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ision of the Twenty-third halted, and began to throw up breastworks to meet any sudden emergency, while the skirmishers were still advancing slowly, feeling the enemy's position. The Third division had not yet come up. The Fourteenth Kentucky, Strickland's brigade, of the Twenty-third corps, were acting as skirmishers in front of the brigade, and were nearly a mile in advance, when they ran suddenly upon a picket company, which was just being thrown out as skirmishers in front of the rebel Gene About one hundred and seventy-five prisoners were captured by the Twenty-third corps during the day by a rapid advance upon their skirmish line. Utoy Creek, August 8, 1864. The movements of the day were summed up in the occupation, by Colonel Strickland's brigade, of the south bank of Utoy. The passage was effected with little difficulty, and the brigade, forming on the south bank. began to advance through a corn-field, when they encountered two rebel lines of battle, and retired to thei