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tion. Of this class I must mention Captain T. W. Scott, Ninety-eighth Illinois volunteers, my A. A. A. General; Captain W. W. Shoemaker, Fourth O. V. cavalry, A. D. C.; Lieutenant Henry Deiring, Fourth O. V. cavalry, A. D. C., and Lieutenant S. S. egiment, was wounded near the works, and died shortly after. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, W. W. Shoemaker, Captain Commanding Fourth Ohio Volunteer Cavalry. Major R. Burns, A. A. A. G., Second Brigade. headquarters Chicagh Indiana Major J. J. Weiler Found four two-pounder guns buried at Macon. John H. Booth Corporal 4th Ohio V. C. Captain W. W. Shoemaker First on the works at Selma, April second. Instantly killed. Hoffman Captain 98th Illinois Lieut.-Colonel E. Ky for Brevet. A. A. I. G. Second Brigade. F. W. Scott Captain 98th Illinois Brigadier-General Eli Long A. A. A. G. W. W. Shoemaker Captain 4th Ohio V. C. Brigadier-General Eli Long A. D. C. Henry Deiring Lieutenant 4th Ohio V. C. Brigadier-Genera