hereafter. When our Sixth Regiment reached Washington, April 19, 1861, it was ordered to the Capitol, and quartered in the Senate wing. No provision had been made for the wounded; but by advice of Major McDowell, U. S. A., they were taken in carriages by the Massachusetts residents, who met the regiment at the depot, to the Providence Hospital. This
James Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
rady, Esq., of that city, and by prominent Irish gentlemen of Boston. The Governor had no acquaintance with Colonel Monteith, but commissioned him upon the representations made of his fitness by the gentlemen referred to. In five days after Colonel Ritchie wrote the report from which we quote,—viz., on the 5th of August,— Colonel Monteith was discharged. Colonel Ritchie left Fortress Monroe on Saturday, the 26th, for Harrison's Landing, in the mail-boat, taking a gunboat as convoy from James Island, about sixty miles up the river. The passage was somewhat hazardous, and very exciting. On landing, he says,— I should have been miserably helpless, had not General Devens sent down his orderlies, with horses and wagon, and Lieutenant Church Howe, aide-de-camp to General Sedgwick, to show me the way. We had to take refuge at this general's headquarters. This gave me a chance of talking with him. He spoke most warmly of the Fifteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth, which are in his di<
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