ered the horrors of slavery, 188; and Emerson, 226, 227; certain ante-bellum doings of, 244 if.; and English liberals, 249, 250.
And see Abolition, Antislavery, Lunt Committee, National Anti-Slavery Society, Rynders Mob, Thompson.
Adams, Charles Francis, 250.
Adams, John, 49.
Adams, John Quincy, not an Abolitionist, 88, 89; character of, 89, go; his service in Congress in old age, 90-92; and Massachusetts, 92; 7,50. African Repository, The, 63, 64.
agitator, what is an?
Alcott, A. Bronson, 80.
Andrew, John A., 243.
Anti-Slavery, G. and, 97 if.; G.'s conduct during Boston mob an exemplification of the policy, 117; political history of, where to be found, 136; meeting at Broadway Tabernacle, 203 if.; a sort of special illumination, 228; agitation in Edinburgh, 246; meeting in London, 246, 247.
And see Abolition, Abolitionists, National Anti-Slavery Society.
Anti-Slavery League, organized by G. in London, 246, 247.
Anti-Slavery societies in 1830, 47, 48; overslaug