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High Bridge (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): chapter 205
her general officers, with most of Ewell's corps. The next day, the seventh of April, the Fifth corps was moved to the left toward Prince Edward's Court-house. The Second corps resumed the direct pursuit of the enemy, coming up with him at High bridge over the Appomattox. Here the enemy made a feeble stand with his rearguard, attempting to burn the railroad and common bridge. Being driven off by Humphreys, he succeeded in burning three spans of the railroad bridge, but the common bridge was saved, which Humphreys immediately crossed in pursuit, the enemy abandoning eighteen guns at this point. Humphreys came up with the enemy at the intersection of the High bridge and Farmville roads, where he was found intrenched behind rail breastworks, evidently making a stand to cover the withdrawal of his trains. Before reaching this point Humphreys had detached Barlow's division to the left toward Farmville. Near Farmville Barlow found the enemy, who was about evacuating the place, whi
Stony Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 205
t our advance encountered a small picket of the rebel cavalry and drove it to the left across Stony creek, capturing a few prisoners, from whom, and from my scouts, I learned that the enemy's cavalry was at or near Stony creek depot, on the Weldon railroad, on our left flank and rear. Believing that it would not attack me, and that by pushing on to Dinwiddie Court-house I could force it to makebrigade, of Crook's division, was held on the Boydton plank-road, and guarded the crossing of Stony creek, forcing the enemy's cavalry, that was moving from Stony creek depot to form a connection witStony creek depot to form a connection with the right of their army, to make a wide detour, as I had anticipated, on the south roads of Stony creek and west of Chamberlain's bed — a very fatiguing march in the bad condition of the roads. A Stony creek and west of Chamberlain's bed — a very fatiguing march in the bad condition of the roads. A very heavy rain fell during this day, aggravating the swampy nature of the ground, and rendering the movement of troops almost impossible. General Merritt's reconnoissance developed the enemy in str
Five Forks (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 205
nt success of the cavalry and Fifth corps at Five Forks, orders were sent to Generals Parke and Wrigrt taken by the Fifth corps in the battle of Five Forks; to the gallant assault, on the second insta Devin commanding, to gain possession of the Five Forks, on the White Oak road, and directed General of the First division got possession of the Five Forks, but in the mean time the Fifth Army Corps, dly from the front of the Fifth corps to the Five Forks, driving in our cavalry advance, and moving n the road by Crump's house, coming into the Five Forks near J Boisseau's house, between seven and einwiddie Court-house, on the road leading to Five Forks, for three quarters of a mile, with General ld drive the enemy, with the cavalry, to the Five Forks, press them inside of their works, and make White Oak road, and about one mile from the Five Forks. Two divisions of the corps were to form therushed at Sutherland's depot. I returned to Five Forks, and marched out the Ford road toward Hatche[2 more...]
Appomattox (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 205
f that stream, but they would not stand to fight, and our cavalry pursued them in a direction due north to the Namozine road. Crossing Hatcher's run with the Fifth corps, the Southside railroad was struck at Ford's depot, meeting no opposition, and the Fifth corps marched rapidly toward Sutherland's depot, in flank and rear of the enemy opposing Miles. As he approached that point the force of the enemy fled before the Fifth corps could reach them, retreating along the main road by the Appomattox river, the cavalry and Crawford's division of the Fifth corps engaging them slightly about dusk. On the morning of the third our cavalry took up the pursuit, routing the enemy's cavalry, and capturing many prisoners. The enemy's infantry was encountered at Deep creek, where a severe fight took place. The Fifth corps followed up the cavalry rapidly, picking up many prisoners and five pieces of abandoned artillery, and a number of wagons. The Fifth corps, with Crook's division of cavalry, e
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 205
cavalry headquarters, May 16, 1865. General — I have the honor to submit the following narrative of the operations of my command during the recent campaign in front of Petersburg and Richmond, terminating with the surrender of the rebel Army of Northern Virginia, at Appomattox Court-house, Virginia, on April 9, 1865: On March twenty-sixth my command, consisting of the First and Third cavalry divisions, under the immediate command of Brevet Major-General Wesley Merritt, crossed the James river by the bridge at Jones' landing, having marched from Winchester, in the Shenandoah valley, via White House, on the Pamunkey river. On March twenty-seventh this command went into camp near Hancock station, on the military railroad in front of Petersburg, and on the same day the Second cavalry division, which had been serving with the Army of the Potomac, reported to me under the command of Major-General George Crook. The effective force of these three divisions was as follows: Genera
Dinwiddie Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 205
encountered the enemy's cavalry at Chamberlain's creek, at a point a little north and west of Dinwiddie, making demonstrations to cross. Smith's brigade was ordered to hold them in check and Gregg'. The following are the instructions sent to General Warren: cavalry headquarters, Dinwiddie C. H., April 1, 1865--3 A. M. I am holding in front of Dinwiddie Court-house, on the road lead to the Boydton road. General Gregg's brigade and General Gibbs' brigade, who had been toward Dinwiddie. then attacked the enemy in the rear very handsomely. This stopped the march toward the left of our infantry, and finally caused them to turn toward Dinwiddie, and attack us in heavy force. The enemy then again attacked at Chamberlain's creek and forced Smith's position. At this time Capey handsome fight occurred. The enemy have gained some ground, but we still hold in front of Dinwiddie, and Davies and Devin are coming down the Boydton road to join us. The opposing force was P
Malone (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 205
y-ninth March, in conjunction with the armies operating against Richmond, and in the subsequent operations I was under the immediate orders of the Lieutenant-General commanding. I moved by the way of Reams' station, on the Weldon railroad, and Malone's crossing, on Rowanty creek, where we were obliged to construct a bridge. At this point our advance encountered a small picket of the rebel cavalry and drove it to the left across Stony creek, capturing a few prisoners, from whom, and from my reaching the Court-house about five o'clock, P. M., encountering only a small picket of the enemy, which was driven away by our advance. It was found necessary to order General Custer's division, which was marching in the rear, to remain near Malone's crossing, on the Rowanty creek, to assist and protect our trains, which were greatly retarded by the almost impassable roads of that miry section.The First and Second divisions went into camp, covering the Vaughan, Flat Foot, Boydton plank, and
Farmville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 205
, intelligence was received that Lee had moved from Amelia Court-house toward Farmville.The direction of the corps was changed, and the six corps moved from the righ Humphreys came up with the enemy at the intersection of the High bridge and Farmville roads, where he was found intrenched behind rail breastworks, evidently makinaching this point Humphreys had detached Barlow's division to the left toward Farmville. Near Farmville Barlow found the enemy, who was about evacuating the place, part of Miles' division. The Sixth corps moved early in the morning toward Farmville, but finding the road occupied, first by the cavalry and subsequently by the e the enemy's trains were discovered moving in the direction of Burksville or Farmville, escorted by heavy masses of infantry and cavalry, and it soon became evidentrook continued the direct pursuit, encountering the main body of the enemy at Farmville, and again on the north side of the Appomattox, where the enemy's trains were
Burksville (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 205
ratively small force opposed to him and pursued his march to Burksville Junction. A despatch from General Lee's chief commissary to the commissary at Danville and Lynchburg, requiring two hundred thousand rations to be sent to meet the Army at Burksville, was here intercepted. So soon as I found that the entire army of the enemy was concentrated at Amelia Court-house, I forwarded promptly all the information I had obtained to General Meade and the Lieutenant-General. On the morning of April fof General Merritt's command. The Fifth corps had been returned to the command of General Meade at his request. I afterward regretted giving up the corps. When near Deatonsville the enemy's trains were discovered moving in the direction of Burksville or Farmville, escorted by heavy masses of infantry and cavalry, and it soon became evident that the whole of Lee's army was attempting to make its escape. Crook was at once ordered to attack the trains, and, if the enemy was too strong, one of
City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 205
f the Second corps. Major-General Parke's attack at four A. M. was also successful, carrying the enemy's lines, capturing guns and prisoners, but the position of the Ninth corps, confronting that portion of the enemy's line, the longest held and most strongly fortified, it was found he held a second and inner line, which Major-General Parke was unable to carry. Receiving a despatch during the morning from Major-General Parke, reporting his being pressed by the enemy, the troops left in City Point defences, under Brigadier-General Benham and Brevet Brigadier-General Collis, were ordered up to General Parke's support; their prompt arrival enabling them to render material assistance to General Parke in holding his lines. So soon as Major-General Wright's success was reported, Major-General Humphreys was ordered to advance with the remaining divisions of his corps; Hays, on the right, advanced and captured a redoubt in front of the Crow house, taking a gun and over one hundred priso
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